Chapter 52

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Chapter 52

    "Afraid of death, why aren't you afraid? Of course I am." Qi Chu said with a smile, "However, people are mortal. It is my own business to choose how to live." Lu Yun sighed softly, "If you

    want It's decided, I can tell the head, but I can't be sure whether it will be done or not."

    Qi Chu nodded with a smile, "Thank you, Xian Zhang."

    When Qi Chu returned to the room, Lu Li was no longer in sight. , She quickly forgot all the minor changes that just happened, took the medicine and wiped it on her face, and then re-tied the bandages again and again. After she was ready, she sat cross-legged on the bed and practiced mentality.

    The Yunkun Mountain Range, in the entire cultivation world, is a blessed land with the most prosperous aura, and as the son of the deputy head, Lu Yun received the aura from Yunque Peak second only to the main peak, Yunkun Peak.

    It's just that Lu Yun is weak, so he can't use the spiritual power on Skylark Peak to the maximum.

    The mountains are full of spiritual energy, and Qi Chu is able to operate the spiritual power with ease. After one night, the spiritual power lost in the spiritual veins has almost been replenished, but she has fainted twice due to excessive use of spiritual power. He took the health-enhancing pills from the bag and swallowed them, then crossed his legs and continued to practice.

    The sect master's exit ceremony in the distance is in full swing. Lu Li went back to Yuncang Peak last night and locked himself in the secret room. If Lu Yun hadn't arrived in time, he might not have just taken off his senior sister. The bandages, but instead of stopping the demons, he enjoyed it.

    Senior sister... Lu Li pinched his hand, bloodshot eyes.

    The head of the sect was wearing an ink-dyed costume, looked at the lone red below, and sighed softly.

    One is in confinement, the other is insane, and only Lu Yunlai is the leader.

    And the deputy head, Lu Jianzhi, who hadn't shown up for a long time, followed behind the head and walked down the stairs.

    "Father." Lu Yun hadn't seen Lu Jianzhi for a long time, so he went forward excitedly.

    "Nonsense, the sect master's exit ceremony, don't greet the master first, what are you doing here?" Lu Jianzhi's tone was serious, but his face was full of smiles.

    "Hey, Jianzhi, my son hasn't seen his father for a long time, and it's human nature to be happy. Don't blame him." Lu Wu patted Lu Yun's shoulder lightly, "Thank you for your hard work.

    " Since the death of the senior sister, Lu Yun has been handling the affairs of the sect, and Su Yuqing's nonsense this time is also Lu Yun's aftermath. No matter what the matter is, it is worthy of the words "hard work".     He bowed to compose, saluted and said modestly

    : "It's all a matter of duty. Lu Yun can live to this day, thanks to the love of the head."

Successfully lived to the lifespan of an ordinary person, let alone comprehension.

    "That's that." Lu Jianzhi smiled and stroked the beard on his chin.

    "Hey, the sect is a family, why bother to see outsiders like this." The head of the sect glanced at the crowd at the bottom of the steps, "It's just a pass, so there's no need to make such a big fanfare." "They are all spontaneous.

    " Wanting to catch a glimpse of the master's demeanor is not an intentional arrangement." Lu Yun followed the master's line of sight and looked, and sure enough, senior brother Lu Li did not come.

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