Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Blurryface woke us all up again with his incessant barking. This time, he interrupted a dream that for some reason involved Frank, Ray, Mikey, and I fighting against an evil organization called BL/ind. "Wake up everyone!" Frank exclaimed. "It's a beautiful day at Hogwarts!"

It sure didn't seem like a beautiful day. The sun was barely up over the horizon, and the snow from the day before had melted into slush. I wanted to go back to sleep, but everyone else was already up, so I got out of bed and started getting ready to go down to breakfast.

"Has anyone seen Pete?" Joe asked. We all shook our heads. I hadn't seen him since the night before.

"I'll keep an eye out for him," Frank said.

Just at that moment, Pete ran into the common room. "I couldn't sleep, since you all have guns for hands, so I went down to breakfast early," he explained. "But I forgot my eyeliner! I never leave Gryffindor Tower without eyeliner!" He rushed into the bathroom and immediately started applying eyeliner.

Once we were all ready, we went into the Great Hall for breakfast. Pete had already gotten his food, but all of the rest of us needed to eat. I took some eggs and toast, and then poured myself a nice cup of coffee. Suddenly, a tiny spider crawled onto the table.

"AHHH! A spider! KILL IT! KILL IT WITH FIRE!!!" Frank screamed.

I took out my wand and pointed it at the spider. "Incendio!" I exclaimed, and the poor little spider went up in flames. I used Aguamenti to put out the fire, and then swept the spider's ashes off of the table.

"That was AWESOME!" Frank shouted.

"I have experience with fire," I told him. "When I was a young boy, I watched Mikey almost burn down Way Manor with a toaster and a fork."

"You told me that story," Ray said. "Didn't the Weasley house burn down that same year?"

"NO! That was only in the movies!" Frank exclaimed. "In fifth year, we were assigned to read one of the most detailed and accurate accounts of the Second Wizarding War, the Harry Potter series, written by the renowned wizarding historian J.K. Rowling. It became so popular that Rowling even got permission to sell it to Muggles as a fantasy series, and yet you still chose to watch the movies. Do you even know how many Muggles obsess over those books?!?"

I suddenly felt guilty, since I had copied off of Ray's notes from the movies. Then again, I knew that I wasn't going to take History of Magic in sixth year, so it seemed pointless to put effort into that class. I caught a whiff of an odd smell that seemed to be a mixture of coffee, rain in the woods, and something else that I couldn't quite identify. "Does anyone else smell that?" I asked.

Frank nodded. "I think it's coming from Pete's pumpkin juice," he said.

Pete briefly sniffed his pumpkin juice. "It smells like pizza!" he exclaimed before drinking the entire thing in one big gulp.

"Pete, be careful," Joe said. "That might be poisoned."

"I'm fine. It tasted like regular pumpkin juice, so it wasn't poisoned or anything. If it was poisoned, it would taste different," Pete said. "However, I do feel a sudden urge to see my one true love..."

"Your one true love is pizza!" Hayley said.

"No, it's the giant squid," Pete stated.

This wasn't good. Pete must have had some Essence of Insanity or something. It would probably wear off within a few minutes, so it wasn't anything to worry about. Pete got up and ran out the door. "Well, that was weird," Ray said.

"Yeah. It's probably just Essence of Insanity though," Hayley said.

"No, it was love potion," someone said. I turned around and saw Mikey there.

"How would you know that?" I asked him.

"Somebody told me," Mikey said.

"It makes sense," Frank added. "The effects of love potion mixed with pumpkin juice can be very unpredictable."

"We should go find him before he does something stupid," I said.

"That's what I was about to say," Mikey said. I got up and headed out the door, and Mikey followed me until we got to the Black Lake. Pete was sitting on the pier, and his legs were dangling in the freezing water. He was mumbling something to himself and looking out over the lake. The Giant Squid popped out of the water, and Pete grinned. He grabbed onto one of the tentacles.

"There you are, baby! I've been waiting for you!" Pete exclaimed. "Let's be alone together," he whispered as he kissed the tentacle. The squid thrashed around, soaking Pete. It then disappeared underwater. "I'm coming for you, my love!" Pete said as he prepared to dive into the lake.

Mikey and I ran onto the pier. "PETE! NO!" I screamed.

"You don't understand!" Pete exclaimed. "We're in love!"

"Come on Pete. You'll freeze to death if you jump in there," Mikey said.

"I would die for the giant squid," Pete said. "Listen, I don't care what you think, as long as it's about me. Just let me do this." Pete then jumped into the lake, but Mikey reached in there and helped Pete get back onto the pier. Pete was dripping wet by this point, and even though Mikey had just saved his life, he looked angry. "You're right," Pete said. "It's cold in there, but chilly water isn't going to stop me from being with my one true love."

"Yes it is," I said, and Mikey and I dragged Pete all the way back into the castle. Luckily, we were able to find the Potions room pretty easily.

"No!" Pete protested. "My Squidy Pie needs me!"

"What's this?" Professor Slughorn asked as we entered the Potions classroom.

"Someone put love potion in Pete's pumpkin juice," Mikey explained. "He thinks that he's in love with the Giant Squid in the Black Lake."

Professor Slughorn chuckled. "I'll make him the antidote. Gerard, can you get me the Wiggentree twigs?"

I got down a few potion ingredients for Professor Slughorn as he brewed the antidote. A few minutes later, it was ready. Slughorn gave a glass to Pete, and he drank it, his expression turning to one of pure horror. "Why did I kiss the giant squid?" he asked, his eyes going back and forth between the three of us. We all started laughing hysterically. "Seriously, just answer my question! Why?!?"

We explained that we thought that someone had messed with his juice. "And then I fell in love with the giant squid," Pete finished. He shuddered. "That's just gross. But there's still one problem."

"What is it?" I asked.

"Who would ever have the nerve to put love potion in my pumpkin juice?!?"

A/N: So who did it? :) 

I'm going on vacation for the next two weeks, so I won't be able to update. Hope you're enjoying this story, and thank you for reading!!! 

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