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Ever since Sirius had admitted how he was really feeling about Marlene, Remus had been trying to help him figure out how best to break it off. He didn't want to ruin things between them or cause any type of rift between the friend groups, but they'd agreed it would be wrong to let it go on much longer.
Sirius quietly appreciated how good Remus was being about all this— He hadn't mentioned it to Peter or James and he didn't seem to mind letting Sirius ramble.
Remus was a really fantastic person to ramble to. He was a good listener. He didn't always say much, but you could just tell he was listening by the faces he made and the way his head would tilt one way or the other. It always made Sirius feel safer somehow. Maybe that was just because everything about Remus made him feel nice, but— With him he always felt understood. He never seemed to need to explain himself if he didn't want to. Remus took him at whatever level he needed.

It was just after care of magical creatures that Sirius decided he needed to rip off the bandaid. He slung his bag over his shoulder and tugged at Remus's robes.
"You take James and Peter ahead— I'm gonna grab Marls—" Remus's eyes widened, glancing over to the blonde girl before nodding.
"Right— Good luck." Sirius bit his lip.
"Thanks, mate—"
He set off at a brisk walk towards Marlene's retreating back, waving a hand in the air.
"Marlene!" She and Dorcas turned as Sirius caught up to them.
"Hey, Black— Come to walk with us?" Sirius opened his mouth to say something, but couldn't think of anything. He stood there for a moment before clearing his throat.
"Actually— I was wondering if I could have a quick word—" He glanced nervously at Dorcas who looked quickly at Marlene for direction. Marlene shrugged, gesturing towards the woods.
"Yeah, sure— I'll catch up with you, Cas." Dorcas nodded, setting off towards the castle with a wave. Marlene raised her eyebrows as Sirius took her arm and led her towards the trees. "Woah there— Watch the roots—" She said with a laugh. But then Sirius looked up at her and she clocked his expression, brows drawing together. "What's so important—?" Sirius messed with the sleeve of his robes. His eyes wandered past the treeline as he tried to force himself to say what he needed to say. Marlene started to look concerned.
"Sirius.. What's going on—"
"Ah— God this is sort of hard—" He muttered, scratching the back of his neck. There was a very thick pause as he fidgeted with his robes before finally he blurted out, "I um— I think we should break up—" Marlene went still, processing the words. He didn't look at her, the tip of his boot digging into the soft earth.
"Huh—?" He swallowed.
"I just— I think you're brilliant and everything, but I don't think we fit together— It's sort of been on my mind and I didn't want to lead you on, but it's just all sort of weird and complicated really I—" Sirius cut himself off as Marlene let out a long sigh of relief, leaning against a nearby tree. His eyebrows drew sharply together, trying to read her expression.
"Merlin— You scared the shit out of me I thought you were gonna tell me McGonnigal got eaten by giants or something.." She breathed out, almost laughing as her head rested against the bark. Sirius stared at her, bewildered.
"You're not upset—?" She looked up, waving a hand.
"God no— Honestly I'm glad you said something." She admitted with an odd smile.
"I've been feeling this weird pressure that we don't normally have— I think I much prefer it when you're callin' me a bitch so I can just say 'takes one to know one' and call it a day." She bit her lip. "All of this boyfriend girlfriend bullshit is a pain.. Not my area of expertise—"
Sirius's eyes were wide. His lips parted as he tried to put together a response. All he could think to say was,
"Thank fucking god— I was shitting myself..." Marlene snorted, head falling down.
"Well sorry to disappoint— I know how you love drama—" Sirius grinned, shaking his head.
"Nah it's no fun to be in shit with you— Who else is gonna let me steal their jackets?" Marlene looked up, a softer smile on her lips than before. She stuck out a gloved hand.
Sirius stared for a moment before taking it firmly and shaking.
"Yeah, absolutely—"

He was about to say something else when something caught his attention. Dorcas was running back across the lawn towards them, nearly tripping over herself. Sirius made to wave, but then realized she was yelling something.
"Come over here!" Marlene and Sirius shared a look, both equally as confused. Dorcas gestured frantically. "Come on! Quick!"

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