Just Us Two

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       Since the successful first test of their animagus experiment, Remus seemed to be in much better spirits. It was actually the first time in a while that he hadn't spent at least a night in the hospital wing post transformation— And although he spent most of Sunday in bed, he managed to come down for dinner that night.
       Sirius felt a sense of pride not only that they'd somehow nailed their respective transformations, but also just in knowing that they had managed to ease even a fraction of the stress Remus was under this time of month. They talked and laughed through dinner, Sirius bumping gently against Remus's shoulder and Remus smiling fondly down.
       As they all made their happy way back to the common room, Remus and Sirius made up the rear. Remus looked down, pursing his lips so Sirius tilted a glance up at him, waiting for him to say something. When he didn't, Sirius cleared his throat.
       "Something up?" Remus shook his head, curls tumbling into his eyes.
       "No– Sorry–" Sirius waved a hand, bumping gently against his shoulder.
       "Don't apologize, mate– I don't mind when you stare." There was a suddenly tense sort of silence, Sirius looking down as Remus's lips parted. He felt his cheeks burn a little, but he ignored it, clearing his throat. "So–" He choked out, filling the sudden quiet. "I was thinking maybe you and I could hang out tonight–?" Remus raised an eyebrow.
       "We hang out most nights, you know–" Sirius nodded, feeling his stomach twist. He fidgeted with the sleeve of his robes.
       "No, I know– I just meant maybe we could find somewhere quieter– Just us two–" Remus glanced up at the others, a smile tugging at his lips as he nodded.
       "Sure. Where were you thinking?" Sirius bit his lip. There was nowhere in Gryffindor tower where you could find a minute alone at this hour, but it was getting a bit chilly on the grounds by the lake.
       "We could try the astronomy tower–?" The other boy nodded as they reached the landing in front of the fat lady.
       "Sounds perfect."
        They climbed through the portrait hole, Sirius planning to quickly run up to the dormitory and change before slipping back out, but as he made for the stairs someone caught his arm.
       "Hey– Come and hang out, yeah?" Sirius met Marlene's eyes, feeling a knot in his chest. He glanced over his shoulder to where Remus stood. His eyebrows pulled together apologetically, but Remus only waved a hand, sitting down beside Dorcas as Sirius reluctantly let Marlene pull him over towards the fireplace. She sat close to him, arm draping around his shoulders.
       "Mm– I don't want to go to class tomorrow.. I totally screwed that potions write up.." Sirius waved a hand, letting his head fall back against the couch.
       "Slughorn is a total pushover usually– I'm sure you'll be fine." Marlene sighed uncertainly.
       "Yeah— S'pose so, but it's still a pain— I hate falling behind.. Teachers always ask you to stay after." Sirius nodded, fingers drumming impatiently against his thigh. There was a pause and he looked up. Marlene was messing with a hole in the sleeve of her robes, seemingly losing sight of the brief conversation. Sirius bit his lip. He opened his mouth to say he was gonna quickly pop up to the dorm, but just then Mary plopped down beside them.
       "Evening, lovebirds–" Sirius and Marlene shared a look before snorting.
       "Lovebirds my ass." Marlene giggled, nudging Sirius. Mary raised an eyebrow.
       "What's that supposed to mean?" Marlene shrugged, messing with the ends of her hair.
       "We've gone on one date. He hasn't the balls to even kiss me, do you Black?" Sirius looked sharply over.
       "What–?" Marlene stuck out her tongue at him and pushed his shoulder.
       "It's just funny– So much talk of the girls you allegedly suck face with, but you've had no play recently." She teased. Sirius swallowed, shoving back irritably. He realized James and Peter were giggling from a nearby beanbag and he lifted his chin indignantly.
       "Maybe I was trying to be a gentleman, hm? You that keen to get in my pants?" Marlene let her mouth hang open, feigning shock and disgust.
       "Sirius Black! I am a lady.." At that Sirius doubled over gasping for air. Marlene smacked him hard. "Why are you laughing so damn hard!" Sirius's shoulders shook as he looked up at her.
       "You're not a lady–"
       "What am I then?"
       "You're a slut is what you are–" Marlene was silenced by a fit of silent giggles. She buffeted him with her shoulder, frame shuddering as she laughed.
       "Oh shut up–" She choked out. Sirius grinned.
       "You fucking started it–"

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