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In true Gryffindor fashion, there had to be a party to celebrate the Quidditch Cup so, while Sirius and Remus dealt with sneaking off to Honeydukes after dinner for snacks, Peter, Lily, and Dorcas set up the decorations.
When they'd left, the Gryffindor team had still been mysteriously missing, but by the time Sirius popped his head back in through the portrait hole the party was in full swing. He and Remus carried between them enough butterbeer for an army and an array of sweets.
As it turned out, someone had swung by the kitchens as well so there was entirely too much food, but somehow that seemed appropriate.
Sirius smiled as he set down the drinks, emptying his pockets onto a table and spreading out the candy as evenly as he could manage. As he did so, he felt a clap on his shoulder and turned to see a beaming James. Sirius grinned.
"Excellent work today, Potter." The boy tilted his head as he reached for a chocolate wand from Sirius's pile.
"Did you expect any less..?" Sirius tilted his hand back and forth and James pulled a mock look of disbelief. "Haven't you any faith? For shame, Black.." Sirius laughed, raising his eyebrows.
"Mm.. Well.. Wasn't sure you and your fat head would pull off that catch.."
The words seemed to take a moment to settle in the boy's head. When they did he went rather red in the face, mouth opening.
"You—" Sirius smirked, smacking him gently on the side of his head.
"I have eyes everywhere, Potter.. Don't you forget it.." The boy bit his lip and shot a nervous glance behind him to the far wall where Lily was chatting with Alice. He smiled— A softer smile than one of his unmistakable grins.
"Guess you were right— I didn't totally screw it up after all—" Sirius took his own look across the way as he nodded.
"Good. If you'd blown it I would've had to beat your ass." James snorted and Sirius smiled contentedly. He looked down at his shoes then, leaning back against the table.
"Mm— I'm glad this year turned out alright—" He murmured, shaking his head. "God knows we were due for a break." James scoffed, his eyes closing.
"Yeah— It's certainly been a year.."

The two of them stood in a calm quiet, the noises of chatting and music surrounding them as everyone celebrated. Sirius dug into the carpet with the toe of his sneaker.

"So um— I was thinking—" James said, clearing his throat. Sirius looked up to see an awkward sort of smile on his face. "Maybe we could see each other this summer? I didn't spend nearly enough time with you this year— And I think my mum misses having you around the place." Sirius licked his lips as he felt himself smile.
"I'd like that— Seriously I cannot stand my house.. It's like a fuckin tomb.." James snorted as Sirius made a face. He watched the boy scratch at the back of his neck.
"We've a spare room so— You know— Crash as long as you like really—" As he gazed at Sirius, his eyes were warm and bright in that particular way that Sirius loved. He'd missed too many moments like these over the past few months—
Sirius stood up straight, grabbing the boy's shoulder and squeezing.
"Thanks, mate—" James only shrugged.
"Course— You're family."

As the two of them made their way towards the knots of people talking and laughing, Marlene grabbed James in a headlock.
"There he is! Star of the show, huh?" James snorted. He shoved her off as Mary and Peter giggled.
"Nah that's all you, McKinnon.. You almost knocked Crouch right off his broom." He took a bite of the chocolate wand he was holding and nudged the girl with his shoulder. "Serves him right too— Stupid twat." Marlene grinned proudly as Sirius laughed.

