Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

"Do any of you have any idea of who did it?" Pete asked. It had only been a day since the Giant Squid Incident, as we liked to call it, and Pete was obsessed with tracking down the person who started this whole mess. "Whoever it was either loves me and is just stupid, or they hate me and they wanted to humiliate me," Pete explained. "Either way, they feel very strongly about me, and I'd like to find out who it was."

"There are a lot of students at Hogwarts," Hayley said. "It would take forever to sort through all of them."

"I don't think so," I said. "Let's do a little bit of investigation. Pete, what exactly happened yesterday morning? Anything you say can and will be held against you."

"So only say my name," Pete said. "It will be held against you."

I rolled my eyes. Pete's poetry could make it difficult to get any real information out of him. "You're really not helping," I said.

"Fine," Pete said. "I couldn't sleep, so I went down to the Great Hall early. I got my food and my pumpkin juice, but I forgot my eyeliner, so I went back to the common room. I already told you that."

"Who else was in the Great Hall?" I asked.

"Just a bunch of Slytherins and Hufflepuffs mostly," Pete said. "Those two houses always go down early. There were a few Ravenclaws, and I was the only Gryffindor."

That narrowed things down a lot, since it had to be someone that wasn't in Gryffindor. My guess was that it was someone in Slytherin, but I couldn't be sure. "Where did they even get the potion?" Joe asked. "Love potion of any kind is banned at Hogwarts."

"They probably got it from the SPEW potion sale," Ray said, looking over at Frank.

"I can't tell you anything," Frank stated. "At SPEW, we have a strict policy of client confidentiality."

"You just made that up, didn't you?" Ray said.

"Maybe, but who cares?" Frank said. "I sold potion to lots of people. It could still be anybody."

The other members of the Gryffindor table continued to bicker amongst themselves, and I occasionally chimed in with a sassy comment of my own. After breakfast, Frank, Ray, and I had band practice, so we met up with Mikey near the Room of Requirement. However, the corridor leading to the Room of Requirement was blocked, so we had to practice in the empty classroom again. As Frank and Ray set up their guitars, I asked, "Hey Mikey, where were you yesterday morning?"

"Eating breakfast with the rest of the Slytherin table, and then helping you chase down Pete," Mikey said. "Why do you ask?"

"Oh, no reason," I said. "I was just starting to think that you might have put that love potion in Pete's pumpkin juice."

I studied Mikey's expression, but as usual, it was a pokerface. "It wasn't me," Mikey said. "I wouldn't do something like that."

"Are you sure?" I asked. "You did buy potion from Frank..."

"So did plenty of other people," Mikey said.

"You know, I really wouldn't care if you liked Pete. Actually, you two would make a cute couple."

"I don't like him. Not like that, at least."

I wouldn't blame Mikey if he did like Pete, I thought. Pete's kind of cute, but he's no Frank Iero.

"I knew it!" Mikey exclaimed. "I knew you liked Frank!"

Oops, I must have said that out loud. "What's this about me?" Frank asked.

"Nothing," I said. "L-let's just start practice."

We practiced for a while, but there was this weird background noise. "Does anyone else hear that?" Frank asked.

Mikey and Ray both nodded. Good. It wasn't just me. "Let's stop playing for a minute and see if we can figure out what the noise is," I suggested. We stopped, but we could still hear music playing.

Hope this is the last time

'Cause I'd never say no to you

This conversation's been

Dead on arrival

And there's no way

To talk to you

This conversation's been

Dead on

A rivalry goes so deep

Between me

And this loss of sleep

Over you

This is side one

Flip me over

I know, I'm not your

Favorite record

But the songs you grow to like

Never stick at first

So, I'm writing you a chorus

And here is your verse

"Weird," Ray said. "There must be another band playing next door."

The song suddenly stopped, and someone knocked on our door. I opened the door, and saw Joe Trohman, Pete Wentz, Patrick Stump, and Andy Hurley. They seemed like the most unlikely combination of students to be in a band together. "So this is where the noise was coming from," Andy said.

"How are you four in a band together?" Frank asked.

"That's what I was about to ask," I said.

"It's a long story," Pete said.

"We have time," Joe said. "So Patrick and I started a band and we met in this classroom. Patrick was wearing shorts and socks and a hat. Patrick was playing drums for some reason. And Pete was there for some reason!"

"Joe bribed me with pizza," Pete said.

"We started playing music together, and we played some covers from some other bands," Joe continued. "But then Pete said that we needed to play stuff from Fall Out Boy. That was dope, but we needed a drummer, because Patrick has a soul voice. Patrick, demonstrate."


"So we had Josh Freese, Neil Peart, the dude from Toto, and the guy from Papa Roach or something come in, but we needed Andy Hurley, so now we have a drummer," Joe said. "And that's just how the story goes."

"Interesting," Frank said.

"It's almost time to go to class," Mikey reminded us.

"I guess we'll see you guys later?" I said.

"See you later Gerard," Pete said.

Maybe Mikey really had started the chaos of the Giant Squid Incident. Maybe he hadn't. Either way, I would find out soon enough.

A/N: I'M BACK! Also, Gerard Way and the Triwizard Tournament now has 1K reads and more votes than any of my other stories! YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME!!! Thank you so much! 

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