Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Okay, I admit it. Teenagers are way scarier than no Quidditch. Seriously, they could care less as long as someone'll bleed!

It was finally October 30th. We were all sitting at the Gryffindor table yet again. Frank and Hayley were arguing over whether to subtract five or ten points from the first years. They were talking too loudly, which seemed weird, since we were far louder than they were.

"We definitely need to take away ten points," Hayley said. "They were being really disruptive."

"This is our house," Frank countered. "We can't take too many points from Gryffindor if we want to win the House Cup."

"We already won the Quidditch Cup," Hayley stated. "Why do we need the House Cup?"

"Can you all just shut up?" I said. I wondered why McGonagall had chosen Frank and Hayley as Head Boy and Head Girl. Neither of them were particularly responsible. It was kind of entertaining to watch them though.

"Fine," Hayley said. "We'll discuss this later."

"Hey, aren't Beauxbatons and Durmstrang coming today?" Ray mentioned.

"I think so," Hayley said. "I heard that the Durmstrang kids are jerks though."

"Hopefully they'll sit with the Slytherins and we won't have to deal with them," Pete said.

"Yeah! They can bother Darren Travers instead!" Joe exclaimed.

"We haven't even met them yet," Ray said. "We shouldn't judge them."

"When's dinner?" Pete asked. "I heard there was going to be pizza."

Joe rolled his eyes. "You can't even stop thinking about pizza for one second?"

"Pizza's amazing!" Pete exclaimed.

"I think we're having the feast after Beauxbatons and Durmstrang show up," I told Pete.

"And when's that going to happen?" he asked.

I couldn't answer that one. All McGonagall had said was that we could skip Herbology for the day so we could be there when Beauxbatons and Durmstrang arrive. Suddenly, Professor Howell came over to our table. "Gryffindors, get in line! We're going to the Forbidden Forest!"

"The Forbidden Forest?" I whispered to Ray. "I thought that was off-limits."

"I don't know," Ray said. "I guess that's where the other schools are arriving."

I shrugged and lined up with the other Gryffindors. We all went out to the Forbidden Forest. Behind me, I heard Pete complaining about how hungry he was. I had a song stuck in my head, so I started humming.

"Please be on your best behavior," Professor Howell reminded us. "Gerard, that means no singing."

"Dang it," I mumbled. I stopped humming and followed the rest of my house into the forest.

"How do you think the other two schools are going to get here?" Ray asked me. That was a good question. They couldn't Apparate here, there were too many of them to use a Portkey, and Floo Powder would be pretty unreliable.

"We'll just have to wait and see," I told him.

"Look!" Hayley exclaimed, pointing up at the sky. "There it is!" I looked up, and noticed a gigantic carriage being pulled by elephant-sized flying horses. The carriage swooped downwards and landed with a crash. We stepped out of the way and watched as the students climbed out of the carriage. There were about a dozen students and they were all wearing their Beauxbatons uniforms. After all of the students entered the castle, we saw the Beauxbatons headmistress. The first thing that we noticed about her was that she was incredibly tall. The only person that I had ever seen before her that was that tall was Hagrid.

"I think that's Madame Maxime," Hayley told me.

"Maxime?" I replied. "That's certainly a fitting name."

A few minutes later, Durmstrang showed up. We were expected something else to come out of the sky, but instead there was a mast coming out of the Black Lake. Durmstrang had decided to come in a giant ship. The ship rose out of the lake, and then anchored itself as the students disembarked. The headmaster then got off and started talking to McGonagall. I didn't hear their conversation, but it was probably about the tournament.

The Durmstrang students looked kind of mean, and I was reminded of how I had almost gone there. When I was a young boy, my parents' friends were trying to convince them that it was better to send me to Durmstrang because there weren't any Muggle borns there. My parents insisted that Hogwarts would give me a better education though.

Finally, we went back inside for the Welcoming Feast. Unfortunately for Pete, they actually weren't serving pizza. The food was pretty good though.

"I am definitely going to enter the Triwizard Tournament," Frank told us. "Beating Beauxbatons and Durmstrang should be easy."

"I wouldn't be so sure," I heard a girl say in a heavy French accent. One of the Beauxbatons girls had just sat down in the empty seat next to Spencer. She had pale skin, dark brown eyes, and long dark brown hair that was pulled back into a ponytail. The girl was quite skinny and she was wearing her Beauxbatons uniform.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her.

"I'm Laurette Desmarais," she said. "I just wanted to check out the competition."

"You're entering too?" Frank asked.

"Well, of course!" Laurette said. "I shall bring eternal glory to Beauxbatons Academy of Magic!"

"No way," Frank replied. "Hogwarts is going to win!"

"The champions haven't even been announced yet," I reminded them, but Frank and Laurette weren't listening. After the feast, McGonagall explained how the champions would be chosen. Basically, the champions were chosen by the Goblet of Fire, which would be in the entrance hall. If I wanted to enter, I would have to put my name on there in the next twenty four hours. The champions would be announced during the Halloween Feast. It seemed simple enough. There would be an age line to prevent the younger students from entering, but that wouldn't be a problem for me.

When McGonagall was done talking, the younger students went to the common room while Frank, Hayley, Ray, and I went out to the entrance hall. Why not? It wouldn't do any harm to put my name in the Goblet of Fire. It wasn't like I was going to get picked anyways, right?

No. Of course not. I was never going to be champion, and I was okay with that.

A/N: I'm back! I have permanent jet lag, so it feels like it's nine in the afternoon. MCR was right (as usual), the jetset life is gonna kill you. OK seriously, Europe was awesome. I'm moving to Switzerland when I get older. That's all. This story will be back to regular updates, and Chapter 12 should be up soon. 

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