Chapter 56

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Chapter 56

    Lin Ji also saw her in the crowd, and hurried over, "You, are you okay?"

    Qi Chu looked tired, too lazy to answer these gossips, she shook her head at Lin Ji.

    As long as she didn't find the divine beast, Lin Ji couldn't go back. Thinking of this, Qi Chu looked at Lin Ji with regret.

    Lin Ji suddenly had a bad premonition, this guy probably did something bad again.

    Seeing that she didn't fight back, the outer disciples regained their spirits: "Look, look, let me tell you, how could a trainee come out of the secret realm unscathed? Come out and admit defeat!"

    Qi Chu was so exhausted that she didn't want to hear these people yelling at all, she adjusted some of the mana in the ring, and whispered: "Sword up."

    With a gesture of slashing open , The sword blade flew up, and stabbed at the dancing outer disciples, a cold light flew past, and with a bang, the sword blade was directly inserted into the wall behind the cafeteria.

    The surrounding noise stopped instantly.

    "Just now! What happened?"

    "She... She's     wielding the sword ?


He, it was a matter of minutes, he had no power to parry, obviously he was the disciple of Yuntianzong.

    "You, you pay for my clothes!"

    But before he could say a second sentence, a pendant suddenly fell out of his sleeve.

    "Could this be exorcism incense? So he is so afraid of death, is he going to use it in the secret realm?"

    Several people whispered.

    "Exorcism incense?" Qi Chu picked up the pendant on the ground, took it in his hand and looked around, the monks in his previous life took it as his duty to exorcise demons, so he never used this kind of prop, "Is there any incense for attracting demons? "

    "Hahaha, are you crazy? Is it too long to recruit demons in the secret realm?" Several outer disciples laughed at Qi Chu, feeling that sometimes she knew too much about cultivation, and sometimes she seemed to know nothing at all. .

    Qi Chu smelled the exorcism incense, and immediately knew the spirit grass used, "Is this in high demand?"

    Lin Ji looked at it disdainfully, "I know some monks are secretly using it, but if the monks don't remove it Demons, if you just exorcise demons, the demons will go to the place of ordinary people, and those ordinary people are even more incapable of dealing with demons.” “

    Then why not just sell them to ordinary people?” Qi Chu smiled and took the exorcism incense Throw it back to the monk.

    A few outer disciples opened their eyes like copper bells, "Are you crazy? Ordinary people don't have spirit stones, and those money are useless to us." "Hmph, that's because

    you are short-sighted." Qi Chu waved his hand, Put the sword back into its sheath, "I don't have time to talk nonsense with you, if you want to challenge me, I will accompany you at any time, if you have time to gather here and talk nonsense, why not find a way to enhance your ability, fear of death is not ashamed, the shame is Don’t think that exorcism incense can really protect you for the rest of your life.”

    Qi Chu’s words were short and to the point, and the outer disciple who was still showing off his power just now also shut up behind her sword. As disciples of Yuntianzong, they actually wanted to rely on exorcism incense to save their lives. This time, they lost without any suspense.

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