Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

    When the school announced the results, Qi Chu didn't notice at all. With his backpack on his back and his hands in his pockets, with a wandering expression on his face, he silently walked past the bulletin board where the results were announced.

    "Is it her? It seems to be."

    "How is it possible, I have never heard of such a person before."


    "If you don't cheat, can you ride a rocket? Tsk tsk tsk."

    Fragmentary words fell into my ears, Qi Chu was too lazy to think about it.

    What she was thinking was that the hidden magic worm's spiritual power was obviously sealed, how could it abandon the host without warning, could it be that someone tampered with it?

    Cutting off people's money is like killing their parents, Qi Chu frowned as he thought about it, and he had a rough guess, who else could do such things that harm others and benefit himself, except those demon cultivators.

    The matter of the Scarlet Flame Spider is probably also related to those guys.

    No matter what kind of cultivation method, there may be inner demons. How to live with the inner demons depends on the cultivation level and realm, but the demonic cultivator does the opposite. Active repair.

    Therefore, most of the things he did were perverted and violent, which is abnormal in today's terms.

    "Hello!" A burly boy suddenly blocked Qi Chu's way.     Qi Chu raised his

    head: "?

    "     "You cheated in the exam, right? Don't think I don't know."     Qi Chu sneered silently: "What do you know?"     "You are the last one in the grade, so if you cheat, keep a low profile, and the first in the whole grade is afraid that others will not suspect you?" The boy folded his hands and smiled mockingly, and the people around him also laughed meaningfully.     "So? What do you want to say?" Qi Chu yawned impatiently, "It's okay, I'll go first."

    "Stop!" The boy didn't get the desired response, so he simply stopped him this time. He grabbed Qi Chu's arm with one hand, "Don't go if you didn't speak clearly!" "Let go."

    See The man kept pestering her, Qi Chu said coldly, "I'll say it again, let go."

    She is no longer the kind of trash fish who can kill her by just a few gangsters, and the red flame spider casually treats her as a toy, even if she meets Chi Yan now Spider, she felt that she could still fight to the death.     "What are you doing!" The man in the black-bottomed gold-embroidered robe pushed aside the crowd, approached the encirclement, and looked at the two people who were at war with swords, "What are

    you doing here!" They are not only different from ordinary students, but also mean that those who can enter the cultivation class are the best in the crowd in terms of brains and talents, with their own halo, and of course they are majestic when they speak.     Seeing people from the comprehension class coming, they immediately fell silent.     "She cheated! I'm teaching him a lesson! It's none of your business." The young man ignored any cultivation class, "Isn't it your creed to promote justice, eliminate demons and defend the Tao? Now someone is cheating, are you going to cover her?" "Cheating     ? "The young man in black looked at Qi Chu suspiciously.     "In less than a month, I took the exam from the bottom of the school to the first place. Either I cheated or took the exam. Is there any other reason? Tell me if it is!" The people around silently nodded in agreement, "Do you think we are fools? Not as fast as you improve."     Qi Chu sneered, "I didn't take the first place in the exam because I didn't want to take the exam. Do you have an opinion? Who are you, and what is your ranking?" "His     name is Feng Yi, second to last, you If he passes the exam, he will be the last one." The people around watching the excitement didn't think it was a big deal.     "Oh, so it's about interests." Qi Chu covered his mouth and smiled.     "Shut up, what's the use of taking the first place! You're not a trash with spiritual power 2! Besides, you might not know how you got it." Feng Yi angrily scolded the booing people around him.

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