Hallway Chatter

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     Ever since the night of James' party, Sirius had been noticing more and more interactions between him and Lily. It was just little things really, but it felt like a huge contrast to Sirius—
     The girl had taken to spending extra time going over her potions notes when James didn't understand the lessons. It happened so often that they'd started sitting together more and more in the common room.. Sirius had even noticed Lily in the stands at a couple of the Gryffindor quidditch practices. When he'd asked her about that, she'd waved him off, mumbling something about wanting to see a new technique Marlene and Mary had been working on, but when she'd said it, she wouldn't meet his eyes—


      Fridays in the spring were some of the most lovely days in the castle. The warmth of the sun through the tall windows made up for the fact that the grounds still held a bit of a winter chill, spattering the stone hallways with yellow light.
      Remus and Sirius were a bit behind the other boys on their way out of potions, giggling about something stupid. Sirius gasped for air as Remus snorted, shoving into his shoulder.
      "I swear to god I've never seen him read a proper book before—" Sirius said breathlessly. Remus, looking amused, opened his mouth to respond as they rounded the corner when suddenly, Sirius nudged him, quickly getting ahold of himself.
        A few paces ahead, James stood, leaned up against the opposite wall and grinning ear to ear as he spoke animatedly to a redheaded girl. Sirius glanced up at Remus as the two of them retreated ever so slightly back behind the wall. They watched intently as the girl's shoulders shook with what must've been laughter and James scratched at the back of his head somewhat bashfully. He fumbled with his bag for a moment, pulling out something neither of them could make out and handing it to her.

       "Who're you two pervin on?" Came a playful voice from behind them as Sirius felt someone clap his shoulder. He jumped, nearly tripping over an uneven stone and Marlene snorted at him rather loudly. From behind her came Dorcas, peeking her head curiously around the corner to see what all the fuss was about.
        Evidently Marlene had caused enough of a commotion to catch the attention of the other two down the hall.. James was looking a bit pink in the face as Lily irritably glared over her shoulder. She shoved whatever James had given her hurriedly into her bag, gripping the strap with one hand, and using the other to yank the boy by the sleeve of his robes. He followed without protest, but nearly fell over several times in Lily's haste to get out of sight.
         The gang of Gryffindors that stood by the wall held their breath as she practically dragged him towards the Great Hall— The minute they were out of sight though, the lot of them collapsed into giggles.
        "God that's priceless—" Marlene breathed out, elbowing Dorcas. "How many times has that girl sworn up and down Potter was revolting—? I mean It's been eons of 'stupid git' this and 'shameless prick' that—" Dorcas grinned, leaning against the wall and tutting.
         "This is gonna be the worst blow to her pride yet, I fear.. Who's to say when she'll recover.." Sirius whistled, glancing back towards the opposite wall. He felt a smile tugging at his lips, thinking of the way Lily had grabbed James' wrist.
          "I'm still in awe that he pulled it off with her— I've been waiting for him to give up since second year—"    
          "Was that the year she shoved him into Sprout's fertilizer—" Remus asked, stifling a smile. Sirius turned back, a crooked smile on his own face.  
           "Yeah— Cause he dropped their puffapod beans and they nearly failed the assignment—"
            The lot of them devolved into giggles once again, slowly making their own way towards the Great Hall for lunch

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