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          Remus didn't end up going to class on Tuesday so Sirius went alone. He could tell James kept wanting to talk to him throughout transfiguration, but Sirius kept his head down. He scribbled notes, tongue sticking halfway out of his mouth in focus.
          He wasn't totally sure, but McGonagall seemed to be talking a little slower than usual— He caught her eye while she was teaching and he definitely saw a good natured glint... He smiled down at his paper, hair falling into his eyes.

         As he was packing his things up to leave, James made his careful way over, Peter trailing awkwardly behind him. Sirius looked up, taking in the discomfort on their faces. He didn't say anything, letting them sit in the tension. Peter coughed rather pointedly and James finally opened his mouth.
         "Hey so— Pete and I were wondering if you wanted to study with Mary in the library tonight—?" Sirius stared in something near disbelief, fingers playing with the ring on his index finger. After a moment or two, he pursed his lips.
          "Can't tonight." James' eyes searched his face, seeming unsure what to say. The boy licked his lips.
          "Busy with something—?"
          Sirius's eyebrows drew together. They didn't remember— They always kept track of the days. Why didn't they remember? He shoved his textbook into his bag.
          "Yeah." He said shortly, "Busy."
James seemed just about to say something else when they heard McGonagall's voice from behind them.
          "Black? May I have a word?" Sirius's head snapped back at his name. He straightened up, nodding before turning to Peter and James.
          "You go on ahead. I'll see you later." James nodded, grabbing his bag and leading their way out of the classroom. Sirius turned to McGonagall, tilting his head to the side.
           The professor studied him for a moment from behind her desk. She pursed her lips and adjusted her spectacles.
          "I wanted to look over your most recent test together." Sirius sucked in a breath, his stomach dropping. McGonagall seemed to notice and raised a hand. "It's not bad, but it's lacking— I wondered if there was any reason why?" As she spoke, Sirius let his gaze drop, staring instead at his shoes.
          "Oh— Um—" He licked his lips. He wasn't totally sure what he should say about it— "I did study, things have just been—" He cut himself off. McGonagall raised an eyebrow.
          "They've been, have they?" Sirius smiled self consciously, shrugging.
          "It's nothing— I'll work harder on the next one." The woman nodded, looking down at the stack of parchment in front of her.
          "I would be happy to allow you revisions if you need them. I'll average the score." Sirius raised his eyebrows.
          "Really—? You don't have to it's—" McGonagall raised a hand.
          "Why don't you stop by after Friday's classes?" Sirius nodded.
          "Ok— Well— Thank you, professor—"
          She nodded absentmindedly so Sirius took that as permission to go. Just as he was about to leave though, McGonagall cleared her throat.
          "Huh?" She eyed him for a quiet moment.
          "How's Lupin?" Sirius felt a tension in his shoulders at the question. He bit his lip, not answering right away. There were many things he could have said and plenty of things he definitely shouldn't have in that moment.
He decided to go with the most simple—
          "He's um— He's a bit sick today, but I took his notes for him and all—" The woman nodded. Sirius could see her stifle a smile.
          "Good to hear." She murmured. "Tell him if he needs to go over the material I'll find a time to work with him." Sirius nodded, grabbing his bag.
          "Will do— Thank you, Professor—"


           Dinner seemed shorter than usual that night— But maybe it was just that Sirius found himself preoccupied. Remus ate slowly, rings already forming around his drooping eyes. Sirius noticed he kept wincing at the sounds echoing throughout the hall as though he could feel every sharp laugh or shout throughout his body.
           Once Sirius had finished his chicken, he and Remus got up, Remus checking his watch and sighing.
          "I should probably go straight to Pomfrey—" Sirius nodded, shoving his hands in his pockets.
          "I'll walk you." Remus barely seemed to register the response. He walked out into the hall with hunched shoulders seeming off balance. Sirius watched their shoes as they walked to the infirmary, falling in and out of step with each other. He sucked in a breath and held it in his lungs till it stung and then he let it go.

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