Chapter 69

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Chapter 69

    She had never seen such a huge spirit stone. Although the aura of heaven and earth could be highly condensed into a spirit stone, it was the first time she had seen such a huge piece.

    The slanted height of the boulder alone may be 5 or 6 meters. If the stone is erected upright, it is estimated that it may exceed 10 meters, and there is still a part buried in the ground.

    But the spirit stones are all light blue translucent crystals, and this huge stone is as black as ink, and the inside cannot be seen at all.

    Qi Chu folded his hands and walked around the stone a few times, but he was not sure about the origin of the stone.

    If it is called a spirit stone, it is because of its overflowing spirit energy, if it is not a spirit stone, it is also because if the spirit stone is not guided by the outside world, it will not actively release the spirit energy.

    The spiritual energy released by the boulder is enough to make the spiritual energy of the area within 5 kilometers reach the level of the blessed land, and because of this, the spiritual energy of Lin Ji who lives here far exceeds the level of ordinary students.

    What about Lu Li? Qi Chu couldn't help suspecting that where he used to live, the concentration of aura might be higher than here.

    Qi Chu hooked his fingers and signaled Lin Ji who was standing opposite to come over: "You watch for me, someone is calling me." "What do

    you want?" Lin Ji had a bad feeling.

    Sure enough, before Qi Chu could answer, Lin Ji saw her sitting cross-legged on the ground, a trace of spiritual power extended from her fingertips and connected to the boulder.

    Qi Chu used spiritual power as a bridge, intending to draw the spiritual power of the boulder to herself, but when she penetrated the spiritual power into the boulder, her consciousness was sucked into a boundless black hole.

    In the void where she couldn't see her fingers, there was no light, and there was no touch of spiritual power. In the void, she could neither move forward nor retreat.

    She floated like this for a long time, almost losing consciousness. Suddenly, the ring on her hand lit up, and she suddenly regained her senses and opened her eyes.

    "Hey, are you okay?" Lin Ji held Qi Chu who was about to fall.

    Like a dying fish, she took a few breaths before slowly waving her hands, and said softly: "It's okay."

    "You don't look like you're okay, I won't be able to see the spiritual energy after you connect the spiritual power to the stone You've been sitting here for more than an hour, and you haven't responded, what's wrong with this stone?"

    Qi Chu stood up slowly, and when she wanted to draw out the spiritual power on the boulder, her body His spiritual power was taken away by the boulder in an instant.

    The other side of the sky and the secret realm of the earth are not to be peeped at.

    This boulder is probably not a spirit stone, but an undiscovered entrance to a secret realm.

    And if you want to open the unexplored secret realm, you need to inject a lot of spiritual power to break through the entrance forcibly, which is definitely not something she can do alone.

    The Immortal League manages the lower realms, so they can't just hand over such a large piece of fat to others. Since she is now a nominal inner disciple of Yuntianzong, she has to make good use of this name.

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