Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

    After settling down the injured students, Yao Yun reported the special incident to the Xianmeng, but the Xianmeng still had the attitude that I knew it, and there was a high probability that it would be nothing like the Red Flame Spider.

    She rubbed her temples with a headache and sighed.

    Yao Yun did not break his promise. A week later, the school released an explanation of the incident in the name of Xianmeng, and affirmed Qi Chu and Lu Li's performance, and promised to give actual rewards.

    There is nothing more inspiring than actually rewarding four words, and there is only less than a week left before the winter vacation exam.

    "Qi Chu!"

    Qi Chu had just read the announcement on the school's homepage with his mobile phone, when he heard someone calling him behind him, and when he turned around, it was Lin Ji.


    "You said that you want to help me find a craftsman to refine the cassock. The final exam is coming soon. After the exam, I will have winter vacation. Don't you want to deny it?" Lin Ji saw that the other party had no plans to deliver the goods this week. , Impatient, it doesn't matter if it's money or not, the main thing is the cassock.

    "What are you in a hurry for? You know that there is a process for a craftsman to craft a craft. If you want to withdraw, you can do so." Qi Chu deliberately opened the scanning page.

    "What kind of leg is back! When am I going to say back!" Lin Ji was anxious.

    The two attendants who entered the secret realm with him also knew what happened next, and now they looked at Qi Chu with something wrong. When they saw Lin Ji rushing towards Qi Chu, they thought something big was going to happen, but they walked over to stop him, but they heard It was Lin Ji who ordered the cassock with Qi Chu, and hurriedly said, "Casrine, what cassock, where can I order it? We want it too." "Okay,

    2999 attributes." Qi Chu opened the receipt Money code, just about to show off, when I heard the little follower say: "But we don't have Lingshi..." "

    Lingshi?" Qi Chu said with a smile, "I only accept common currency."

    "Cash? I have it! I have it! "The little follower immediately scanned the QR code to pay, and Lin Ji who was standing by was dumbfounded.

    "Wait, I'm at the front!" Lin Ji stopped him.

    "Don't worry, it will be shipped after the exam. After all, you still have to wear it when you go to school, right." Qi Chu pulled Lin Ji away and stretched out the payment code.

    "You! Keep your word." Lin Ji turned and left angrily when he heard the beeping sound of successful payment.

    On the other side, the people from Xianmeng noticed Qi Chu and Lu Li, and Yao Yun was called back because of this incident.

    Su Zhen sat on the sofa, wearing a suit and leather shoes, in stark contrast to the monk behind him wearing Taoist robes. Su Zhen was considered to be the best monk who integrated into the lower realm. He established the Immortal Alliance and established the boundary between the two parties, so it is the lower realm or the realm of cultivation. They all need to give Xianmeng a little bit of face.

    "I heard that the school you are in charge of has two outstanding students?" Su Zhen asked someone to sit opposite him without putting on airs of the leader.

    "Uh, compared to other students, they are excellent." Yao Yun trembled. Like other sects, Xianmeng also needs excellent talents, but Xianmeng has no inheritance of cultivation, and the era of casual cultivation has passed. Therefore, Xianmeng can only poach people from the other four major sects. Apart from Yuntianzong, the other three sects have more or less placed people in Xianmeng to be prepared.

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