Chapter 48

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Chapter 48

I couldn't sleep that night. Too many images were haunting me. I remembered seeing Mikey's dead body lying on the ground near the Whomping Willow, and the shocked expression on Madam Pomfrey's face as we tried to explain to her what had happened. I remembered how Pete came up to me, asking where Mikey was, and how he didn't believe us when we first told him. I remembered seeing Mikey's body being taken into the Hospital Wing, never to be seen again.

The next morning, McGonagall held a memorial feast for Mikey. The drapes had been changed to black, and McGonagall gave a speech in which she talked about how Mikey was such a wonderful student, and how he would truly be missed by all of us. She then told us about a new rule, which forbade us from flying outside of the Quidditch field. I tried to hold back my tears during the speech, but I couldn't. Mikey was truly gone.

There were rumors swirling around about postponing the Triwizard Tournament for a few days, but Mikey wouldn't have wanted us to wait for him. He would have wanted us to carry on, and that's what I would do.

A few students, mostly Mikey's Slytherin classmates, stood up to speak. One of them was a Slytherin boy who Mikey always complained about. Apparently he was always copying off of Mikey's papers or something. The boy went on and on about how Mikey was a great friend to him and how much he would miss having Mikey in his classes.

The temperature suddenly dropped in the room. "Trevor is the worst," I heard someone say. "He's always copying my homework in Charms class."

"Not now Mikey," I said. "You're interrupting the memorial feast...wait, what?!? MIKEY?!?" I turned around and gasped. My brother was right behind me, but his skin was transparent and he was floating a few inches above the ground.

"Hey everybody," Mikey said. "What's up?"

"How did you get here?" Ray asked.

"I walked through that wall over there, obviously," Mikey said.

"'re a ghost now?" I said.

Mikey nodded. "I never got to say my famous last words, so I decided to come back."

"Oh come on," Frank said. "We all know that you just wanted to ride unicorns."

"That may have been part of it," Mikey admitted. "Hey, isn't the third task today?"

"They might be postponing it," Ray said.

"Is it because of me?" Mikey asked. All of us nodded. "Oh come on! I want to see Gerard WIN THAT FREAKING TOURNAMENT!"

"You can go talk to McGonagall about it if you want," I said.

Mikey glided towards the professors' table to talk to McGonagall. He came back a few minutes later and said, "She agreed to do the third task today."

"Great!" I exclaimed.

"There's just one more thing," Mikey said. "I saw something right before know...died."

"What was it?" I asked.

"I think it was the man who jinxed my broom," Mikey said. "I saw this secret passage right below the Whomping Willow, and there was this guy with greasy silver hair and one brown eye and one blue eye in the secret passage staring at me as I got thrown around by the Whomping Willow. I blacked out right after that, but I thought that you should know that. So if you ever see anyone like that, he was th-the one who k-killed me."

"We'll keep an eye out for him, Mikey," I said

"It all happened so fast," Mikey said. "I was in this marching band where we were all wearing black uniforms. Grandma was there too. She asked about you a lot, Gee. She wanted to know how you were doing."

"What did you tell her?" I asked.

"I told her that you were doing well and that you were in the Triwizard Tournament," Mikey said. "But I told Grandma that I didn't want to die. I wanted to go back. Grandma tried to convince me not to, but she eventually let me come back as a ghost."

"You've had one crazy night, Mikey," I said.

"No kidding," Mikey said.

Frank glanced at the clock. "It's almost time for class," he said.

"See you at the Tournament, Gee," Mikey said as he floated away.

"Bye Mikey," I said.

I grabbed my books and headed off to Defense Against The Dark Arts, but I knew that after the Triwizard Tournament was over, I was going to find that man and I would teach him to never mess with my little brother again.

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