Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

    The two became friends with each other, and Lu Li sent Qi Chu a message that he needed to take a week off. Recently, business has been sluggish, and there are no commissions to accept, so she just replied with a [OK. 】

    Suddenly had the illusion of being the boss.

    Lu Li had already returned to Yuncang Peak when he received the message.

    When Bai Ling saw the faint smile on his master's face, he felt that it was even more terrifying than the escape of the monsters in the Buzhou tower. He barely maintained his mentality, "Master, are you back? The master is still here!" There is nothing unusual around Buzhou Pagoda."

    "Yeah." Lu Li looked at the blacked-out screen of his phone, smiling.

    Bai Ling felt that the sky was falling, and the master, who was always as cold as ice, was actually laughing now.

    "I'm going to Yunlan Peak, you help me guard it." Lu Li took out the storage bag from the cabinet and put it in his hand.

    "Yunlanfeng! Master, didn't you seal that place yourself? Besides, you... never allow anyone to approach. Once the mountain protection array is opened, the whole sect will know about it!" Bai Ling raised his voice in fright. .

    "I only opened a gap, you guard it for me, and don't let anyone in, especially Su Yuqing." When Lu Li mentioned this person, his expression was not very good.     "But little uncle, I can't stop..." In the past, when Su Yuqing came to Yuncang Peak to find someone, Bai Ling couldn't stop her. It wasn't until Lu Li set up a restriction that she couldn't help it. With an infatuated appearance, she has no choice but to love the wrong person, this is an iceberg.     "Tell her, if you dare to come in, don't blame me for not thinking about the friendship of the same family." After Lu Li finished speaking, he stepped on the flying sword and flew towards Yunlan Peak with a hissing sound.     Among the seventy-two peaks and thirty-six caves in Yunkun Mountain, the one with the most spiritual power is Yunkun Peak where the head is, followed by Lu Li's Yuncang Peak. Zong's elder sister is famous for planting spiritual grasses all over the mountains and plains.

    Even though Yunlanfeng is next to Yunxianfeng of Buzhou Pagoda, which suppressed the big demon, it still couldn't resist the enthusiasm of the spirit-seekers, but this was all before the death of the elder sister, and now Yun Lanfeng is a taboo place, no one dares to approach it, except Lu Li.

    Bai Ling had no choice but to grit his teeth and follow, but when he reached Yunlan Peak, Lu Li had already opened a corner of the magic circle and walked in, "Master..." Lu Li ignored Bai Ling's

    call and left without looking back. Ling could only hug himself with both hands, trembling.

    It is rumored that this place is dark and terrifying, because on the day when the eldest sister fell, the world changed, and the monsters in the pagoda were howling continuously. Crying, looking at the torn gap: ", you have to come back soon."

    Su Yuqing received the news from nowhere, and flew to Yunlan Peak.

    Bai Ling shivered without even shaking to warm his body, when he saw Su Yuqing flying towards Yunlan Peak, Bai Ling was shocked, "It's my uncle, it's not good! I can't stop her!" Su Yuqing was still thinking of a way

    , After discovering Bai Ling, she flew to his side and landed lightly. When she saw the opened mountain protection array, she said with a grim expression, "Get out of the way!" "

    Master said, no one can enter." Especially you! Bai Ling opened his hands, swearing to the death to block the gap.

    "Presumptuous, I'm your uncle! Do you understand the rules!" Su Yuqing lifted the sword, "Don't get out of the way, don't blame me for being rude!" "No, no, no,

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