Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

Pete was acting even weirder than usual the next day. "I'd trade all of my tomorrows for just one yesterday," he mumbled to nobody in particular as he devoured his pizza.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

Pete didn't answer. Instead, he said, "I'll be your number one with a bullet."

"Who are you even talking to?" Ray asked.

Yet again, Pete didn't give us a helpful answer. "We're better off as lovers, and not the other way around," he said.

"I bet he still has some of that love potion in his system," Hayley hypothesized. "Or maybe he took some Essence of Insanity."

"Or maybe he's just being weird," Joe said.

"He tastes like you, only sweeter," Pete said.


"I found out who put the love potion in my pumpkin juice," Pete stated.

"Who was it?" we all asked.

"Patrick Stump," Pete said.

"Wait, what?" I said. "Patrick's too nice for that."

"Just yesterday, Patrick was freaking out over killing a spider," Joe said. "It wasn't him."

"He's in Hufflepuff!" Hayley added. "Hufflepuffs don't do stuff like this."

"Trust me, it was Patrick," Pete said. "I talked to him yesterday after band practice."

"Oh right," Joe said. "You two did stay in there after Andy and I left."

"So Patrick asked me to stay after practice for a few minutes, and then he confessed that he was the one who put the love potion in my pumpkin juice," Pete said. "I was just as surprised as you guys were, but then he said that he was going to ask me out that day, and he thought that if he gave me just a drop of love potion, then it would make me just a little bit more likely to say yes. He seemed really nervous about the whole thing, which was actually pretty cute. I told him that he didn't need to do that, since I would have said yes anyways."

"Then what happened?" Frank asked.

Pete blushed. "Uh, let's just say that I found out that Patrick is an excellent kisser."

"I think that you two need a ship name," Hayley said. "Any suggestions?"

"Peterick?" I suggested.

"That sounds good," Hayley said.

I looked around quickly and noticed several Extendable Ears near our table. "I think someone's listening in on us," I said. I followed the piece of string across the Great Hall and found Mikey, Brendon, and Ryan listening to our conversation.

Mikey was the first to spot me. "Hey Gee," he said. "What's up?"

"I heard that Pete's got himself a boyfriend," Brendon added.

"I told you that I didn't do it," Mikey said.

"Yeah, you were right," I admitted. "You guys shouldn't be eavesdropping though."

"Oh come on," Ryan said. "You were just gossiping."

"That doesn't mean that you have the right to listen in," I said. "Mikey, how did you know that it was love potion if you weren't the one who did it?"

"I gave Patrick the idea," Mikey said. "Patrick and I are in History of Magic together, and he mentioned that he liked Pete, so I told him that Frank was selling love potion."

"Oh okay," I said. "Now get rid of those Extendable Ears before I cast Avada Kedavra on all of you!"

I walked back to the Gryffindor table, and I heard Mikey explaining to Brendon and Ryan that "Gerard wouldn't do that. He would go to Azkaban, and you know what they do to guys like him in prison..."

When I got back to the table, everyone was still gossiping about Peterick. "Are you and Patrick going to the Yule Ball together?" Ray asked.

"I hope so," Pete said with a lovesick smile. "That would be amazing."

I still didn't have a Yule Ball date, and unlike Pete, I was required to go. I would eventually have to figure that one out. I was happy for Pete though. He really seemed to like Patrick. If only things came as easily to me as they did to him.

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