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As October began to set in, the castle quickly transformed. They saw Hagrid hauling his gigantic pumpkins up to the great hall and Peeves had taken to scaring the living daylights out of any first years who dared to cross his path.
Sirius, James, Peter, and Remus had all decided that they would have a little Halloween party, just them four. Sirius enjoyed their fellow Gryffindors, but what with Lily's scalding glances at James and the comments Peter kept making about Sirius and Marlene's breakup, he was rather relieved to spend some time away.
That being said, Sirius had been noticing some weird behavior in Remus as well. He seemed extra attached to Sirius— specifically recently— They were always touchier with each other than they were with anyone else. Remus said it was because they trusted each other and Sirius always agreed although that was only half his truth.. But even so this seemed unusual— He seemed almost skittish around James and Peter too which gave Sirius pause. However, he'd decided to chalk it up to post-moon sensitivities unless any new evidence could prove him otherwise.
When October 31st finally rolled around, the school was buzzing with talk of the feast and bets being made about the outcome of the day's quidditch match. There would be half classes that day ending at lunch to accommodate Gryffindor vs Ravenclaw. The students could barely think of anything else throughout their morning classes.
Sirius sat in transfiguration doodling an antler on the lower corner of his parchment paper. He'd given up on taking notes that day. He only looked up as he heard the sound of McGonagall's shoe tapping irritably against the stone floor. She surveyed the classroom with a pinched expression.
    "Honestly... You all look as though your brains are already out on the field.." She muttered, looking irked. As she tried to get them all to pay attention to her demonstration, Sirius yawned, letting his fingers drum idly against the desk..
He begrudgingly sat through the rest of McGonagall's lesson and History of magic before he and the others scrambled towards the Great Hall to scarf down their lunch.
The moment James was finished he got up, leaving the hall with a wave to go change into his quidditch robes. Sirius was hoping to leave a bit early as well so he wouldn't get trampled on his way to the staff box.
Last year he'd taken up position as quidditch commentator as punishment for losing a bet to Mary. Initially he'd planned to feign losing his voice in order to quietly slip away from the job, but after commentating the first match, he realized he rather liked it—

As Sirius said goodbye to Remus and Peter, he made his way out of the hall. On his way to the field he passed a couple groups of Ravenclaw students covered in blue accessories. A few of them carried big signs in support of their team.
Some of the signs were a bit over the top, but the Gryffindors couldn't pass much judgement— One kid had made some sort of flaming helmet which seemed like it might've been intended to look like a lion's mane, but Sirius wasn't totally sure— He snickered as Professor Flitwick politely asked for it to be extinguished.

Sirius climbed through the thick fabric of the stands, passing by the steps up to the Gryffindor section and instead climbed the rickety wooden staircase up to the staff box. When he got there, McGonagall was waiting for him, setting up the microphone. She looked up.
"Ah— Good to see you again, Black." He could see in her face that she was trying to look stern, but her eyes crinkled at the sight of him. He gave a lazy salute, stepping down into the front of the box.
"McGonagall! My favorite transfiguration teacher!" McGonagall raised a slender eyebrow, scoffing at him.
"Oh really? How very flattering, dear.." Sirius's nose scrunched in a grin as he caught the sarcasm dripping from her words. He waved a hand.
"You know you're my favorite Minnie." McGonagall adjusted her glasses.
"That's Professor to you, scoundrel." Sirius stuck out his tongue, taking his seat in front of the microphone. "And you keep a clean mouth this match like we agreed on, Black or you'll be doing lines in my office.. Understood?" Sirius gave a distracted thumbs up, busy watching his fellow students filter into seats.
"Uh huh—" McGonagall looked fondly down at his head, shaking her own before settling into her seat.
Sirius watched as the players took their places on the field, Madam Hooch opening up her case and getting out the quaffle.
Then the match started and they were off, brooms whipping through the air. James was up above the game watching for the snitch, staying out of the way until he was needed. Sirius smiled. He didn't even have to see James' face to picture his dark eyebrows drawing together in a tight V of concentration. Sirius cleared his throat.
"Ah and Cresswell's taken possession of the quaffle, looking to put Ravenclaw's name on their first match of the season!" His eyes quickly scanned the field, tracking the chaser's movement. "He's made to pass the quaffle, but feinted instead, going for the goal!" Sirius watched Marlene use all her strength to beat a bludger towards Dirk Cresswell as he got ready to shoot the ball.
The quaffle left his grasp uneasily with much less direction or aim than he'd intended. He rolled in midair, narrowly avoiding the bludger and Sirius tutted into the mic. "Well dodged, but not well thrown, Cresswell! Better luck next time!"

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