Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

It was about a week after the champions were announced and I started that band with Ray. I hadn't made much progress on the first task. I still didn't know what it was, and I definitely wasn't prepared. The band was doing a little better. I had written a few more songs, but the band still didn't have a name and we hadn't gotten any new members.

I was late for lunch because I had to stay after class to make up work in Ancient Runes. When I got there, Frank and Ray were already chatting.

"You really like him, don't you?" Ray asked Frank.

"Yeah," Frank said. "I don't think he likes me though. We aren't even really friends."

"Oh come on, he totally does," Ray said. "He told me once."

"What are you guys talking about?" I finally asked them.

Ray's eyes opened in surprise when he saw me. "Hey Gee," Ray said. "I was just helping Frank with his Potions homework."

Frank nodded. "Yeah, that's exactly what we were doing."

They were obviously lying. If there was one person who didn't need help with their Potions homework, it was Frank. "No really, what were you talking about?" I asked.

"We can't tell you," Ray said. "It would be really awkward if you knew. Unless you want to tell him, Frank?"

Frank blushed and shook his head. I shrugged and sat down next to Ray. "So what's new with you guys?"

"Our History of Magic essay is impossible," Ray complained.

"It's not that bad," Frank argued.

"Yes it is," Ray said.

"It's just talking about the causes of the Giant Wars. That's easy. We've had way harder essays than that."

"At least the one on Urie the Oddball was interesting!"

"Urie the Oddball?" I asked.

"I meant Uric! But Urie would make sense too..." Ray said.

Frank and Ray continued to talk about History of Magic, and I kind of zoned out after that. I didn't really care that much about History of Magic, especially since I wasn't taking it.

That was until Mikey came up to me. "Gerard, I learned how to play the bass," he said.

There was no way that Mikey had learned how to play the bass in a week. Besides, he didn't even have his bass with him. He was only carrying a Divination textbook. Mikey was just lying to me so he could get into the band. "I don't believe you," I replied.

"Oh really?" Mikey said. "Then watch this." Mikey took out his wand and pointed it at the Divination textbook. The textbook then transformed into a sparkly silver bass. Some of the other Gryffindors were impressed by this little bit of magic, but I wasn't. Mikey still hadn't proven that he could actually play the bass.

Mikey then picked up the bass and began to play. This time, we were all blown away by how amazing he sounded. Apparently, Mikey had indeed learned how to play the bass in the week. "He's even better than me!" Pete exclaimed at one point. By the time Mikey transfigured his bass back into a Divination textbook, I had made up my mind.

"So can I join your band?" Mikey asked.

"Yes, of course you can," I said. "So we'll see you at band practice tomorrow at 3:00?"

"Yes," Mikey said. "See you then Gee." Mikey returned to the Slytherin table, but we couldn't stop talking about him.

"Mikey was so good!" Ray exclaimed.

"Why didn't you mention how talented your brother was?" Pete asked.

"I didn't know either," I told Pete. "I've never heard him play before."

"Well, he's amazing," Pete said. "I wish I could play like that."

"It's really unfortunate that Mikey's joining your band," Hayley said. "If he wasn't, I'd make him join Paramore!"

"What's Paramore?" Frank asked.

"My band, obviously," Hayley said.

"You started a band too?" I asked Hayley.

"Yeah, but we've only existed for two days," Hayley said.

"We're not much better," I said. "Ray and I started the band a week ago."

"Is it just you, Ray, and Mikey?" Hayley asked.

I nodded. "I'm just glad that we have a bassist now."

I could already tell that Mikey was going to be a fantastic addition to our still-unnamed band. However, the Triwizard Tournament was in two weeks. I couldn't let myself get too caught up in the band.

A/N: It's the Fourth of July, and I'm watching for fireworks that went off too soon... 

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