Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

"What the seal is that thing?!?"

"Nobody ever said that I couldn't wear a feather boa to the Yule Ball," I said. "Besides, it matches your dress." At least that was true. My black jacket, black skinny jeans, and red feather boa perfectly complemented her red and black dress.

"Haven't you heard?" Laurette said in her heavy French accent. "Feather boas are so two years ago."

"It's not a fashion statement, it's a deathwish," I explained.

Laurette rolled her eyes. "Whatever. The headmasters are going to be calling the champions in any minute now."

I waved to Ray, who was at the other end of the Great Hall, but he was in the middle of a conversation with Christa. Then, Professor McGonagall said, "Champions, over here please!"

Laurette and I met up with Annalise and a Durmstrang boy who was presumably her date. McGonagall gave us some instructions that I wasn't really listening to, but before I knew it, music started playing and we were out on the dance floor. I didn't know how to dance, but Laurette did, so she took the lead.

"Don't they teach you how to dance at Hogwarts?" Laurette said after I stepped on her shoes for the fourth time.

"No," I replied.

"That would explain a lot," Laurette said. Other couples began to join us on the dance floor. Even some of the professors were dancing with us. I stepped on Laurette's feet once again, and Laurette exclaimed, "That's it! Je vais trouver un partenaire qui peut danser!"

Laurette stormed off, and I was left all alone. I wandered around for a while, but there really wasn't much to do at the ball, so I left the Great Hall. I went upstairs to the second floor, and found a corridor that overlooked the Great Hall. I also found Mikey there. "Hey Mikey," I said.

"What are you doing here, Gee?" Mikey said. "I thought that you were at the Yule Ball."

"Laurette ditched me," I told him.

"That's too bad," Mikey said. "Do you know why she ditched you?"

"It's because I can't dance," I explained. I looked at Mikey's T-shirt. It was exactly like the one that he bought in Knockturn Alley, except it now read "Mikey Fuckin Way." "Nice T-shirt," I told Mikey.

"Thanks," Mikey said. "It's actually the same T-shirt that I bought in Knockturn Alley, but I figured out how to control the Dark Magic inside, so now it just says whatever I want it to say."

"Make it say that Gerard Way is the Hogwarts Sass Master!" I exclaimed. Mikey did so, but he quickly changed it back to "Mikey Fuckin Way." "That's so cool," I said.

Mikey shrugged. "Maybe I just need to shop in Knockturn Alley more often."

"No, don't do that!" I exclaimed. "Only Dark Wizards shop there."

"I was just joking, Gee," Mikey said. "Chill out."

I looked down and saw the Yule Ball going on under us. Ray and Christa were still on the dance floor, and they seemed to be having a good time. Patrick and Pete were standing next to the snack bar and talking about something, and that was when I saw it. Professor Howell and Professor Lester were dancing together.

"MIKEY!" I shouted. "Professor Howell and Professor Lester went to the Yule Ball together! THAT MEANS PHAN IS REAL!!!"

"Phan? What's Phan?" Mikey asked.

"Their ship name, obviously," I said. "Phil and Dan together is Phan."

"You're insane," Mikey said.

"Oh my gosh, I'm already planning their wedding," I said. "We could do it at Hogwarts, so all of us could watch. Even if I'm out of Hogwarts by then, I'd still come."

"Gee, they're just dancing together," Mikey said. "That doesn't mean anything."

"I bet that they've been in a secret relationship all this time! They just chose the Yule Ball to tell us!" I exclaimed.

Mikey adjusted his glasses slightly. "Or Professor Howell will just do another lecture tomorrow about how he is completely, one hundred percent straight, and he most definitely not attracted to Professor Lester at all, because we both know that he's done that before."

"He's just in denial," I argued. "Phan is real, and that's that. So what's new in the crazy world of Mikey Way?"

"We're starting the unicorn unit in January!" Mikey exclaimed. He then gave me one of his rare smiles. "I can't wait. It's going to be so much fun. We get to learn about unicorns until the end of the school year!"

"Yes, I know," I said. "We did that too. All of the unicorns hated me."

"I also figured out how to control the dark magic in this T-shirt, and I'm playing my first gig with My Chemical Romance in less than an hour," Mikey added. He paused for a moment. "Oh, and I also flunked Divination."

"How did you flunk Divination?" I asked. I had originally signed up for Divination, but I was kicked out after twenty minutes. McGonagall let me switch to Ancient Runes instead. When Mikey decided that he was going to take Divination, I told him to be careful, but he clearly didn't listen.

"Trelawney kept telling us to 'find the way' when we were working with the crystal balls, so I raised my hand and said, 'I'm right here.' Trelawney said that I was too literal-minded and that I lack the Sight, whatever that is, so I dropped the class."

I laughed. "That's how I got kicked out! Good job, Mikey. You're learning."

I looked out over the Yule Ball one last time. A stage had appeared, and Pete, Patrick, Joe, and Andy were setting up. McGonagall had determined that Fall Out Boy was going first, followed by My Chemical Romance. "We should probably go down there," Mikey suggested. Ray was waiting for us near the stage, and I couldn't find Frank anywhere. He was probably off making out with Jamia or something, but I couldn't dwell on that. We had a show to do.

Mikey and I headed downstairs, and the show was about to begin. We just had to make it through Fall Out Boy's show, and then it would be our turn.

It was our time to show the school what My Chemical Romance could do.

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