Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

Of course, being the hesitant alien that I am, I just stood there. Frank, on the other hand, started screaming at the top of his lungs. "AHHHH SPIDERS!!!" he screamed as he held on to me as tightly as he could.

"Calm down Frank," I said. I took out my wand and pointed it at one of the spiders. "Stupefy," I said, but nothing happened. The spiders were too big to stun.

"Oh look, two tasty little snacks," one of the spiders said. Who knew that these things could talk?

"RUN!" Frank screamed. The two of us started running, but the spiders were still far faster than we were. I was certain that this was the end. Frank and I were going to die in the Forbidden Forest, and nobody would ever know what happened to us.

"Keep running," Frank said, and I did, even though I was now out of breath. "We're almost there." Sure enough, a few minutes later, we managed to escape the Forbidden Forest. The spiders had returned to their hollow, so we were safe for now.

"That was close," I said.

"Let's get back to the castle," Frank said. The castle wasn't too far, so we walked back to the gates and started heading towards the Great Hall. On the way, we ran into Professor McGonagall.

"You two are late for dinner," McGonagall said.

"I'm sorry, Professor," I said. "Frank and I got lost in Hogsmeade."

"Yeah, we got attacked by these giant spider things," Frank said.

"You went into the Acromantula colony?" McGonagall said.

"We didn't mean to!" Frank exclaimed.

"You are lucky to be alive right now," McGonagall said. "Don't ever do that again."

"We won't," I said. "Professor, can I ask you something?"

"What is it, Gerard?" McGonagall asked.

"Frank, Ray, Mikey, and I are in a band called My Chemical Romance, and we were wondering if we could perform at the Yule Ball."

"Yes, you may perform at the Yule Ball," McGonagall said.

"Awesome!" I exclaimed. "Thank you Professor McGonagall!"

Frank and I both entered the Great Hall and sat down at the Gryffindor table. Hayley was in the middle of reading the Daily Prophet. The headline read "Augustus Rookwood Still At Large." Hayley looked up and said, "Where were you two?"

"We got lost in Hogsmeade and wandered into the Forbidden Forest," I said.

"It was terrifying," Frank added.

"Well, I'm glad that you two are okay," Hayley said.

"Me too," Joe said. "Without Frank, we wouldn't be able to have Butterbeer in the common room!"

Hayley went back to her Daily Prophet, and I started writing a letter.

Dear Mom and Dad,

As I'm sure you've heard, I was selected as the Hogwarts champion for the Triwizard Tournament. Because of this, I will not be returning home for Christmas break because I have to be at the Yule Ball. Mikey has also chosen to stay at Hogwarts for Christmas. Both of us will be home for Easter. All of my classes are going well, and I am learning a lot. I hope things are going well at home, and I will see you in the spring.



I put the letter in my pocket, and I decided to go to the Owlery to send it after dinner. Then, Patrick showed up at the table.

Pete grinned when he saw Patrick. "Hey Trick," Pete said. "What's up?"

"I have good news," Patrick said.

"What is it?" Pete asked.

"I asked Professor McGonagall, and she said that Fall Out Boy could perform at the Yule Ball!" Patrick exclaimed.

"That's awesome!" Joe said.

"Wait a second, I asked McGonagall right before dinner, and she said that My Chemical Romance was performing at the Yule Ball," I said.

"I guess we're both performing?" Patrick said.

"Yeah, Paramore is playing too," Hayley said.

"So is Panic! At The Disco," Spencer said.

"This is going to be more like a music festival than a school dance," Pete observed. "That's a good thing! By the way, Patrick, will you go to the Yule Ball with me?"

"I'd love to," Patrick said. "But I have to go back to the Hufflepuff table." He gave Pete a kiss and said, "See you at the Yule Ball, Pete."

"Bye Patrick," Pete said.

"I can't believe that all of us are playing at the Yule Ball," Ray said.

Hayley shrugged. "It will be fun," she said.

I was kind of excited too, but I had a lot to do before the Yule Ball. I had to find a date, and I had to get My Chemical Romance ready for the show, not to mention that I had to get through another few days of class. However, it had been a long day, and I was ready for a relaxing evening with the rest of Gryffindor House.

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