The Three Broomsticks

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        The window where students could appreciate Hogsmeade in autumn was rather small what with the scheduling of the trips. Usually in a year they got maybe two trips before the rooftops were dusted with snow and the sound of carollers began to fill the air. Sirius always thought that was a bit of a shame– He enjoyed the hints of fiery fall colors in the trees and the smell of apples and cinnamon. Vendors sold enormous pumpkins and fresh pies and caramel apples as children ran through the streets.
       Sirius shifted in place, hand loosely clasping Marlenes as they stood by the apothecary. She glanced down, messing with the stud jutting out of her left nostril.
       "Did you have anything you needed?" Sirius shrugged his shoulders, gazing around. James and Peter had gone to Zonko's to replenish their supply of dung bombs and various other rather nefarious items. Mary had tagged along with them while Remus, Dorcas, and Lily had opted to stay at the castle. So it really was just– Him and Marlene.. Normally he wouldn't have minded that at all, but today it felt a great deal less comfortable than it usually would have.
       "Not really– Honestly– Did you want to do anything?" Marlene frowned, lip jutting out as she thought.
       "I'd say either the shrieking shack or the Three Broomsticks– What do you think?" Sirius froze up slightly at the mention of the shack.
       "The shack?" She raised an eyebrow.
       "Yeah–?" He looked up uncertainly and she snorted. "What– Don't tell me you're actually scared of that rickety old house.." Sirius opened his mouth to say something but thought better of it, instead waving a dismissive hand.
       "No.. I just don't much feel like standing around and staring at splintering wood for an hour is all.." He bit his lip and gestured vaguely towards the three broomsticks. "Why don't we get something to drink?" Marlene fixed him with a slightly curious look, but after a moment she seemed to take his word for it, nodding.
       "Sure thing."
       As they made their way inside The Three Broomsticks, the bell tinkled. Madam Rosmerta caught Sirius's eye as she was passing by. She paused, smiling warmly.
       "Ah good to see more friendly faces today– How've you been, Black?" Sirius grinned, shrugging slightly.
       "Tolerably well–" Rosmerta opened her mouth to say something else, but then her eyes caught Sirius and Marlene's joined hands. Her lips formed a small 'o', eyebrows raising.
       "Well– We have a table just over there– Get it quick though it's a bit busy today." She hesitated, "Just a couple of butterbeers?" Sirius nodded, feeling his ears burning hot with embarrassment. He pulled Marlene over the table, sitting down hard in one of the chairs. She looked amused with the proceedings, glancing behind her to see Rosmerta eyeing them fondly, but Sirius let out a rather explosive breath. Marlene looked over.
       "What's got you so worked up?" Sirius bit his lip and shook his head.
        "Ah– I dunno.. I haven't been on a date in.. A while–" He muttered, fingers drumming idly against the polished tabletop. She laughed and reached a hand out to ruffle his shaggy hair. He felt the sliding of her many rings against the top of his head.
       "Oh whatever– It's just me–" He tipped his hand back and forth slightly.
       "Yeah, but– People are... Noticing.." Marlene gazed around, watching as a couple students looked rather pointedly down. She giggled, shrugging.
       "Let 'em stare– Who cares really.."
        'I care..' thought Sirius.. If people noticed them going out that meant there was something going on and if there was something going on that meant people would talk about it and if people talked about it that meant all eyes were on Sirius and his new maybe girlfriend.
       He didn't –do– girlfriends... And not just because he didn't like girls.. He didn't date anybody. Dating meant it was significant in some way– Dating usually meant other people had to know.. Or they would find out somehow eventually– It was a pain..
       As Madam Rosmerta came over to bring their butterbeers, Sirius had to stop himself from cringing at the knowing looks she kept giving the both of them. He had sort of been hoping this would be more of a lunch with a friend than a real date honestly– He definitely was gonna kill James... He could tamper with his broom.. Feed him to the giant squid...
       Marlene snapped him out of his schemes, letting her head fall back as she sighed.
       "It's a shame Cas stayed back– I wanted to show her this totally brilliant chess set Mary pointed out to me last time we were here.." She pursed her lips. "Maybe I'll save up and get it for her for Christmas–" Sirius nodded.
       He was sort of feeling the same way about Remus– Sirius would have much rather been here alone with him right now if he was being honest.. He even would've been content missing the trip to hang out with him in the dorm. He'd felt a little guilty leaving when Remus seemed to be under the weather, but he knew Dorcas and Lily were good company. He sat up.
       "Mm– That reminds me.. I gotta swing by Honeydukes." Marlene's face screwed up. She gave him a funny sort of smile.
       "Why did that remind you of Honeydukes..?"
       "Gotta pick up some chocolate for Re. They have some of his favorites there." Marlene nodded. Sirius glanced to the side, licking his lips. He wondered if a little pick me up might help liven the boy up a little– He hoped so..
       When he looked back Marlene was smiling softly over at him. He furrowed his brows.    
       "What's with that look–" She shrugged, leaning back in her chair.
        "Dunno– It's sweet how you are with him–" Sirius's eyes widened. Marlene was hardly ever– Soft– This felt sort of out of left field. He felt his ears burning and looked sharply down at his lap, waving a dismissive hand. She snorted, shaking her head and taking a sip from her mug.. "Guys are so weird–"

       Once the initial embarrassment had worn off, Sirius had to admit he started having a much better time. That probably had something to do with the fact that they'd reverted to talking about the stupid shit they always did when they were together, but whatever the reason, Sirius felt relieved.
       Before they headed out of Hogsmeade for the day, they stopped by Hondeydukes candy shop and Sirius surveyed his options carefully. He couldn't decide between chocolate cauldrons or the Honeydukes brand chocolate bars so he bought both, stowing them carefully in his jacket pocket. He decided he could give Remus one now and save the other for Christmas. Safe to say though, he left Honeydukes with his pockets feeling quite a bit lighter than they had on his way in..

       He and Marlene chatted all the way up to the common room, but as they made their way inside, Sirius caught Remus's eye and beamed. He nudged Marlene before making his way over and rummaging through his pocket.
       "Got you something–" He explained as Remus eyed him. The boy stared down as Sirius shoved a pack of chocolate cauldrons into his hands.
       "You didn't have to do that–" He murmured, looking up. Sirius shrugged, plopping down next to him on the couch.
       "Was just thinkin' about you. And it was on the way so–" Remus smiled weakly, leaning his shoulder against Sirius's as his shaky fingers made to open the package. He held out one of the chocolates for Sirius who leaned down, taking it in his teeth. Remus snorted, popping one into his own mouth and humming softly.
       "Well thank you–"
       "Mm– No problem."

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