Chapter 50

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Chapter 50

Of course, we just had to have a crazy party after the Triwizard Tournament, but this one was the best one yet. Some of the kids from the other three houses came, and the party only stopped because Professor Flitwick came in to complain that he could hear us all the way from the other end of the castle.

I slept in late the next morning. I certainly deserved it after winning the Tournament. I only had five more days of school left, which seemed kind of unbelievable. Only five more days before I would be leaving Hogwarts for good. It would be strange not to go to King's Cross Station next year to board the Hogwarts Express. Where would I be next year anyways? Maybe I would be touring the world. After all, that was what most students did immediately after graduation. Maybe I would already have a job. I had no idea, but I had just won one thousand Galleons. That was an awful lot of money, and I wasn't sure what I was going to do with it.

I was kind of looking forward to the graduation ceremony, but at the same time, I didn't want to leave. I would miss all of my professors and my friends. I would miss being on the Quidditch team and playing in My Chemical Romance. I guess all good things have to end though.

I eventually rolled out of bed and went down to the Great Hall. Hayley, Ray, Frank, and everyone else were already down there. "Hey Gee!" Frank said, smiling. "You know, you did really well at the Triwizard Tournament yesterday."

"Thanks," I said. "You helped a lot."

"Yeah, congratulations Gee!" Pete exclaimed.

"What are you going to do with the prize money?" Ray asked.

"I'm not sure yet," I replied.

"You should give it to me," Joe said jokingly.

"NO!" I shouted.

Hayley's owl flew into the room and gave Hayley a copy of the Daily Prophet. She immediately started reading it. "Gee, you're in here!" she exclaimed. "You made the front page of the Daily Prophet!"

"Let me see it," I said. Hayley handed me the newspaper, and sure enough, my face was on the front page of the Daily Prophet. The headline told a different story, however. "Gerard Way: Hogwarts Hero or Despicable Blood Traitor?"

I skimmed the article, becoming increasingly horrified as I continued to read.

Despite his Triwizard Tournament win yesterday, Hogwarts seventh year Gerard Way isn't really who he seems to be...

Recent evidence shows that Way may have cheated during the Tournament...

His Muggle-born boyfriend Frank Iero assisted him in scouting out the shortest path through the maze before the Triwizard Tournament, an action which resulted in the death of Way's younger brother Mikey...

Is this the sort of person we as a society want to celebrate? Someone who willingly associates himself with Muggles and Muggle-borns? It's honestly quite sad that a young man with such a bright future would want to ruin it all by becoming a traitor to his own kind...

"Who wrote this?" I asked Hayley.

"It should say on there," Hayley said.

I looked, and it said that the article was written by Darren Travers. Of course. The Daily Prophet did say that it wanted a student reporter to cover the final task of the Triwizard Tournament, but I didn't expect them to pick Darren.

Why did it matter so much that I was pure-blooded and Frank was a Muggle-born, or that we were both boys? I loved Frank, and that was all that really mattered.

On the way to class, I overheard two Slytherins talking about me. "I can't believe that Gerard cheated on the third task," one of them said.

"I know, right?" the other one said. "But then again, he's gay AND he's a blood traitor. What did you expect?"

"It's kind of unfortunate. He's kind of hot. Can't he just, I don't know, decide not to be gay?"

"First of all, that's not how it works," I chimed in. "Second, I'm bi."

"Whatever," the Slytherin said. "You're still a blood traitor. You know, I'm starting to think that maybe you wrote that article under Darren's name to get attention. It would make sense, wouldn't it?"

"JUST SHUT UP!" I began to run down the hallway. Where was Frank when I needed him? Thankfully, I made it to Defense Against The Dark Arts before I ran into anyone else.

Class was just a temporary escape though, and just when things looked like they couldn't get worse, they did. This was just the beginning of it all. 

A/N: Just hit 5K reads!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! :D 

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