Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

We were standing right outside of the Quidditch field, listening to the roar of the crowd that gave me heartache to sing. My Firebolt Supreme was by my side, and the rest of the team was waiting for the match to start.

"Listen up," I heard Frank say. "We're going to win this. We have a really strong team this year, with some of the best Quidditch players at Hogwarts. Ravenclaw may be a tough team to play against, but we can do it! GO GRYFFINDOR!"

"GO GRYFFINDOR!" we all repeated. The match was about to begin. Dr. Death Defying, our Quidditch commentator, began his commentary.

"The future is bulletproof! The aftermath is secondary! It's time to do it now and do it loud! Killjoys, make some noise!" The crowd screamed, and our team walked onto the field. I spotted Ray and Mikey in the Gryffindor section, and Brendon wandering around, unsure of which team to cheer for. Dr. Death Defying was now saying something about the game. Nobody knew who Dr. Death really was, but he sure was a good commentator.

Madam Hooch tossed the Quaffle into the air, and I flew after it. I caught the Quaffle, and tried to pass it to Frank, who was flying near the Ravenclaw goal post. However, Dallon Weekes, one of the Ravenclaw Chasers, caught it instead and started flying towards our goal. He passed it off to Winona, who then passed it back to Dallon. Despite our best efforts, Ravenclaw scored. The game was now 0-10.

After the Quaffle went in the goal, Spencer tossed it to Frank. He raced across the field, but Dallon flew right into him and stole the Quaffle. That's totally illegal (it's called Blatching and it's one of the ten most common Quidditch fouls), but Madam Hooch "didn't see it," so Ravenclaw wasn't penalized. In any case, Dallon now had the Quaffle and he threw it towards our goal. Spencer caught it though, so everything turned out okay.

Spencer then tried to throw the Quaffle to me, but it missed and Dallon grabbed it. Dallon then did a Dionysus Dive and scored. The score was now 0-20. We needed to score some points, and quickly.

That didn't happen though. The Ravenclaw Chasers scored over and over again. Frank, Maggie, and I tried our best to keep them from scoring, but it didn't work. Even with my brand new broom, I couldn't quite keep up with the Ravenclaws. We got close to scoring a few times, but Andy always kept the Quaffle out of the goal. By the time Frank and Andy agreed to call a timeout so we could get some rest, the score was 0-50.

The Beaters were the ones who saved us. When we started the game again, Pete whacked the Bludger towards the Ravenclaw goal and hit Andy. We now had an empty goal. This was the perfect opportunity to score. I caught the Quaffle and passed it to Frank. He flew towards the Ravenclaw goal and finally scored. The crowd screamed. Finally, we had some points.

I managed to score next. With Dr. Death praising Frank's Quidditch skills and the fans cheering us on, I took the Quaffle and threw it into the goal. The game continued on, but it seemed that we were doing a lot better. Soon, the score was tied: 50-50.

That was when they let the Snitch out. Hayley saw it first and glided towards the Golden Snitch. The Ravenclaw Seeker then followed her. The two of them chased after the Snitch while we continued to play. Dallon and Frank each scored one more time before Hayley finally caught the Snitch. The game was over and Hayley had just scored 150 points. Gryffindor won.

"YES!!!" Frank screamed. "WE WON!"

We all cheered. We had just beaten Ravenclaw, and Gryffindor had unofficially won the unofficial Quidditch Cup.

We went back to the common room to celebrate. "Congratulations Gee," Ray said to me. "You played really well."

"Thanks," I said, smiling. Someone had just brought in a bunch of Butterbeers, and everyone was talking about how awesome the game was. There might have been music playing, but it was hard to hear over everyone shouting.

At one point, Frank came up to me and said, "Hey Gee! That was the best I've ever seen you play! You were great out there!"

"Thank you," I said quietly. "You did really well too. You know, like you usually do. You're always good." Ugh, why was I always so awkward around Frank? Thankfully, I don't think he heard me. I was probably nothing more than a mediocre Chaser to him anyways.

I got myself another Butterbeer and collapsed into one of the many couches scattered around the common room. Ray sat down next to me. "I can't believe Quidditch season is over already," I told him.

"It's crazy," he replied. "It feels like we should have a few more games."

"At least we have the Triwizard Tournament," I said.

"That should be interesting," Ray said.

"Yeah, I can't wait," I said. I leaned back and took another sip of my Butterbeer. Frank, Hayley, and the rest of the Gryffindor Quidditch team had disappeared into the crowd.

No more Quidditch for the rest of the year. That really was a scary thought.

A/N: Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't been updating much; I've been super busy over the last week or so with finals, camping trips, graduation parties, swim meets, etc. I do have a life outside of fanfiction, you know (okay, maybe not). In any case, I will be leaving for Europe in a few hours, so I will not be updating this story until the end of the month. I hope you enjoyed this double update though!!! :)

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