The Prank

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          Monday the 27th went by the same as every other day that week for the first fourteen hours. Classes proceeded much the same as usual, Sirius taking Remus's notes for him even though he had dragged himself to class that day. He just seemed too tired to bother with it—
          They had a quiet dinner and even took some time to study in the library before Remus headed to the infirmary and the rest of them went up to change.

         The only difference was Sirius himself—
         He'd felt a tension in him all day, thinking about the night to come. It was like an odd weight in the center of him. It didn't hurt and it wasn't heavy, but he could feel the force of it every time he moved.
         He hadn't told anyone about Snape. Not even James— He and James usually hashed out these pranks together, but Sirius wasn't even sure if this was a prank. It didn't feel like something to share.
          All he knew was that he wanted Snape to feel afraid. He wanted a leg up so Snape couldn't keep stringing him along, knowing he'd have to follow. He wanted Regulus safe.


          As night properly fell, they made their way down to the grounds. Sirius felt a weird calmness moving through him that he hardly ever had on the full moon. He couldn't quite place the feeling, but when he crouched down behind the bushes, his heart was a steady pulse throughout his body.


         Once Pomfrey had gone back into the castle, James and Peter made to stand up, but they quickly scrambled back down. Sirius had remained crouched, eyes fixed on a shadow emerging from behind a small hill— With a long stick.
         "Who— is that??" James whispered frantically and Sirius's face set.
         "It's Snape."
          "Why the hell is he here??" James hissed. Sirius turned to him, about to explain when he really noticed the way James was looking at him— Sirius felt the words catch in his throat. He quickly glanced back at the boy trying to poke at the knot in the willow's roots as James' hand gripped at his shoulder. "Sirius— Fuck what's he doing—?? Who told him about the root—??"

           The overwhelming calm he'd felt just moments before seemed to dissipate as the reality of the situation started to set in.
           Peter was hyperventilating and James seemed to have frozen, watching the boy fiddling with his stick.
           Sirius's nails dug into the earth.
           The others' reactions had served as a wake up call. Panic thumped in his ears at the thought that Snape could die—
    They all joked about it a lot— Of course they did— The way teenage boys do when they hate someone. But that didn't mean they really wanted it. Sirius didn't want to actually be responsible for it—

          And then Sirius felt ice work its way through his insides. He wouldn't be responsible.. Remus would be—

         James watched in horror as the tree froze and the shadowed figure climbed into the passageway. He wasted no time, scrambling up and throwing himself forward. He sprinted towards the willow before it began thrashing again, Sirius following soon after. Peter stayed right where he was, seeming glued to the spot, but Sirius barely noticed— He saw James ahead of him, trying to find Snape and he felt nauseous—

        He'd been so caught up in this anger and this fear for days. Caught in this bullshit responsibility that was much more about he himself than it was about Regulus— He hadn't thought through all the shit he'd put at stake over him— A kid who didn't even want a part in Sirius's life anymore— He hadn't even thought for a second about what would happen to Remus if Snape was trapped in there. What could actually happen to Snape.
         Snape couldn't just hide— He wasn't an animagus— He was a perfect target for all the distressed rage of a hurt and confused animal.
"Snape??" James yelled, They heard a low growl and James quickened his pace. "Snape!" Sirius reached the doorway as James pushed Snape out of the way of the werewolf.
"Shit—" Sirius stepped in after him. "Get him out and keep him with you. I'll handle Remus—" Sirius felt claws swing by his face, narrowly missing. James nodded and ran with the boy as Sirius transformed. He barred the door and put all his body weight into keeping Remus back.
            Sirius winced as the wolf dug claws into his side, blood matting his black fur. His mind was racing.
             Snape could tell everyone— Remus could be expelled—

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