Lonely Hearts Club

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Valentines day in the Gryffindor tower was usually one of Sirius's favorites— He knew it was a totally stupid holiday, but it was a great excuse to goof off and enjoy too much candy. James always made a total fool of himself in front of Lily and Remus was always beaming ear to ear, enjoying a chocolate box. What wasn't to love?

          Well— Not quite the case this year—

          Sirius walked quickly down the echoing stone hallway towards the library. He reckoned getting homework done in the dorm would be near impossible with the noise today so his best bet was finishing his potions essay under the watchful eye of Madam Pince.
          He was just setting his bag down at his usual table when he looked up and froze, meeting a set of brown eyes.
          Remus sat with his own roll of parchment in front of him, wearing an unreadable expression. Sirius's lips parted, paralyzed as Remus pursed his own.
           Finally he pulled himself together enough to speak, clearing his throat and choking out:
           "Sorry I— Thought you'd be in the common room— They're having a part—"
          "I know." Sirius swallowed as Remus cut him
off rather stiffly. He nodded slowly, noticing how Remus was gripping his quill. "It's quieter here than in the dorm. I needed a place to work." Sirius nodded, unsure if he should mention that he'd been thinking the same thing—
             He decided to hold his tongue, nervously gathering up his bag instead.
         "I'll um— Yeah— Sorry— Didn't mean to intrude—" Remus's lip curled and Sirius nearly flinched away, worried the boy was getting ready to say something cutting to him—
           But he didn't— Instead he nodded, looking down.
          "See you in class."

          As Sirius walked back out of the library, he felt someone watching him. The hair on the back of his neck prickled and he felt a pounding in his chest. He wasn't sure if it was Remus or Madam Pince, but he didn't dare turn around and check—

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