Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

"Have you heard the news?" Frank asked us as we walked down the corridor to Defense Against the Dark Arts. "Harry Potter is coming today!"

"Yes, Frank," I said. "We've heard." Frank hadn't stopped talking about Harry Potter since Professor Howell announced that he was coming in to talk to our class. His obsession with Harry Potter was kind of cute though.

"It's just Harry Potter," Ray said. "What's the big deal?"

"I'm finally going to be able to meet Harry Potter!" Frank exclaimed. "That's what the big deal is! You know, when My Chemical Romance gets famous, someone's going to obsess over you, and I'm going say 'It's just Ray Toro. What's the big deal?' Because Harry Potter coming is a big deal, and you simply refuse to recognize it."

"Whatever Frank," Ray said.

"I think Harry Potter coming is a big deal," I said.

"There we go!" Frank said. "See Ray? This is why I like Gerard better." Frank gave me a quick kiss on the cheek before we entered the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom and took our seats.

"Hello internet...uh, I mean class!" Professor Howell began. "As most of you already know, we have a very special guest coming in today, so please stay in your seats and be quiet until he arrives."

Of course, as soon as Professor Howell said this, we all started talking. I noticed that Pete was in the seat next to me. "What are you doing here?" I asked him. "You're not in our class."

"How else am I going to be able to see Harry Potter?" Pete asked.

"He comes every year," I said. "You'll see him when you're in seventh year."

"Just shut up and pretend that I'm seventeen!" Pete exclaimed.

At that moment, someone knocked on the door to the classroom. Professor Howell ran to the door and opened it. A young man with unruly black hair, round glasses, and striking green eyes entered the classroom. "It's so good to see you again, Harry," Professor Howell said.

"It's nice to see you too, Dan," Harry said.

Professor Howell turned to face us. "Class, please welcome our special guest and the head of the Auror office, Harry Potter," he said. We all applauded as Harry went to the front of the room.

"As Professor Howell already said, I'm Harry Potter, and today, I'm going to be teaching you a little bit about what I do as the head of the Auror office and why it is so important to learn Defense Against the Dark Arts," Harry began. "First of all, can someone please describe some of the duties of an Auror?" Despite the fact that Hayley was raising her hand, Harry said, "How about you? The one in the back with the eyeliner?"

"Uh...I'm not sure," Pete said.

"Pete, if I'm not mistaken, you're supposed to be in Herbology right now," Professor Howell said. Pete sighed and left the room.

"The Aurors are a unit within the Department of Magical Law Enforcement in the Ministry of Magic, and we are responsible for apprehending Dark Wizards," Harry explained. "As the head of the department, I am in charge of ensuring the safety of the wizarding world. I can't tell you the exact details of my current project for security reasons, but we are dealing with the Azkaban breakout at the moment. Aurors have also been in charge of guarding Azkaban ever since the dementors were removed."

"I heard that he took the dementors away because he was scared of them," one kid whispered.

"That's not true," Harry said. "The dementors were removed from Azkaban because they switch sides easily. Anyways, I firmly believe that all wizards should know how to protect themselves against the Dark Arts. Dark magic will, unfortunately, always exist, but we can do our best to ensure that the wizarding world will remain safe from it." Harry continued to lecture, and I frantically took notes as he discussed the study of Defense Against the Dark Arts. Finally, he asked, "Does anyone have any questions for me?"

Frank's hand immediately shot into the air. Harry called on him, and Frank asked, "How many NEWTs do you have to pass to become an Auror?"

"At least five," Harry answered. "Anyone else?"

One of the Gryffindor girls raised her hand. "Can you really talk to snakes?" she asked.

"I used to be able to," Harry said.

"Why can't you do it anymore?" the girl asked.

"A piece of Voldemort's soul was inside of me, but I got rid of it, and now I can't speak Parseltongue anymore," Harry explained. The girl looked confused, so Harry said, "It's a long story."

Ray asked the next question. "Can you show us your lightning scar?"

"Yeah!" someone else shouted. "Show us the scar!"

It evolved into a chant. "Show the scar! Show the scar! Show the scar!"

Harry sighed and pulled back his hair to reveal a lightning bolt shaped scar on his forehead. "Any more questions?" he asked.

Darren raised his hand, and Harry called on him. "My mother said that you're the reason why innocent people like my father are thrown into Azkaban."

"I can't say anything about your father, but only Dark Wizards are put into Azkaban," Harry replied.

A Slytherin girl raised her hand. "I heard that you can slam revolving doors. Is that true?" she asked.

Harry rolled his eyes. "No."

"How many times have you counted to infinity?" another Slytherin asked.

"That's not possible," Harry said.

"Are you really the Master of Death?" a Gryffindor asked.

"Yes I am," Harry said.

"Why didn't the Sorting Hat put you into Slytherin?" Tiffany Blews asked. "We're obviously the best house."

"I asked not to be put into Slytherin," Harry responded.

All of Slytherins started complaining about this. "You should have been in our house!" one of them screamed.

"Yeah, there's nothing wrong with being in Slytherin!" another argued.

"Class, please quiet down," Professor Howell said. "That's enough questions for Harry for today," he said. "He's given us a wonderful presentation, so let's give him a big round of applause." We did so, and Professor Howell said, "Class dismissed."

Frank, Ray, and I left the classroom. "That was fascinating," Frank said.

"Yeah, I guess it was kind of cool," Ray said.

"I thought it was interesting," I added. If anything, it was amazing that I had the opportunity to meet the most famous wizard of our time.

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