Chapter 46

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Chapter 46

"Last place?!?" Hayley screamed. "How are we in last place?!? Last time I checked, we were right behind Slytherin, and now we're in LAST!"

We were standing in front of the house point hourglasses, and it was clear that my midnight adventure with Frank had dropped our house down to fourth place. "We're only ten points behind Hufflepuff," I said.

"There's still no way that we're going to win the House Cup," Hayley said sadly.

"But we won the Quidditch Cup," I reminded Hayley.

"That's because we only played one game!" Hayley exclaimed. She sighed and returned to the breakfast table. I looked at the hourglasses one last time. Slytherin was in first, followed by Ravenclaw, and then Hufflepuff, and then finally Gryffindor. It was very close, so we could still win though. I went back to the Gryffindor table, and started to eat.

Hayley started reading the Daily Prophet. "Anything interesting in there?" I asked.

"Nope," Hayley said. "They're mostly just complaining about how the Aurors haven't caught that one Death Eater yet. The Daily Prophet is also trying to get a student reporter to cover the final task of the Triwizard Tournament. We'll see how that goes."

"Why can't they serve pizza for breakfast?" Pete complained. He was wearing Professor Howell's llama hat.

"Where did you get that?" Frank asked.

"The llama hat? I stole it from Professor Howell," Pete said.

"You're going to get in trouble for that, and we can't afford to lose any more points," Hayley said. "We're already in last place."

At that moment, Patrick walked up to our table. "Hey everyone," he said. "Pete, where did you get that hat?"

"I was just about to give it to you," Pete said. He took off the hat and put it on over Patrick's fedora. Pete gave Patrick a quick peck on the lips and said, "You look adorable."

Patrick smiled. "Thanks," he said.


Professor Howell stormed over to our table and snatched the llama hat off of Patrick's head. "I saw you give Patrick the llama hat, so twenty points from Gryffindor," he said before returning to the professors' table.

"Nice job Pete," I said sarcastically. "Now we're thirty points behind Hufflepuff instead of ten."

"This is horrible," Pete said. "First I don't have pizza for breakfast, then I lose points, and next I have my Charms OWL!"

I had almost forgotten that exams started today. That meant that I wouldn't have anything to do all day, which would be kind of fun, except everyone else would be busy taking the NEWTs. "The Charms OWL is easy," Frank said.

"Just be careful on the Substantive Charm," I said. "That's what everyone loses points on."

"Any advice on the fourth year Transfiguration exam?" Patrick asked. "I've studied so hard over the past few days, but I still can't Vanish large objects."

"It's all about concentration, Patrick," Pete said. "Just focus and you can do it. Don't let your mind wander."

"I'll try that," Patrick said.

We continued talking about the exams until we finished our breakfast. Ray, Frank, and Hayley all had to take their NEWTs, so I went to the library to review for the Triwizard Tournament. I took "An Anthology of Monsters" off of the shelves and began reading. I had heard of most of the beasts in the book before, but I had to know how to defeat them for the Tournament.

"Where is your boy tonight, Way?" I heard someone say. I looked up from my book and saw that Darren Travers and Tiffany Blews had decided to sit down at my table. "What's that kid's name again? Frank Oreo?" Tiffany asked.

"It's Frank Iero, you twat," I said. "Now leave me alone. I'm studying."

"Oh come on," Darren said. "Don't pretend you ever forgot about me."

"Darren, you can thank your lucky stars that everything I wish for will never come true," I said.

Darren shrugged. "I don't blame you for being you, but you can't blame me for hating it," he said.

"Aren't you guys supposed to be taking the NEWTs?" I asked.

"Muggle Studies, Care of Magical Creatures, and Arithmancy are today," Tiffany said.

"I don't understand why anyone would take those classes," Darren said. "Care of Magical Creatures is dangerous, Arithmancy is hard, and Muggles are scum."

"I've got a dark alley and a bad idea that says you should shut your mouth," I said. "I suggest that you run away from here, because I'm going to DESTROYA!"

Darren and Tiffany laughed. "I just can't take you seriously when you have that giant book in front of you," Darren said.

"Maybe the piano knows something I don't know," Tiffany said.

"If life ain't just a joke, then why are we laughing?" I asked.

"Because you're crashing, but you're no wave," Tiffany said.

That was when Esteban showed up. "Leave Gerard alone you two," he said. "He probably needs to figure out what to do for the Tournament in two weeks."

Darren and Tiffany moved to another table. "Thanks Esteban," I said.

"No problem," he said. "I'm just doing what I do best."

And that is why I constantly thank God for Esteban.

I spent most of the rest of the day studying. Even after the tests, my friends were so nastily exhausted that they couldn't do anything except for sleep and study for the next day's tests. "Gerard?" Frank said as he stumbled into the common room after his Care of Magical Creatures NEWT. "Can you sing to me?"

I nodded and started singing one of the new songs that I had been working on.

If there's a place that I could be

Then I'd be another memory

Can I be the only hope for you?

Because you're the only hope for me

And if we can't find where we belong

We'll have to make it on our own

Face all the pain and take it on

Because the only hope for me is you alone

Gerard Way and the Triwizard TournamentWhere stories live. Discover now