Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

July 15th was just another day in Way Manor. I slept in late, and once I woke up, I started looking through my course material again. I might as well get a start on the Standard Book of Spells, Grade 7, right?

Then I remembered that it was Ray's seventeenth birthday that day, and I probably needed to get him something.

Good job Gerard, I told myself. You just forgot about your best friend's birthday again. What a wonderful human being you are.

I decided that I should at least try to look for a gift for Ray. My owl, Party Poison, was a fast flyer. He could deliver the gift to Ray, and it might still arrive on his birthday. I left my room and started opening one of the closets.

"Gerard!" my younger brother Mikey suddenly shouted. "Don't go in there!"

"Why not?" I asked. Mikey could be kind of annoying sometimes, but he was my only friend until I got accepted to Hogwarts. Way Manor is kind of in the middle of nowhere, so we didn't have any other kids to play with. Our parents would occasionally invite another wizarding family over to dinner, but they usually didn't have kids our age, so I was always stuck playing with Mikey, which wasn't so bad. This may sound a bit cliche, but Mikey was like my built-in best friend.

"There's a boggart in there!" Mikey exclaimed.

"How do you know it's a boggart?" I asked him. Mikey was going to start his fourth year in the fall, so he had just studied boggarts in Defense Against The Dark Arts, but he wasn't necessarily very good at the subject. Then again, neither was I.

"Why else would there be a shark in our closet?" Mikey asked.

I shrugged. Mikey had a point. "You have to get rid of it this time," I said.

"But I'm underage! I could get expelled from Hogwarts if I do it!" Mikey replied.

"Yeah, but I don't want to do it," I said.

"Come on, Gee! Just do it!" Mikey exclaimed.

I sighed. "Fine," I said. "I'll do it." I opened the closet, and out came a horde of teenagers wanting to murder me. Yes, teenagers scare the living shit out of me. Before you complain, I'm technically not a teenager. In the wizarding world, you're of age when you're seventeen. I have a few other minor fears (death, needles, Azkaban), but it's mostly teenagers.

I took out my wand. "Riddikulus!" I shouted, pointing my wand at the boggart. The teenagers now all had penguin heads. I laughed, and the boggart disappeared.

"Yes! It's gone!" Mikey exclaimed. I entered the closet and started digging around. "What are you looking for?" Mikey asked me.

"A gift for Ray," I told him.

"Ray's your friend, right?" Mikey asked. "The tall one with the afro?"

"That would be Ray," I said.

"Why don't you just get him some Chocolate Frogs or something?" Mikey suggested.

"Actually, that's not a bad idea," I said. Ray was an avid Chocolate Frog Card collector. I wasn't exactly going to give up any of my Chocolate Frog Cards though. Maybe Mom had some extras. "Mama!" I shouted.

"What is it, Gerard?" she asked. My mother could be a bit stern sometimes. She did work for the Ministry, after all.

"Where are the Chocolate Frogs?" I asked.

"In the kitchen, under the tapestry," she told me.

I went into the kitchen and started looking through the drawer under the tapestry. The tapestry was really just a constant reminder of the wondrous achievements of the Way family over the years. My distant ancestors were some of the first Hogwarts students, my great-great-grandfather was Headmaster of Hogwarts, and now my mother was second in command to the Minister of Magic. In comparison to them, I was a disappointment.

I found the Chocolate Frogs and stuffed them all into a box. I then addressed the package to Ray, and started writing a letter.

Dear Ray,

Happy birthday! How has your summer been? I can't wait to get back to Hogwarts. I really miss hanging out with you. Life is kind of boring right now, but it's nice that I can use magic now. Have you tried out any spells yet now that you're seventeen? Magic is useful, but my parents always make me do stuff around the house. Remember to get your Apparition License soon, it's super helpful, and you can do stupid stuff like Apparate to the same exact spot. In the meantime, here are some Chocolate Frogs. I don't know what cards are in there, but hopefully you'll get a new one. Can't wait to see you at Hogwarts!

Your friend,

Gerard Way

I put the letter in an envelope and put the envelope with the package. I then took Party Poison out of his cage and gave him the package. Party Poison flew off to Ray's house and came back shortly afterwards.

Not long after that, Ray's owl Jet Star arrived at Way Manor carrying a letter. There was a detailed map on the back of the letter, since Jet Star was a little bit directionally challenged. Okay, make that a lot directionally challenged. Jet Star is infamous for getting lost during deliveries.

I took the letter and started reading.

Dear Gerard,

Thank you for the Chocolate Frogs. I finally got the one for Devlin Whitehorn. I've been looking for it since second year! The chocolate's really good too. Yes, I did try out some spells, and it certainly impressed my family. I guess my parents have been looking for proof that Hogwarts is actually teaching me something ever since Professor McGonagall showed up to tell me that I was a wizard. Muggles never believe things the first time that you tell them. I'm hoping to get my Apparition License next weekend. Hopefully I'll pass! Do you know if the supply list is coming soon? We might need to take a trip to Diagon Alley. Can't wait until I can go back to Hogwarts! Seventh year, here I come!

Your friend,

Ray Toro

I smiled. Ray and I definitely needed to take a trip to Diagon Alley, but that was a little difficult when we didn't know what we were supposed to get. I already had the Standard Book of Spells, but that was about it.

In any case, this was my last year of Hogwarts, and I had already decided that I would make the most of it.

A/N: Hey everyone! I know I said I wasn't going to post this yet, but I really wanted to. Dedicated to @TheImpossibleNerd for making the cover!

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