Chapter 40

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Chapter 40

"What's the plan?" I asked Frank.

"It's quite simple," Frank replied. "We're going to break into the Slytherin common room."

"How exactly are we going to do that?" Ray asked. "We don't even know where the Slytherin common room is."

"We'll just ask one of the Slytherins how to get in," Frank stated. He made it sound so easy, but I knew that it was going to be a little bit harder than that. "Once we get in, we can prank the Slytherins as much as we want! I have a new spell that I want to test on Brendon."

"I'll get Mikey," Ray said. "He made my fro disappear this morning!"

"I guess I'll figure out a way to prank Darren," I said. "He's always really mean to me, but we still need to figure out how to get in."

At that moment, Brendon walked by while singing "Nine In The Afternoon." "Hey Urie the Oddball!" Frank called.

"Don't call me that!" Brendon exclaimed.

"We just need to know how to get into the Slytherin Common Room," Frank explained.

"It's behind a stone wall in the dungeons...wait a second, it's April Fool's Day!" Brendon said. "You guys are trying to prank us! Besides, you're Gryffindors. You're not allowed in the Slytherin Common Room!"

"So it's in the dungeons?" I said. "Is there a password or something?"

"I'm not going to tell you that!" Brendon said.

"Please?" I said.

"No!" Brendon shouted. "I'm not giving you the password!"

"We were only going to prank Mikey because he pranked me this morning," Ray explained. "We weren't going to do anything to you."

"Do you promise?" Brendon asked.

"We promise," all three of us said in unison.

Brendon sighed. "Fine. The password is London Beckoned Songs About Money Written By Machines."

"How are we supposed to remember that?!?" Frank said.

"I don't know," Brendon said. "I can't remember it most of the time either."

"Say it again," Frank said.

"London Beckoned Songs About Money Written By Machines," Brendon said.

Frank repeated the password several times to himself before saying, "Thank you Brendon!"

"You're welcome Frank," Brendon said. He went back to whatever it was that he was doing, and we headed off to Potions.

Potions was fairly uneventful, as were Charms and Ancient Runes. We also had astronomy that evening, which was boring too. I was just waiting until eleven, which was when we had agreed to sneak into the common room and prank the Slytherins. I had already planned out what I was going to do to Darren, and Frank and Ray seemed to know what they were doing too.

At eleven o'clock, Frank, Ray, and I met in the Gryffindor Common Room. "Are you ready?" Frank asked us. Ray and I both nodded. "Great," Frank said. "Let's go."

The three of us went out into the corridor, and we went downstairs into the dungeons. "Liverpool Beckoned Songs About Money Written By Machines!" I shouted.

"That's not the right password, Gee," Frank said. "London Beckoned Songs About Money Written By Machines!"

The stone wall slid away, revealing a door. Ray opened the door, and we entered the Slytherin Common Room. I looked around the room, observing the green-tinged lights and the tapestries of famous Slytherins.

Frank opened the door that led to the boys' dormitories, but he accidentally left it open. "I CHIME IN HAVEN'T YOU PEOPLE EVER HEARD OF CLOSING THE GODDAMN DOOR!!!" Brendon screamed. Frank closed the goddamn door, and Brendon went back to sleep.

"Is that...milk?" I said, pointing to a random jug of milk next to Brendon's bed. "Why is that there?"

"I don't know, and I don't think we want to know," Frank stated.

I shrugged and found Darren on the other side of the dormitories. I then transfigured him into a snake. Ray did a Vanishing Charm on Mikey's glasses, and Frank was repeatedly trying to cast a spell on Brendon.

"What the hell are you trying to do?" I asked Frank.

"You'll see," Frank said. "Anteoculatia," Frank said once again, but this time, Brendon grew antlers. "Finally! It worked!" Frank exclaimed. "Let's get out of here."

"Remember to close the door this time!" I said. Frank closed the door, and the three of us sprinted out of the dormitories and upstairs back into the Gryffindor Common Room. We were all exhausted, so we went to bed after that, but I couldn't wait to see the chaos that we had created in Slytherin house.

The next morning at breakfast, we found Mikey stumbling around blindly. "Gee? Have you seen my glasses?" he asked when he almost crashed into me on his way to the Great Hall.

I laughed and said, "I don't know Mikey. Go ask someone else."

Brendon came over to the Gryffindor table a few minutes later. "YOU PROMISED THAT YOU WOULDN'T DO ANYTHING TO ME!!!" he screamed.

"We didn't do anything," Frank said calmly.

"Oh really?" Brendon said. "Then why do I have ANTLERS?!?"

Frank shrugged. "It must have been someone else."

"Don't lie to me," Brendon said. "I know it was you."

Frank sighed. "Do you want me to get rid of the antlers?" he asked.

"Yes!" Brendon exclaimed. Frank took out his wand and did a spell, and Brendon's antlers disappeared. Brendon smiled and ran back to the Slytherin table.

Darren didn't show up until later. His skin had a slightly greenish tinge and his eyes still seemed reptilian, so whoever had Untransfigured Darren hadn't done a very good job.

In short, our revenge on the Slytherins was a complete success. Since it was no longer April Fool's Day, the Slytherins couldn't do anything back to us. Fred and George Weasley would be proud if they saw what we had done. 

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