Chapter 51

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Chapter 51

Maybe I was just feeling a little bit disenchanted, but I was starting to think that you only hear the music when your heart begins to break. It had been two days since the article was published, and although Darren and his friends were being worse than ever, I knew that I only had to hang on for a few more days. After graduation, this would all blow over, and I could enjoy my prize money without anyone accusing me of cheating on the Tournament.

I had never planned out my route beforehand like the article said that I did. The spell that I used to find my way through the maze was perfectly legal. The article was just an excuse to bash me for dating a Muggle-born, but that's what you get when you let your heart win.

I probably just had a bad case of senioritis, but schoolwork didn't seem to matter that much anymore. I had one last essay to finish in Ancient Runes, but the other classes were practically finished. In fact, my last day of Defense Against the Dark Arts and Transfiguration was that day, since the seventh years didn't have class on Friday due to the graduation ceremony.

At breakfast that morning, we mostly talked about all of the crazy things that we were going to do over the summer. Hayley was thinking of spending the summer in Italy, while Ray was planning to go into a music-related field after graduation. They asked me what I was going to do after graduation, and I simply replied, "I'm still not sure."

"You like D&D, Audrey Hepburn, Fangoria, Harry Houdini, and croquet," Ray told me. "You can't swim, you can't dance, and you don't know karate. Face it, you're never gonna make it!"

"I don't wanna make it," I said. "I just wanna..."

"Hey everyone," Frank said as he entered the Great Hall. "What's up?"

"Not much," I said.

"Are you okay, Gee?" Frank asked.

"Well if you wanted honesty, that's all you had to say..." I sang.

"As much as I love to hear you sing, save it for band practice," Frank said. "Seriously, are you alright?"

"I think the world hates us, Frankie," I said.

"I know the world hates us, but why should we care about what they think?" Frank replied. I didn't really have an answer to that one. "By the way, how's Mikey doing?"

"I don't know," I said. "Should we go check on him?"

Frank nodded, and we both went over to the Slytherin table. Mikey, Brendon, and Ryan were sitting in their usual spots, but Tiffany Blews was also sitting at that end of the table.

"Hi Frank. Hi Gee," Mikey said. "How's it going?"

"Okay," I said.

"Have you seen the man with silver hair and two differently colored eyes anywhere?" Mikey asked.

"No, but I'll keep looking for him," I said. "What's Tiffany doing here?"

"It's kind of a long story," Brendon said.

"It's not that long," Tiffany said. "I broke up with Darren because he's an asshole, and then I moved to the opposite end of the Slytherin table in order to get away from him."

"That makes sense," I said.

I continued to chat with the Slytherins for a while, but I had to get to class. During Transfiguration, Professor Lester mostly let us talk amongst ourselves and practice whatever spells we wanted to.

"I'm truly going to miss all of you," he told us. "It's been a pleasure having you in class and watching you grow from nervous first-years into talented Transfigurers. I remember when Frank Iero walked into this class and didn't even know what Transfiguration was, and now he's one of the top students in the class. All of you have grown so much over the years Next year simply won't be the same without my favorite class. I hope some of you choose to stay in touch, and I wish you luck in whatever you choose to do after graduation."

Professor Howell, on the other hand, was thrilled that we were leaving. "Next year's going to be great! I won't have to deal with you troublemakers!" he told us. At least he was being honest, and even though Professor Howell wouldn't miss me, I would certainly miss him.

In Herbology, Professor Sprout told us that she was retiring. "Who's going to teach Herbology next year?" I asked, since I was wondering who Mikey would have.

"Professor Neville Longbottom," she answered. I didn't know who Neville Longbottom was, but I hoped that he would be as good as Professor Sprout was.

After class, Frank and I decided to go into Hogsmeade one last time, since neither of us had any homework. Our weekly trips into the village would be another thing that I would miss. "What's one thing that you've always wanted to do at Hogwarts that you haven't done yet?" Frank asked me on the way to Hogsmeade.

"I've always wanted to go into the Shrieking Shack," I said. "I know we're technically not allowed to go inside, but I've always been curious. There haven't been any screams coming from the shack in years, so it can't be too dangerous."

"I've never had a Fizzing Whizbee," Frank said. "I want to try one."

"Oh my gosh, Fizzing Whizbees are amazing," I said. "They taste good, and they make you fly! What's better than that?"

"Let's go to Honeydukes, and then we can go to the Shrieking Shack," Frank said.

Frank and I went to Honeydukes, and Frank bought a pack of Fizzing Whizbees. He opened the package and popped one of the candies into his mouth. Frank then began to levitate a few inches off of the ground. "Look Gee! I'm flying!" he exclaimed.

"I told you Fizzing Whizbees were awesome," I said.

"Let's go to the Shrieking Shack," Frank said.

The two of us went to the Shrieking Shack. I have to admit, it was pretty scary-looking. The windows were all boarded up, and it looked like nobody had entered the house in years. "Come on Gee," Frank said. "All you have to do is go in there."

"Can you come with me?" I asked.

"This was your idea," Frank said. "You should be the one to go in there. It can't be that scary."

"You're right," I said. "See you in a few minutes Frankie." I gave Frank a quick kiss before opening the door and entering the Shrieking Shack.

I closed the door behind me, but it was pitch black in there and I couldn't see a thing. "Lumos," I said, and the tip of my wand lit up. I could now see that the room was covered in dust and all of the furniture was broken. I wandered around a little bit before determining that there wasn't really anything of interest in the Shrieking Shack.

That's when I saw it. There was a man crouching in the corner of the room: a man with greasy silver hair and one blue eye and one brown eye.

This was the man who had killed Mikey. 

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