Chapter 58

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Chapter 58

    Just as Lin Ji wanted to continue asking, she calmly picked up a stone, injected a little spiritual power, and bounced it on Lin Ji's forehead.

    Well, it's clean.

    After looking around and making sure that there was no one around, Qi Chu squatted down and poured his spiritual power into the ground. In an instant, several huge vines sprang up from the ground, swinging their teeth and claws in the air, and then carried out according to the order. After tidying up the messy mound of graves, the soil was rolled up in Lin Ji and sent to another place.

    This is a spiritual grass planted by Qi Chu by accident. The spiritual grass is like a vine, and usually hides in the ground to absorb the spiritual energy of the world, but as long as it is given instructions and rewarded with spiritual power, it will obey her instructions.

    Unexpectedly, after so many years, it still remembered its password.

    Qi Chu put away the Magic Water Sword, stepped on the ordinary blade again, flew around Yunlan Peak, and saw Lu Li, who was shining golden light with spiritual power, beside the Lanshui Lake in the northwest corner, the dazzling light Reflecting the water of the lake, the spiritual power fluctuates on the surface of the lake.

    "He built the foundation?" Qi Chu flew down and landed beside him.

    It is said in the cultivation world that most opportunities for foundation building are in secret realms. This is the first time she has seen someone else build a foundation in the outside world. Besides, she has only imparted the spiritual method for half a month. Could it be that she is especially good at teaching others?

    Qi Chu thought that his junior brother's progress was also rapid.

    Tsk tsk, she is also very good at rounding up.

    Taking another look, she found that the other party was still adjusting her spiritual power steadily, so she stepped on the flying sword again and flew away.

    Lu Li felt the person walking away, slowly opened his eyes, raised his head, looked at Qi Chu who was flying away, and withdrew the spiritual power from his body.

    He just adjusted the value of the spiritual power restriction bracelet to Foundation Establishment.

    On the other side, Qi Chu found Lin Ji who was fainted in the woods, and patted his face, "Wake up, wake up."

    After Lin Ji made a few incomprehensible noises, he opened his eyes with difficulty. After seeing Qi Chu's face, he suddenly opened his eyes wide, and took a few steps back, "You, why did you knock me out just now! And why are you digging people's graves!"

    Qi Chu looked at him with "shock" and frowned.

    "What do you think I'm doing! Look at the grave... Where is the grave?" Lin Ji looked at the surrounding woods, which was completely different from what he had just seen. Besides, when he came, he knew that Qi Chu couldn't carry anyone, so he was even more worried. It can't be that she moved herself here, looking at Qi Chu shocked and looking at him, it's like just now, are you lying?

    "No! Don't try to lie to me! I was clearly not here just now!" Lin Ji believed in his memory very much.

    Qi Chu still didn't say anything, shook his head and sighed.

    "No! I didn't lie!" Lin Ji really panicked now, did he have hallucinations?

    Qi Chu pointed to the flowers and plants around, "Ecstasy grass and dream flowers, classmate Lin, you should look around more when you walk in the future, but this kind of grass is relatively rare, and people with a firm will generally don't..." Without words After finishing speaking, she exaggeratedly covered her mouth, waved her hand, "I made a slip of the tongue."

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