"Hey, I've a question—" He said suddenly, peering into the faces of Mary, James, and Marlene. The lot of them exchanged curious looks as Sirius tilted his head. "Where'd you all disappear to after the match? We barely even saw you at dinner—" James' eyebrows raised. He jerked his thumb to the back wall and Sirius glanced over, spotting Sturgis Podmore talking with Frank Longbottom.
"We went with Podmore to get his arm sorted out— Pomfrey had no troubles setting it right, but that bludger did a number on him.." James made a face. "It was bruised black and blue.. I think the bone might've shattered—" Sirius's eyebrows furrowed, his face screwed up suddenly in disgust.
"Merlin—" He muttered. After a moment he cracked a small smile. "See that's why I can't play Quidditch.. Couldn't endanger such a pretty face, eh?" Marlene went to smack him but he dodged, laughing.
Just then Sirius heard his name and turned to see Remus standing just a couple paces away. The taller boy nodded his head towards the dormitory staircase with a questing look and Sirius smiled. He glanced briefly at the others before taking his leave and slipping through the small crowd.
Reaching the stairs, Sirius licked his lips.
"Hey there."
"You wanna get out of here?" Sirius teased. Remus stifled a smile, tilting his head.
"Your place or mine?" Sirius beamed at the joke, leading the way up the stone staircase and into the empty dorm. The sounds of the party were muffled as the two of them sat down on Sirius's bed. He watched Remus get comfortable against his pillows and smiled to himself, drawing the curtains tightly together so the only light came from the small gaps at the top.
"Curtains closed.. Watch out Black, you might raise suspicions.." As Remus teased, Sirius gave a small smirk, leaning back. They looked at each other in the low light.
"Suspicions of what..?" Remus licked his lips.
Sirius was grateful that his face was nonchalant because his heart was pounding in his chest. He could feel the boy's foot tapping idly as they sat just looking at each other.
"That's for me to know, nosey.." Sirius let his lower lip jut out in a frown, but Remus just laughed softly, sitting up a little straighter.
"Mm—" The boy hummed, glancing at the curtains to his right. Every moment of silence seemed to vibrate in Sirius's chest, drawn out and full of his own uncertain breaths.
Then Remus glanced back towards him— A soft smile still lingering.
"You're staring again.." Biting at the skin of his lip, Sirius nodded. The mattress gave as Remus moved, the boy scooting in closer as Sirius felt an ache beginning in his throat.
"Something to tell me..?"
Sirius could feel the boy's breath on his face..
    Ruffling his hair—
            It made him think suddenly of New Years eve.. The ache became a lump as he thought about every single impulse he'd ever cut short. He thought about all the times Remus had been this close and how terrified he'd been that his heart would give him away—
There was a moment's pause before Sirius leaned in, closing the gap between them. Their lips met— Tentatively at first, but more and more confidently by the second. He felt Remus's eyelashes against his skin, a hand coming to rest gently against his waist— Fingers messing with the hem of his shirt, slipping underneath so Remus's thumb rested on his bare stomach. Sirius couldn't think. He'd kissed plenty of people before, but it had never once felt like this—
He felt electric, a shiver working its way down his spine as Remus's tongue slid against his teeth. This was what it was supposed to feel like being kissed, he was positive.

When he finally pulled away he felt dizzy— Lips wet and cheeks warm, Remus's hand still on his waist. The music was still probably playing, but Sirius couldn't hear it, senses blurred, his heart beating fierce as a drum to drown it out. He licked his lips as Remus eyed him cautiously. The boy let out a rather breathless laugh.

"Are you alright—?"
Sirius nodded vaguely, leaning back against one of the bed posts.
"Fantastic actually—" He breathed out. Remus nodded, smile visible even in the dark.
"Good to hear—"
Sitting up again, Sirius reached out a hand. Before Remus could ask, he placed it against the boy's chest, his fingers spread out and his palm firmly pressed to the fabric of his shirt— And his heart. Remus looked down.
"What're you up to now—?" He asked, fond and amused. Sirius hummed.
"Wanted to make sure yours was beating just as fast." He met Remus's eye and the boy bit his lip.
"Course it was—" Sirius's fingers trailed down the boy's chest to his stomach. With satisfaction he watched him shiver.

There was a pause where both of them just sat, hands reached out and touching each other as though the contact was all they needed.
Remus cleared his throat.

"You know—" He started, voice low. "I had plans to hate you forever— You sort of ruined them.." The boy smiled and Sirius's hand twitched against his stomach.
"I'm glad." He murmured. He felt Remus squeeze his side gently.
"...Me too."

After every fucked up thing that had happened all year— Everything he'd wondered how they'd make it through—
This. This was worth it. This was worth all of it somehow

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