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Nine years had passed since the incident with Rookwood, and so much had changed since then. Frank and I did take that trip around the world, and then we started playing with My Chemical Romance again. We had our ups and downs, but we eventually gained a huge following. After a while, I was able to quit my job at the Quibbler and play with the band full-time.

It was September 1st once again, the day when every young witch and wizard went to board the Hogwarts Express. Frank and I were hanging out backstage before the show started while Ray and Mikey were brewing a potion that would help Mikey appear a little more substantial. After all, we couldn't let the Muggles in our audience know that our bassist was actually dead.

"I can't believe that it's been nine years since we graduated from Hogwarts," Frank said as he started tuning his guitar.

"Me neither," I said. "You know, my cousin's son is going off to Hogwarts today."

"Aww, really?" Frank said. "What's his name?"

"Scorpius Malfoy," I said.

Frank smiled. "I'm sure he'll have a great time, just like we did."

"Actually, I'm going to go talk to him right now," I said. I went over to the fireplace and tossed some Floo Powder into the fire. I then stuck my head inside and said "Slytherin Common Room!" as I was almost certain that this was the house that Scorpius would be sorted into.

The Slytherin Common Room appeared before me, and I spotted Scorpius relaxing on one of the couches in the common room and talking to a black-haired boy with glasses. By this point, Scorpius looked almost exactly like his father. "OH MY GOSH! SCORPIUS!" the other boy shouted. "Gerard Way is in the fire!"

"Hi Gerard," Scorpius said. "What's up?"

"Not much," I said. "I'm just seeing how you're doing at Hogwarts. I see that you've made a new friend."

"You know him?!?" the other boy said.

"Yeah," Scorpius said. "He's my mom's cousin."

"Why didn't you tell me that you were related to Gerard Way?" the other boy asked Scorpius.

"I didn't think that it was important," Scorpius said. "Gerard, this is my new friend Albus Potter. He's in Slytherin too."

"I'm also a huge My Chemical Romance fan," Albus told me.

"We also met this girl named Rose, but she got sorted into Gryffindor, so we can't see her as much," Scorpius said. "She seems really nice."

"It's nice to meet you Albus," I said.

"Gerard, don't you have a concert or something tonight?" Scorpius asked.

I nodded. "I have some time though. Did you two enjoy the Start of Term feast?"

"YES!" Albus and Scorpius shouted in unison.

"The food was so good!" Albus exclaimed. "This is seriously the best day ever. First I got to go to Hogwarts, then I met all of these new friends, and now I'm meeting the lead singer of my favorite band!"

"Is the rest of the band there with you?" Scorpius asked.

"Yes they are," I replied.

"How are they doing?" Scorpius asked.

"They're all doing great," I said.

"You and Frank are such a cute couple," Albus said. "I ship Frerard so hard."

"I went to their wedding!" Scorpius said.

"Stop making me jealous Scorpius!" Albus exclaimed.

"I should probably go," I told them. "I'll see you soon Scorpius, and don't forget to write me. I always love to hear from you."

"Bye Gerard," Scorpius said.

I stepped away from the green flames and I was backstage again. "The other band that's performing with us finally showed up," Frank told me. "I think they're talking to Ray right now."

"Okay," I said. Frank and I entered the room where Ray and Mikey were talking to the members of the other band. They looked familiar, but I couldn't quite recognize them.

The lead singer turned around and noticed me. He adjusted his fedora and said, "Hey Gerard. What's up?"

Of course, it was none other than my old friend from Hogwarts, Patrick Stump. "Patrick!" I exclaimed as I gave him a hug. "I haven't seen you in years."

"Yeah, it's been a long time," Patrick said. "How have you been?"

I smiled. "Amazing," I said. "What about you?"

"I've been well," Patrick said. "Pete's around here somewhere..."

Then, out of nowhere, a wild Pete Wentz appeared. "I just got an owl from Brendon," he explained. "Apparently Panic! At The Disco is releasing a new album soon or something."

"That's cool," I said. "Just out of curiosity, are you and Patrick still together?"

Pete and Patrick both nodded. "What about you and Frank?" Pete asked.

"Of course," Frank interjected. "Actually, we're married now."

"Aww, that's so sweet," Patrick said.

"You wouldn't believe who else got married a few years ago," Pete said.

"Who?" Frank and I both asked.

"Professor Howell and Professor Lester!" Pete exclaimed.

"Yes!" I exclaimed. "I knew Phan was real!"

"Yeah, they spent Christmas break in Vegas two years after you left," Patrick added. "I can't believe you didn't hear about that."

"Wow, that's awesome," Frank said. "PHAN IS REAL!"

"It's almost time for us to go on," Patrick said. "We'll talk to you later."

Pete, Patrick, Joe, and Andy went onstage a few minutes later, and the rest of us waited and listened to them play. They were even better than they were when we first heard them at the Yule Ball, which meant that they would be a tough act to follow.

Finally, it was our turn. I gave my beautiful husband a soft, sweet kiss before we went onstage and once again heard the roar of the crowd. I took the microphone and sang from the heart, letting Frank, Ray, and Mikey's instruments blend with my voice.

What's the worst that I can say?

Things are better if I stay

So long and goodnight

So long and goodnight

And if you carry on this way

Things are better if I stay

So long and goodnight

So long and goodnight

A/N: Happy Halloween! I hope you had as much fun reading Gerard Way and the Triwizard Tournament as I did writing it. This isn't quite the last chapter though. Tomorrow, I'm going to post a BONUS CHAPTER that's only available for my followers. This chapter will include:

* Random trivia about this book

* A one-shot set in this universe titled "Pumpkins, Unicorns, and Sweet Revenge."

* A sneak peek at my new book "Band Geeks Will Never Hurt You!" :)

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