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Marlene and Sirius scrambled across the lawn, following close behind Dorcas. As they grew closer to the castle, a clump of people came into view and there seemed to be some sort of commotion coming from the center.
Sirius pushed past the shoulders of students, trying to get a good look. When he did, his eyes widened. He saw James pull out his wand, the boy's arm shaking slightly with anger.
"I don't give a damn what you and your creepy friends do in your free time, but you leave her out of it." He spat at Snape who stared darkly at him, backed by a couple other Slytherin boys. Sirius looked around, but Lily didn't seem to be in the crowd—
"Last time I checked, Evans isn't your pet, Potter. That fact stays the same no matter how many pathetic years you spend chasing after her." Sirius watched as James raised his wand, the corners of his lips twitching.
"You watch that filthy fucking mouth of yours, Snivellus."
Just as James was about to hex him, Sirius's eye caught on a boy striding forward, his own wand raised. A boy with dark curls that fell into his eyes when he forgot to push them back. His heart pounded hard in his chest.
Sirius didn't take time to think, pushing another student to the side as he propelled himself forward, feet carrying him on instinct.
Regulus's eyes went wide as Sirius grabbed his arm roughly. He turned to James, pointing an unsteady finger towards his chest.
"Cool the fuck off, mate."
The way he said it was so clearly final that James seemed caught off guard for a brief moment. There was a murmuring around the circle as Sirius fixed the boy with a look that said 'walk away.'
       James seemed almost confused for a second, but then his dark eyebrows drew back together and he scoffed, grabbing Peter's shoulder.
"Let's go."
Sirius pulled Regulus in the opposite direction as people started to hesitantly disperse, whispering to each other.
        He dragged him out of earshot, stopping behind a large tree where the boy ripped his arm free. His eyes were stormy, mouth working furiously. Sirius stared him down, holding a tense breath within his chest. He wasn't sure whether to be relieved or angry or scared so he squeezed his eyes shut, trying to focus on his breath instead of his thoughts. His foot tapped against the grass in agitation.
"What the hell did you think you were doing—" There was a bite to his words, but he was determined to keep his voice even. Regulus stared defiantly up, whole body bristling.
"What did it look like—" He muttered. Sirius's lip twitched.
"It looked like you involved yourself in some shit you shouldn't have." He heard Regulus scoff bitterly.
"I could say the same about you." His voice was cutting and full of a resentment that Sirius had never quite understood. Sirius took a breath, trying not to let himself shake.
"That's different. I was making sure you didn't get sent to the damn hospital wing, Reg."
"I didn't ask for you to play the hero." The boy snapped savagely and Sirius's eyes finally flew open, rage bubbling hot under his breast bone. He jabbed Regulus hard in the chest with his index finger.
"I don't give a damn what you did and didn't ask for!"

As he yelled, he caught a flash of what looked like fear in Regulus's eyes. For a moment Regulus looked the same as he had so many years ago. That same kid Sirius had tried so hard to protect, but hadn't always managed to. Sirius's stomach dropped, lips parting as he pulled his hand back, but Regulus had already recovered. His gaze dropped, staring at the ground as his shoulders shook.
"Whatever. I'm not a fucking kid anymore, Sirius. It's not your job to look after me." Sirius grabbed his shoulder firmly, but more gently than before.
"It will always be my job."

Regulus hesitated, taking a shaky breath. Sirius thought for a moment that he might be crying. But then he felt the boy slap his hand away. Sirius watched silently as he stormed off towards the castle, dark hair bouncing as he walked.

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