Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

"Are you sure I can't use Side-Along Apparition?" I asked once again.

"No. I'm not risking you or Mikey getting Splinched. You're using the Floo Network, and that's final," Mom stated.

I took a scoop of Floo Powder and put it into the fireplace. The flames turned bright green and I stepped into them. "Flourish and Blotts!" I said as clearly as I could. The Floo Network could be picky sometimes.

A few minutes later, I arrived at Flourish and Blotts, and Mikey arrived shortly afterwards. We both started looking around in the store, and I quickly spotted Ray. "Hi Ray!" I shouted.

"Gerard!" he exclaimed. "It's so good to see you!"

"It's nice to see you too," I said. "Did you already exchange your money at Gringotts?"

"Yeah," Ray said.

"Great. My parents already gave me some money, so we should be fine. What books do you need?"

Ray showed me his supply list, which was very similar to mine, except Ray was taking Arithmancy and Divination instead of Care of Magical Creatures and Ancient Runes. Ray was also taking History of Magic, which I had dropped after I got a D on my O.W.L. History of Magic is one of those subjects that needs to get cancer and die a long, painful death though.

Ray, Mikey, and I found all of books at Flourish and Blotts. On our way out, we ran into Hayley Williams. "Hello!" Hayley exclaimed.

I smiled. Hayley was in my year and she was the Seeker for the Gryffindor Quidditch team, so she and I were sort of friends. She had copied me by constantly changing her hair color though. At that moment, it was a vivid red-orange. "Hi Hayley," I said. "What's up?"

"Didn't you hear? I'm going to be Head Girl!" she exclaimed.

"That's great," I said. "Ready for Quidditch season?"

"Yeah! I even picked up a copy of Quidditch Through The Ages!"

"You guys are going to be rooting for us, right?" I asked Ray and Mikey.

"Of course!" Ray shouted.

"I'll cheer for you, as long as it's not Gryffindor vs. Slytherin. Then I'll cheer for Slytherin. I have to support my own house, you know," Mikey said.

"We know, Mikey," I said.

"So do you want to go to Quality Quidditch Supplies with me?" Hayley asked.

"Sure!" I exclaimed. Mikey, Ray, and I followed Hayley to Quality Quidditch Supplies, but we got lost along the way. None of us had a particularly good sense of direction.

"Where are we?" Ray asked. "I don't think I've ever been in this part of Diagon Alley."

"It's probably a shortcut to Quality Quidditch Supplies," Hayley assured us.

At one point, we ran into Brendon, Dallon, and Spencer. Despite all of them being in different houses, they were all super close friends. They were in Mikey's year, and they were all sort of friends with him too. "Hey Mikey!" Brendon shouted.

"Hi Brendon!" Mikey said.

"Want to shop with us?" Brendon asked.

"Sure," Mikey said.

"Hey Mikey, meet us at Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes at 5:30, okay?" I said.

"Okay, Gee!" Mikey exclaimed before running off into an alley with Dallon, Spencer, and Brendon.

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