Sweet Sixteen

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        The common room was uncharacteristically silent for seven on a Thursday evening. The crackle of the perpetually burning fire was the only audible sound until the hinges of the fat lady's portrait creaked.

         "I mean it's not that I've anything against her, she just gives me the creeps—" Remus snorted, slipping through the portrait hole behind him.
         "Well maybe if you studied more, you'd get used to her. It's called exposure therapy, Prongs."
          James seemed just about to say something snarky back when he stilled, taking in the emptiness of the room. He frowned.
           "Did everyone die and forget to give us the heads up—" Remus didn't respond, stifling a smile as James gazed around the place. Then his eyes widened as he noticed the red and orange streamers on the walls.


           He actually toppled over a nearby couch —which was met with a very loud snort from Marlene— but when he looked up, a grin stole onto his face. Sirius stepped forward, looking down.
         "Forget your own party, mate? Gotta get that big head of yours checked out now don't we?"
         "Oh fuck off—" He muttered, taking Sirius's hand and pulling himself up. Sirius gave him a little wink in return.
         "Happy birthday, Jam—" James grinned as Marlene slapped him on the back, Mary calling out from the corner.
          "Enough, saps. I've been waiting a million years for this cake."

          The cake was huge— Intricately decorated with animated frosting depicting a quidditch field and James' mouth hung slightly agape as he stood there gawking at it. He looked around.
          "Where did you lot even get a cake like this?? We haven't been to hogsmeade in— Ages—" Marlene and Mary grinned at each other while Lily's gaze dropped. Peter smiled.
          "Evans and I made it— It was a joint operation." James stared first at Peter and then at Lily, a grin catching the corners of his mouth as he grabbed Peter in what seemed to be a rather bone crushing hug. Then he caught Lily's eye over Peter's shoulder. Sirius eyed Remus fondly as they watched the two of them go a bit pink around the ears.

         As the party went into full swing, Sirius nestled into a spot next to Remus. Having given James his gifts earlier that day, they both agreed this was a prime people watching opportunity so they sat, enjoying the view.

        They watched Mary throw a bit of frosting at Marlene which she dodged. She then looked back in horror and she realized it had hit Dorcas square in the forehead. The blonde lifted her hands to apologize, but Dorcas was already doubled over laughing and Mary had a knowing sort of smile on her lips as Marlene sagged with relief.

        They watched James talking and laughing with Frank, a bit of frosting smeared around the corner of his mouth. He was so involved in the conversation that he didn't even seem to notice Lily until Peter nudged violently into his shoulder, making him cough.
         Sirius and Remus shared a snort, watching him eye Pete before saying what looked like a very awkward hello to Lily. She bit her lip, holding out a small box and Sirius felt almost as surprised as James looked—

       He'd sort of been under the impression that Lily had been roped into making that cake for him 'cause she was better with complex charms than Peter— But maybe Sirius had been spending too much time up in the dormitory— He leaned towards Remus, speaking out of the side of his mouth.
      "When did that happen—" Remus glanced over, seeming vaguely confused before he registered what Sirius was talking about. He smiled, shaking his head.
      "It's been— Unfolding—"

       Sirius shook his head slowly, biting his lip as James gave Lily an enthusiastic hug, seeming to leave his awkwardness behind for a moment.
      He hadn't given James quite enough credit he supposed—
      He turned to Remus once again, this time letting a subtle hand slide around his waist. Remus looked over on reflex, tensing slightly at the touch, but relaxing as he caught Sirius's soft smile.
       "Seems like we all got our happily ever after—" He teased and Remus made a sound that was just close enough to a scoff.
       Then he smiled down at his lap.
       "Yeah— S'pose so—" He murmured. Sirius hummed contentedly, letting his head fall against the boy's shoulder.
       As he did, he caught Marlene's eye from across the way. She stood, drinking a bottle of butterbeer and listening to something Dorcas was talking about, but when she saw Sirius, she smiled, eyes crinkling. Sirius felt a warmth in his chest as he thought that this might have been one of the best nights he'd had in a while—

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