Studdy Buddies

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As the charms quiz grew closer, the Gryffindor fifth years found themselves occupying the common room late into the evening, studying by the fire. Sirius sat on a red squashy bean bag, skimming through a section of their textbook. He heard Peter let out a rather explosive breath.
    "Did you take notes yesterday?" Peter asked with a hint of panic in his voice. Remus rummaged through his papers for a moment before handing him a roll of parchment. "God– You're a saint." Remus smiled, gently cuffing Peter on the head.
    "No problem." James was having an animated conversation with Mary and Marlene. Sirius noticed with amusement that Lily had chosen the opposite end of the couch to study on. He smiled down at his book.
    "Will you pass the– um–" Sirius looked up as Remus rubbed his temples. He was surrounded by papers and he had his eyes squeezed tightly shut. Sirius stifled a laugh.
    "The uh–?" Remus shook his head, smacking Sirius's shoulder.
    "I lost the word–" He muttered. Then his eyes flew open. "Ink pot– Merlin.. Sorry–"
Sirius's shoulders shook as he handed over the pot of ink. Remus took it, dipping his quill in and hurriedly jotting something down. Sirius just sat there for a moment, taking him in. The curve of his back as he leaned over his notes, the way he chewed his lip when he focused, the tumble of his curls when he moved. He smiled comfortably down, fingers absentmindedly rolling up corners of the open page of his book. Remus looked up, noticing Sirius's sudden stillness. He frowned.
    "Is something the matter–?" Sirius let his eyes close, shaking his head.   
    "Ah– No– Spaced out–" Remus nodded, tapping his finger against the note sheet he was working on.
    "Mm– This should be good, right? It's just a small content quiz really–" Sirius nodded, letting his book close.
    "Yeah, that looks fine, mate–" He smiled as Remus blew gently on the last bit of wet ink. He opened his mouth to say something else when he heard his name called from behind him. He looked over his shoulder to see James beckoning him closer.
    "Pads– C'mere–" He called. Sirius turned back to Remus, giving a quick smile before getting up and crossing over to the couch where James had clearly given up on studying for the night.
    "What do you want, Potter?" He teased, leaning in. James grinned and patted the spot beside him.
"Come sit with us, yeah?" Sirius noticed that the seat was in between James himself and Marlene– He licked his lips, hesitating a moment before plopping down. Marlene smiled, fingers sticking through the rips in her tights.
"Evening, Black– James was just telling me you've maintained your position as the quidditch commentator after last year's cup–" She murmured, voice dripping with amusement. "How'd you manage that one?" Sirius grinned broadly, giving a wink.
"You know me, darling.. I can talk my way out of anything–" He giggled as Marlene shoved at his shoulder. "Mm– No, I swore to McGonnigal I'd keep it squeaky clean this year.."
"And will you?" Sirius shrugged.
"We'll see–" Mary snorted from James' other side. She leaned in, flicking him.
"If you get any Gryffindor points taken me and Marls will take turns kicking your ass." She warned. Sirius's face screwed up for a moment, but he laughed.
"Promise?" Marlene smacked the back of his head.
"You're a fucking pain, you know that?"
"Of course–"

Sirius had just settled into the conversation when his attention was caught by movement across the way. Remus was packing up his things. Sirius couldn't help but notice he looked almost upset–
"Rem!" Remus looked up as he shouldered his bag. "Where are you off to?" Remus gestured towards the stairs.
"I'm done for the night." He murmured. Sirius bit his lip, trying to read the boy's expression as he made his way past. He went tense, fighting the impulse to follow him up there.
"Goodnight then!" He called out as Remus reached the steps.
    Sirius swallowed, looking down at his knees. Neither James nor Marlene seemed to notice his sudden quietness. They were busy rambling about the upcoming Hogsmeade trip.
    "I need to see if they have any more quills– I forgot my good one at home which is a total pain cause the only one I have is like on its last limbs.." Mary muttered, tossing a crumpled piece of parchment towards the fire. Marlene let her head fall back against the couch, blonde hair getting in her eyes.
    "I might have extras if you need to borrow one– Say, Potter–" James looked up, adjusting his glasses. "Do you still have your broom servicing kit? I don't think I've enough money to drop on a new one right now, but I was hoping to get my broom in better condition before the season starts." He nodded, smiling softly.
    "Yeah, course. I'll get it out for you later this week." Marlene smiled up at the ceiling, kicking her feet up on the small coffee table.
    "You're a lifesaver thank you."
    "No problem." There was a brief pause where James gave Sirius a rather intense look. Sirius looked back blankly, picking at his fingernails so James cleared his throat. "Um Marlene–" Marlene lifted her head up.
    "You know– Sirius was looking for someone to go to Hogsmeade with this weekend.." Sirius's eyes widened. He fixed James with a look that was both furious and vaguely horrified. The boy snorted and gave him a nudge in Marlene's direction. She raised an eyebrow.
    "Oh you were, were you, Black?" Sirius cleared his throat, not looking at her.
    "S'pose so–" He muttered, taking a breath. He tried to pull himself together for the time being. He could murder James once they were safe in the dormitory– Marlene laughed.
    "Is Potter asking me out on your behalf? Wouldn't have thought you'd be the shy type, Black.." She teased, poking at his shoulder with her index finger. He felt a burning shame hot in his chest– This was quite possibly the most uncomfortable way this could have been dealt with..
    "He's living vicariously through me.." Sirius said firmly with a look towards James that he hoped conveyed the extent of his displeasure with the situation. "He's never 'gotten the girl' so to speak.." Mary snorted loudly as Lily looked rather fixedly down at her textbook. James went very pink and smacked Sirius in the head, but Marlene was staring over in amusement. She tutted.
    "Presumptuous of you to imply I'd say yes.." She teased, waving her finger. Sirius looked up, unsure whether it'd be worse or better for her to refuse. She grinned and pushed gently at his shoulder. "You look about ready to toss yourself off the astronomy tower, mate— Don't worry I was only messin.. Let's go together." Mary whistled and James thumped Sirius proudly on the back. Sirius gave a weak smile, waving them off as he stood up.
    "Good— Well, I think I'm gonna turn in–" James screwed up his face in a funny expression before cocking his head to the side.
    "You mind if I stay down here for a bit?" Sirius shook his head, dark hair falling into his face.   
    "No worries– Night."

    On his way up the stairs he heard giggling coming from the couch. He felt tension in his shoulders as it hit him that he had to spend his first Hogsmeade trip of the year on a date– He swore he'd give James a good smack for this one–
    Before changing into his pajamas he looked through the frame of his own bed to see if Remus was still up. He was startled to see that the curtains were already drawn tightly shut– He couldn't see movement or light within either. It wasn't exactly unusual around this time of the month he supposed, but something about it felt– Off...
    He decided not to worry about it– His judgment was probably clouded by his own problems right now anyways..
      Even so, he found that unease had begun to work through him. By the time his head hit his pillow he felt like a weight had dropped on his chest, pulling him down into the mattress. What a pain..

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