Chapter 57

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Chapter 57

Frank and I had just arrived at the large iron gates that led into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I had sent a letter to let McGonagall know that we were coming, so the gates were supposed to be open, but they were clearly locked.

"Alohamora!" Frank exclaimed, but nothing happened.

"Someone needs to invent an Anti-Anti-Alohamora spell," I said.

"You could try that, but I doubt it would work," Frank said. "Thieves have been trying to do that since the 1600s."

I noticed Filch coming towards the gate. He took out his keys and unlocked the gate for us. Frank and I went through the gate and walked down the path towards the castle.

Frank looked up at the Gryffindor Tower sadly. "This is probably going to be the last time we'll see Hogwarts," he said.

"You never know," I said. "Maybe we'll come back again someday."

"Maybe," Frank said as he pushed open the door and entered the Great Hall. It felt strange to see the Great Hall without any students. It just seemed too empty, as if the room needed to be filled with students to make it complete.

Frank and I continued through the Great Hall and reached the stone staircase that led up to the Headmaster's office. The two of us climbed up the staircase. We found a gargoyle on the third floor. "Gerard, did Professor McGonagall tell you what the password was?" Frank asked.

I nodded. "Sophomore Slump or Comeback of the Year," I said. The gargoyle moved out of the way to reveal the entrance into McGonagall's office.

"Come in," McGonagall said, and Frank and I entered the office.

"Hello Professor McGonagall," Frank said. Blurryface darted out from under McGonagall's desk and greeted Frank.

"Shh, calm down Blurry," Frank said. "It's good to see you too."

"Frank, please take your dog home," McGonagall said. "He's really starting to get on my nerves. Gerard, your owl is in the owlery. You can get him on the way out."

"Are my NEWT scores here yet?" Frank asked.

McGonagall nodded. She started looking through her papers, but she eventually gave up and said, "Accio Frank Iero's NEWT scores." The paper flew into her hand, and she gave it to Frank. He looked through his scores before handing the paper to me.

Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Test Results

Frank Anthony Iero has achieved:

Astronomy - O

Care of Magical Creatures - O

Charms - O

Defense Against The Dark Arts - O

Herbology - O

History of Magic - O

Potions - O

Transfiguration - O

"Congratulations Frank," I said as I gave the paper back to him.

"Thanks!" he exclaimed. "I still can't believe that I got straight Os!!!"

"Yes, your NEWT scores were highly impressive, Mr. Iero," McGonagall said. "You should consider looking into a job at the Ministry of Magic."

Frank shrugged. "Who won the House Cup?" he asked.

"Slytherin," McGonagall said.

"Really? Gryffindor didn't make a huge comeback?" Frank said.

"No, you finished in third," McGonagall said.

"Do you have my prize money from the Tournament?" I asked.

McGonagall pulled out a sack of Galleons and gave it to me. "Spend it well," she told me.

I smiled. "I certainly will, Professor."

McGonagall then got out our Hogwarts diplomas and the bags that we left at Hogwarts and gave them to Frank and I. "I'm going to miss both of you next year," she told us. "You were two of my favorite students, and believe me, I've had some amazing students over the years."

"Like Harry Potter!" Frank exclaimed.

"Yes, Harry Potter was one of them," McGonagall stated. "Heroes always get remembered, but you know legends never die. I'm proud to say that I think that you two are both."

I smiled. "Thank you, Professor. Is there anything else we need to do?"

"I don't think so," she said.

"Well, it was nice to see you again," I said as Frank and I left. "Goodbye, Professor McGonagall." Frank and I went downstairs and left the castle. I couldn't help but feel that Frank was right. This would probably be the last time that I would see the place where I had spent seven years of my life. I already knew that I would cherish those seven years forever.

Frank and I walked down the path towards Hogsmeade. I took one last look at the castle before following Frank into the village. We walked past some of our favorite hangouts, like Honeydukes, Zonko's Joke Shop, and Three Broomsticks. They all seemed strangely empty though.

We finally entered Dervish & Banges. As soon as we entered the shop, the lights suddenly went off. "You just might see a ghost tonight..." someone said as the lights flickered on and off.

"Mikey, you are quite possibly the least terrifying ghost ever," I said.

"Oh come on!" Mikey exclaimed as he turned the lights back on and floated towards us. "I didn't scare you? Not even a little bit?"

"You were the one who told me that there's less violence in the world when people are using Hula-Hoops," I said.

"What? It's true!" Mikey said.

"Whatever," I said. "Is Ray here?"

"I'm here," Ray said as he ran across the store to where we were. "I was just talking to the store manager. She said that there's a practice room in the back and we can use it!"

"Awesome!" Frank exclaimed.

The four of us entered the practice room and we began to play. At first, we just chatted. Frank and Ray compared NEWT scores. It turned out that Ray had done very well on his NEWTs as well. Then, we began to play. We stayed in there for several hours, just us and the music. It was an amazing feeling having my boyfriend, my brother, and my best friend in the same room together. They were the three people that I loved the most, and at that moment, I wanted nothing more than to be in My Chemical Romance with them.

A/N: A few quick notes...

1. OMG EMPEROR'S NEW CLOTHES IS MY NEW FAVORITE SONG. But I don't want to wait until January for Death of a Bachelor.... :(

2. ONLY TWO MORE CHAPTERS IN GERARD WAY AND THE TRIWIZARD TOURNAMENT! The last "real" chapter will be here on October 29th, and I am publishing the epilogue on October 31st.

3. My next book will be up shortly after I finish Gerard Way and the Triwizard Tournament. It will be titled "Band Geeks Will Never Hurt You," and it's about bands in their high school marching band! :D

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