Chapter 43

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Chapter 43

May 24th finally arrived. Only one month was left before the third task, and I still didn't know what it would be. That evening, Laurette, Annalise, and I were asked to come to the Quidditch field, where the headmasters would explain the third task.

On the way to the Quidditch field, I ran into Laurette. "What do you think the third task is?" she asked me.

I shrugged. "I don't know," I said. "I hope it's easier than the first two tasks."

"Me too," Laurette said.

We arrived at the Quidditch field, where Annalise, Professor McGonagall, Professor Draganov, and Madame Maxime were waiting for us. I looked over the Quidditch field and noticed that someone had been building walls all over it. Now I understood why we weren't allowed to use the field after the tournament started.

"Well, now that you're all here, I guess we can start," McGonagall said. "As you can see, we have been making a maze on the Quidditch field. Professor Hagrid will be filling it with a variety of magical creatures, as well as other obstacles."

"It's not that straightforward though," Draganov interrupted. "This is only the first part of the third task."

"What else is there?" Laurette asked.

"We have to go through the Black Lake, and then we have to retrieve the Triwizard Cup from the roof of the Astronomy Tower," Annalise explained. I suspected that Draganov had already told Annalise everything that she needed to know.

"Annalise is exactly right," Draganov said. "After the maze, you will have to swim through the Black Lake, and then you will need to go up to the Astronomy Tower to find the Triwizard Cup. The champions who are leading on points will get a head start in the maze, so Gerard will enter the maze first, followed by Annalise, and then Laurette. Any questions?" All of us shook our heads. "Alright, you can return to the castle," Draganov said.

All of us headed back into the castle. Frank was waiting for me near the castle gates. "What's the third task?" he asked me.

"It's kind of complicated," I said. "Let's go back to the common room, and then I'll explain it to you."

Frank grabbed my hand and we approached the Fat Lady's portrait. "Sweet Revenge," I said.

"She changed the password," Frank said. "Demolition Lovers."

The portrait opened up, and we entered the Gryffindor Common Room. "So tell me about the third task," Frank said as he crashed onto the couch.

"It has three parts," I explained. "First, we have to get through this maze that they're making on the Quidditch field. Hagrid is throwing all kinds of magical creatures in there. Then, we have to swim through the Black Lake, and then we have to go to the top of the Astronomy Tower to get the Triwizard Cup."

"The second and third parts are easy," Frank said. "Just use the Gillyweed that I gave you, and then summon your broomstick and fly up to the Astronomy Tower."

"That's what I was thinking," I said.

"You might need to brush up on some of your defensive spells for the maze though," Frank said.

"I know just the way to do that," I said. "How about we duel?"

"Sure," Frank said.

"How about tomorrow at five o'clock in the Trophy Room?" I suggested.

"Sounds great," Frank said.

For the rest of the evening, we worked on our Transfiguration essay, which was super hard. It was almost the end of the year, so I wasn't sure why Professor Lester was torturing us with an essay. Usually he went easy on us at the end of the year. After both Frank and I finished the essay, we went off to bed.

The next day at five o'clock, I met Frank in the trophy room. He was a little bit late, so I admired the trophies in the room before he showed up. I found the Triwizard Cup waiting in a glass case next to the list of previous Head Boys and Head Girls. The names of all of the winners of the Triwizard Tournament were engraved on the Cup, and I hoped that my name would soon be on there too.

"Are you ready to duel, Gee?" Frank asked when he entered the room.

"I was born for this," I said as I took out my wand. Frank and I bowed to each other, and the duel began.

"Serpensortia!" Frank exclaimed, and he conjured a snake, which came slithering towards me.

I jumped away from the snake, pointed my wand at it, and said, "Evanesco!" The snake vanished. I pointed my wand at Frank and said, "Levicorpus!"

Frank was dangling upside-down, but he had managed to hold on to his wand. "Liberacorpus!" he said, and he jumped back down to the ground. Frank then attempted to do a Bat-Bogey Hex, but I used Protego to block it.

I again pointed my wand at Frank and said, "Petrificus Totalus." Frank was easily able to block this though.

"Expelliarmus!" he exclaimed. My wand fell out of my hand, and I ran to retrieve it. Frank then did a Trip Jinx, so I landed on the floor.

I managed to grab my wand and I pointed it at Frank. "Confringo!" I exclaimed, and he blasted back into a wall, knocking over a trophy.

Frank put the trophy back in its place, and then attempted to disarm me again just as I cast the Stunning Spell. The two jets of light hit each other in midair and connected, and suddenly my wand began to vibrate. The beam connecting my wand to Frank's had turned gold.

"What's happening?" Frank asked.

"I don't know!" I exclaimed. I held on tightly as the golden thread splintered and created a dome shaped web over us. The sound of a dragon's roar filled the air in the Trophy Room, and beads of light began to slide along the beam.

That was when Frank fell backwards and broke the connection. "What the hell just happened?" he asked me.

"I have no idea, but it was pretty cool," I replied.

"Give me your wand," Frank said. I handed Frank my wand, and he studied it. "What kind of wand is this?" he asked.

"Pine with a dragon heartstring core, twelve inches," I replied.

"You wield a ruler!" Frank exclaimed. He laughed. "Mine is acacia with a dragon heartstring core, nine and three quarters inches."

I suddenly remembered something that I had read in Charms class. "What if we have the same core?" I said.

"That would explain it," Frank said.

"Let's just finish this duel," I said. "Rictumsempra!"

A jet of purple light hit Frank, and he started laughing hysterically. "STOP! STOP!" he screamed as he fell to the floor. "I SURRENDER!"

And that's how I found out about Frank's weakness: the Tickling Charm. 

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