Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"Gerard! Time for breakfast!" I heard my dad shout.

I groaned and rolled out of bed. I left my wand in my room, knowing that if I brought it to the table, Mom would make me help her with breakfast. I missed a lot of things about Hogwarts, and the food was certainly one of them. Mom's cooking was great, but the Hogwarts food was way better.

Mikey, Mom, and Dad were already at the breakfast table when I got there. Dad was reading the Daily Prophet, as usual. "Good morning, Gee," Mikey mumbled as he adjusted his glasses. For some reason, nobody had bothered to magically fix his vision yet, so Mikey was stuck wearing a pair of incredibly dorky glasses. They kind of suited him though.

I started eating my pancakes as quickly as I could. I didn't realize how hungry I was until I sat down at the table. Then, I noticed two owls flying towards our house. I didn't recognize either of them, so I figured that they were either delivering letters for our parents, or they were from Hogwarts.

Dad didn't notice. He was too absorbed in his Daily Prophet. I looked at the front page, which read "Azkaban Breakout: Death Eater Augustus Rookwood On The Loose." I shrugged. The Aurors usually catch Death Eaters pretty quickly. Mom always says that we're lucky. Harry Potter is the best head of the Auror Department that we've had in years. Besides, I had never heard of Augustus Rookwood, so he couldn't be too dangerous.

Mom noticed the owls though. "Those must be the Hogwarts owls!" she exclaimed, looking up from her pancakes.

The owls swooped in and dropped off our letters. Mikey immediately grabbed the one that was addressed to him and opened it. "Yes!" Mikey shouted. "It's our supply list!"

The other letter was addressed to me, so I opened it. It was indeed a list of all of the books that I needed. "Dress robes?!?" I exclaimed when I saw it on the list. "Do I really need dress robes?" The only thing that I hated about Hogwarts was the uniforms. Uniforms limit creative expression, after all.

"Is it on your list?" Dad asked.

"Unfortunately, yes," I said.

"So you do need them," Dad said.

I groaned and looked through the rest of the list. Most of it was just more books. "Can I go to Diagon Alley with Ray?" I asked.

"Only if you take Mikey with you," Mom said.

"Do I have to?" I asked. "Mikey can use my old books, so he doesn't have to go."

"But I want to go to Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes!" Mikey exclaimed. Of course. The only fun store in Diagon Alley, with the possible exception of Quality Quidditch Supplies, and my favorite store, the little art shop at the end of Diagon Alley.

"Fine," I said. "You can come with us."

"Remember to follow our rules," Mom said. "No talking to strangers, no getting lost, and never, ever go into Knockturn Alley."

"We know, Mom," I said.

"I trust you two," Mom said. "This has to go better than it did last year."

Of course. The Vampire Money Incident. Basically, we broke rules one and two.  We got really, really lost, and Mikey dared Ray and I to steal money from a guy who may or may not have been a vampire. Needless to say, it did not end well. After that incident, Mikey created the unofficial Way family slogan: "Vampires Will Never Hurt You."

"We won't do any of that again. We promise," I said. "Right Mikey?"

"Right," Mikey said.

Mom sighed. "Let me know when you and Ray have a date set."

"Okay," I said. I finished my pancakes and grabbed my supply list. "Can I be excused?" I asked.

"I don't know, can you?" Mom replied.

"May I be excused?" I said.

"Yes Gerard," Mom said. I jumped up from my chair and ran upstairs to my room. Then I started writing another letter to Ray.

Dear Ray,

I got my supply list! Want to go to Diagon Alley tomorrow? Mom's making me bring Mikey along again, but he'll probably run off with his friends at some point anyways. I'm so excited to go back to Hogwarts!

Your Friend,

Gerard Way

I put the letter in an envelope and gave it to Party Poison. The barn owl then flew off to Ray's house. About an hour later, Jet Star arrived with Ray's response.

Dear Gerard,

Yes, I'd love to go to Diagon Alley tomorrow! I definitely don't mind that Mikey's coming. We had fun with him last year. What class are you most excited for? I can't wait to take Transfiguration again. Professor Lester is the best. Maybe he and Professor Howell finally started dating over the summer? Probably not, but I still can't wait to go back!!

As for Diagon Alley, can we meet at 3:00 in front of Flourish and Blott's?

Your Friend,

Ray Toro

Professor Howell was my favorite teacher. He taught Defense Against The Dark Arts, and like his "friend" Professor Lester, he was new during my first year at Hogwarts. Everyone at Hogwarts agreed that they should get together, but it hadn't happened yet. I started writing a reply back to Ray.

Dear Ray,

3:00 at Flourish and Blott's sounds great! I'm most excited for Defense Against The Dark Arts. I'm no good at it, but it's a fun class.

See you there!

Gerard Way

I gave the letter to Party Poison, and he flew off once again. I just couldn't wait to go to Diagon Alley again.

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