Chapter 60

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Chapter 60

    "You made me laugh. The demon lord seems to be busy. Let's pay my respects to the demon lord another day." Yu Muran's gentle attitude made Qi Chu feel very unfriendly and overly polite, but he was relentless when draining human blood hesitate.

    Yu Muran stretched out his right hand and made a gesture of invitation, "I'll take the girl to the Demon Abyss first, the girl's sword seems to need healing." Having guessed the

    purpose, Qi Chu could only purse his lips and follow without saying a word. past.

    The scorching lava in the center of the Moyuan is constantly bursting with bright red bubbles, and the heat waves that appear from time to time make it difficult for people to move. A large amount of magic energy rises from the blasted magma and turns into a thick purple fog.

    The moment the Demon Spirit Sword approached the Moyuan, it emitted a bright light, escaped from Qi Chu's hand, and rose into the air. The broken spirit body was like a beast that had been hungry for a long time. All the high-concentration magic energy was sucked in.

    The magic energy seemed to be sucked into the vortex, and was swallowed up in an instant, leaving only a sudden and clean spherical space.

    The shattered spirit body slowly gathers in the strong demonic energy, the spirit body floating in the air gradually completes, a red light shines, the complete spirit body returns to the sword body, and the sword in midair slowly lowers, Qi Chu He reached out and caught the sword.

    "A Ling?" Qi Chu called out uncertainly, but there was no reply.

    "Little girl, don't worry, the demon has just recovered, and it will take some time to wake up. Please move to the garden first." The

    so-called garden doesn't have any flowers, and there are dry vines standing on the brown ground everywhere. There is a table in the middle of the vines, with a stool next to the table, and on the stool sits a skeleton wearing a green shirt, and the pattern of the Mu Cangzong clan is printed on the green shirt.

    I saw Yu Muran quickly walked towards the sitting skeleton, and half-kneeled beside the skeleton: "Yunyun, wait a little longer, soon, soon I will be full of flowers on this mountain, when the time comes, your The disease will be cured."

    As he said, he held the skeleton's hand and pressed it tightly to his face.

    Qi Chu looked at Yu Muran's actions meaningfully, "Do you know formation?"

    A formation was set up around the "garden" to block the magic energy and high temperature, but it was useless to block the magic energy in the air. The land around the magic abyss was deadly poison to plants.

    "It's useless to block the demonic energy in the air. There is also a lot of demonic energy in the ground." Qi Chu said, grabbed a handful of soil, and burned the soil with spiritual power. Black smoke is emitted under burning.

    "Then what should we do?" Yu Muran looked at the purified soil in Qi Chu's hands, and it really looked quite different from before.

    Qi Chu thought for a while, "First, after you destroy the magic abyss, the soil will be purified after a long time if no magic power is produced; second, I heard that there is a magic weapon that can automatically generate spiritual power. Planting magic tools to plant flowers near Moyuan, positive and negative balance, should be able to grow what you want."

    Although they are all guesses, but they are so crazy, what judgment is left, what we need to do now is to first Let him give up continuing to take water from people.

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