Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

I woke up the next morning to the sound of Frank's dog. Well, technically it's a Crup, but that's a type of wizarding dog, so it's still a dog. Frank had trained Blurryface (yes, he named his dog Blurryface, don't ask me why) to start barking like crazy at exactly 7:00 AM, so it woke up the entire Gryffindor house.

"Look alive, sunshine!" Frank exclaimed. "It's the first day of classes, and we can't be late!"

"I never said I'd lie and wait forever," I replied as I got out of bed. We all got ready, but Pete was taking forever. He was apparently reapplying his eyeliner. "Why do you even do that?" I asked him.

"Makeup is great for a guy," Pete said. "Because it makes a guy look beautiful. Which a lot of times, a guy is not beautiful. And I wanna change that. I wanna make sure that everyone thinks that guys are beautiful."

"Whatever Pete," I said. "Just hurry up. I'm starving."

Pete finally finished with his eyeliner, and we all went into the common room to meet up with the girls and head off to breakfast. Hayley and Frank led us down to the Great Hall, and breakfast was there waiting for us.

"Ooh, this looks good," Ray said.

"Where's the pizza?" Pete asked.

"You don't eat pizza for breakfast," Joe said.

"I wish we could," Pete said.

"We have Defense Against The Dark Arts today, right?" I asked, trying to get off of the topic of Pete's pizza obsession.

"Yeah, and then Charms after that," Frank said. "At least for the seventh years."

"I can't wait for Defense Against The Dark Arts!" Ray said. "I wonder if Professor Howell and Professor Lester finally got together."

"Keep dreaming Ray," I said. "No matter how much we all know that they'd be perfect for each other, it still hasn't happened yet."

"You don't know that," Ray said.

"They need a ship name," Hayley said. "How about... Howter?"

"No, that sounds weird," Joe said. "Lesell?"

"That's worse," Hayley said. "Hey, does anyone know what their first names are?"

"I think it's Dan Howell and Phil Lester," Frank said. "Wait, what if we called them...Phan?"

"THAT'S PERFECT!" we all shouted in unison.

And that is how the entire Gryffindor table started shipping Phan.

We finished our breakfast, and then headed our separate ways. The Defense Against The Dark Arts class was impossible to find, since the staircases constantly shifted around. Once we found it, however, Hayley turned the staircase into a slide so we could get there faster. See? Magic makes things more fun.

We finally entered the Defense Against The Dark Arts classroom. Unfortunately, this was one of the classes that we had with the Slytherins. As previously mentioned, some Slytherins are quite nice, but for some reason, all of the bad ones were in my year. I spotted Darren Travers, who was by far the worst of them, and all of his cronies were sitting around him. However, Professor Howell was the Head of House for Gryffindor, so I was certain that I would be okay.

"Hello Internet...uh, I mean class!" Professor Howell said. "How was your summer?"

"Torture," I mumbled. I then raised my hand.

"Yes Gerard?" Professor Howell said.

"Are you and Professor Lester dating yet?"

Professor Howell rolled his eyes. "No," he said. "Any other questions?"

Frank raised his hand. "Why are you so reluctant to admit your feelings for your fellow professor?"

"Any other questions that aren't about Professor Lester?" Nobody else raised their hands, so Professor Howell said, "Great. Let's begin. Can anyone tell us what a Patronus Charm is?" Hayley raised her hand. "Hayley?"

\\"It's a powerful defensive spell used against Dementors and Lethifolds," she said.

"Excellent," Professor Howell said. "Ten points for Gryffindor."

"Good job Hayley," I whispered.

"The Patronus Charm is indeed a defensive spell, and if done correctly, it produces a 'spirit guardian' that will protect you against the foulest of dark creatures," Professor Howell continued. "It is an incredibly difficult spell, and I will be surprised if anyone manages to cast it during this class period. With some patience, however, most of you should be able to master it by the end of the year. The incantation for this spell is Expecto Patronum. Repeat after me, class. Expecto Patronum."

"Expecto Patronum," I repeated. I was bored already. Why couldn't Professor Howell tell us another random, pointless story about his life again? Howell and Lester both went to Hogwarts with Harry Potter, so they both had tons of fascinating stories, and then they spent three years having crazy adventures before they were hired as Hogwarts professors.

"Very good. To make the spell work, you must concentrate on one very happy memory. Try it for yourselves."

I took out my wand and tried the spell, but nothing happened. I guess I just didn't have any happy memories. It didn't help that Darren Travers was goofing off with his friends and laughing at "those pathetic Gryffindors who can't even do magic." It wasn't like they were any better.

"This spell is impossible!" Ray complained.

"I know," I said. "I can't do it either."

That's when I saw a white, translucent scorpion crawling through the air. "Excellent job Frank!" Professor Howell exclaimed. "Twenty points for Gryffindor!"

"That's your Patronus?" I asked Frank. "I thought it would be a dog."

Frank laughed. "Yeah, that's what I thought it would be too."

A few minutes later, Darren Travers managed to cast a Patronus too, and Professor Howell gave him fifteen points. It was a snake. "See Gerard?" he said in a condescending voice. "That's how you do it."

"I know how to do it," I said. "I'm just rebelling against the educational system."

Ray chuckled. "Good one, Gee," he said.

"You better run like the devil, 'cause they're never gonna leave you alone," I whispered.

I attempted to cast a Patronus for the rest of the class period, but it didn't work. I still couldn't do it. Ray and Hayley couldn't do it either, but Frank could, and that was pretty frustrating. Oh well. Maybe I would get it next time.

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