Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

The Great Hall was busy that evening. By that point, we had all found our seats, and the Hogwarts ghosts were floating around. Peeves was annoying the Hufflepuffs, thankfully, so he couldn't bother us.

As usual, Frank had plenty of stories to tell about his summer. "My family went on vacation this summer, and I was almost strangled by a tiger!" he told us. "I managed to stun it though." Nobody knew if Frank's stories were really true. I doubted it, but they were interesting anyways. "Oh my goodness, hi Gee!" Frank exclaimed when he noticed that I was there.

"Hey Frank," I said.

Frank grinned. "It's so good to be back in Gryffindor!"

"I know," I said. "I can't wait to get back to Quidditch."

"We are so going to win this year," Frank said.

"Yeah, I've been practicing all summer," Hayley said.

Frank groaned. "I wish I could. My parents are Muggles, so they're not exactly thrilled to have me riding around on a broomstick in the backyard."

I still knew that Frank would be better than me, even though I had practiced more. He was just that talented. Frank really did have it all. He was Head Boy, the Gryffindor Quidditch captain, popular, fun, smart, attractive, and an all-around great person. I wasn't any of those things. "You'll still be great, Frank," I said.

"Thanks Gerard!" Frank exclaimed.

"We should probably quiet down," Ray said. "The Sorting Ceremony is about to start."

The Sorting Hat started singing his little song, which was awful, as usual. The Sorting Hat wasn't a particularly good singer. "Does it really take him all year to write that song?" I asked. "I bet I could write a better song than that in far less time."

"I'd like to see you try," Ray said.

I made a mental note to write a better song than the Sorting Hat by the end of the year. Then, the Sorting began. We were all starving by that point, but we had to watch the Sorting, so we made a game out of guessing what house each student would be Sorted into.

"Ashbury, David!" Professor McGonagall shouted.

"He looks like a Hufflepuff," Pete said.

"No, I'm guessing Ravenclaw," Hayley said. "Those glasses make him look smart."

"RAVENCLAW!" the hat shouted.

"I told you so," Hayley said.

"Augustine, Bridget!"

"Probably Gryffindor or Slytherin," I said.

"She looks kind of evil," Joe said. "I'm guessing Slytherin."

"Hey!" I exclaimed. "Not all Slytherins are evil! What about Mikey? He's a Slytherin, and he's awesome!"

"SLYTHERIN!" the hat shouted.

"Knew it," Joe muttered.

For me, there were three types of Slytherins. There were the good ones, like Mikey or Brendon, who had the cunning and ambition to be in Slytherin, but were actually really nice. There were the mean ones, who believed all of that "blood purity" bullshit and were nasty to Muggle-borns (or anyone else they didn't like for that matter). Then there were the downright evil ones who became Death Eaters the second they graduated from Hogwarts. Unfortunately, the latter two groups tended to give the first one a bad name. I didn't know what Bridget Augustine was like, but I hoped that she would end up with the good Slytherins.

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