Chapter 48

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Chapter 48

    "What are you all doing together?" Bai Ling stood outside, his voice was not too loud, but it was enough for everyone to hear.

    A group of people turned their heads and saw the clothes on Bai Ling's body, as if they had found a helper: "They were the ones who started the trouble first, they looked down on Yun Tianzong." "

    What?" Bai Ling walked forward quickly, pushing aside the crowd, " I'd like to see who dares to look down on Yun Tianzong."

    Pulling away from the crowd, Bai Ling saw Lu Li's stern eyes, and was so frightened that he froze in place, unable to utter the harsh words just now.

    Qi Chu walked around in front of Lu Li, looked at Bai Ling who was coming from behind, and smiled, "Immortal Bai Ling, your sect's skill at turning right from wrong into black and white is truly amazing." Bai Ling was so angry that he gritted his teeth, thinking that it was because of you and me just now that he was killed

    . Master Uncle Lu Yun was arrested for questioning, he didn't care about his master being nearby, he wanted to argue with reason, "Don't be bloody, our Yuntian Sect regards fairness and fairness as a model in the cultivation world, and what we do is righteous, how can we turn right from wrong? Black and white."

    "That's right." The others echoed.

    "Okay, I don't want to argue with you too much. The truth is never easy to explain. Let's see you in the trial ground." Qi Chu held the bowl, ready to find another place to sit down and eat, and waste It's time, the food will be cold.

    "What proving ground?" Bai Ling's bad premonition became stronger and stronger.

    Wang Ye stepped forward and recounted the ins and outs of the matter again, and Bai Ling didn't care about anything else after listening, "Okay! Then tomorrow we will compete in the proving ground." How dare he insult

    Yun Tianzong, no matter what the master said, He couldn't even swallow this breath.     After eating enough, Bai Ling still performed his duties and took a group of people to visit the courses of the outer disciples, but Lin Ji followed

    behind with a preoccupied look, "Qi Chu, Qi Chu."


    "Why?" Qi Chu slowed down, waiting for him to catch up.

    "Are you sure about tomorrow? The other party is about to build a foundation, and we are still in the body training stage, what are you fighting with others?" Lin Ji frowned tightly, "Why don't you just admit your mistake and forget about it. Anyway, don't you want to join Yuntianzong?"

    Qi Chu chuckled: "Caring about me?"

    "Who cares about you! Aren't I afraid that you will hurt me? We are all apprentices from the same school. We not only represent You represent the school, do you understand?" Lin Ji was so anxious that he couldn't help raising his voice.

    "I don't represent anyone, and they don't represent anyone. Don't worry, if you lose, you lose. I'm not wrong. Why do you have to apologize?" Lin Ji was annoyed by Qi Chu's strategizing appearance.     "Hey, although you made a small achievement in the secret realm, it was luck. It was Mr. Xiao who almost beat those nagging dogs. You found a bargain. Do you really think that you can compare with those monks? "     Qi Chu tilted his head, "I'll only know if I can compare."     Lu Li slowed down at some point, stood next to Qi Chu, and smiled faintly: "Don't worry, I believe it." Her."     Lin Ji didn't want to talk to this obsessed person, so he looked at the two speechlessly and left with a humming sound.     Bai Ling was absent-minded, and was asked by Uncle Lu Yun just now, "Is your master planning to take that girl as an apprentice?"     Bai Ling was a little confused after hearing this conclusion. Doesn't the master dislike female apprentices? Could it be that for the sake of anger, the little uncle planned to accept this double as an apprentice? Before, he thought that the master was going to accept another person, but looking at it now, the master might really want to accept that double.     Bai Ling took a sneak peek at Qi Chu several times, and found that Master's eyes followed her. In Master's study, there was a portrait of Uncle Qi Chu, which was nothing like this thin little girl. The master is bright and charming, with a myriad of majesties, except for the same name, he is different everywhere.     Bai Ling sighed again.

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