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      In the five years James had been a seeker for the Gryffindor team, he'd never seemed to grow out of the anxiety before his games.. And considering his widespread reputation of being charmingly relaxed, it was a little ridiculous watching him nearly throwing up the morning of his big match against Slytherin.

      "D'you need anything, mate—?" Peter asked tentatively, sure to maintain his safe distance across the table as James gagged. The boy's shaky elbows rested on either side of his plate.
      "I'm fine—" He mumbled, rubbing his temples. Sirius stifled a laugh as he heard the boy mutter something else under his breath before straightening up. He nudged James' shoulder, nodding to his untouched plate.
     "Try n eat somethin, yeah? You'll be killin yourself out there if you don't."

      After lunch they parted ways, James headed to the locker rooms, Remus and Peter to the stands, and Sirius to the staff box. As he reached the top, the breeze ruffling his hair, he gazed down at the field laid out below him, the stands around it filling up with students holding banners and waving flags. This was the big game of the year— The deciding factor in the Quidditch cup.
       Sirius eyed the players stepping out onto the field, the way James held himself remained unmistakable— His arms crossed over his chest as he rested his weight on one hip. Sirius turned his gaze to the Slytherins in their deep green robes, the familiar heads of Crouch and Rosier catching his eye as their shoulders shook with laughter. Sirius pursed his lips. He played idly with his microphone.

       The players soon took their places on the field as Madam Hooch held up the Quaffle. Both teams tensed as she threw it in the air and they all launched off the ground.

       "Here we are for our last game of the season— And what a tense match it is! Not a moment's hesitation as Podmore takes possession of the Quaffle, heading for what may just be the first goal of the match! He dodges and weaves around the Slytherin chasers with stunning technique!"

       Sirius watched as the boy in crimson robes sped across the pitch with the Quaffle tucked under his right arm. Closing in on him were Crouch and Rosier, their bats at the ready, but he didn't hesitate, making a quick pass to Alice. Sirius grinned.

       "What a way to start things off! If the Slytherin's aren't careful, we'll be up ten within the first ten minutes!"

       Just as the words were leaving his lips though, he watched Rosier whack a bludger towards Alice who spun on her broomstick, narrowly avoiding it, but dropping the Quaffle. Sirius sucked his teeth.

      "Ah— Seems I spoke too soon—"

      The game went on, commentary flowing quickly as the teams desperately fought for possession of the ball. Slytherin vs Gryffindor always made for an intense game, but this year it was a whirlwind— Sirius barely had time to remark on everything he was seeing— He was laser focused on the game, his hand clutching the microphone as he spoke.
       The Slytherins won a point and then the Gryffindors won two. Sirius watched as Crouch and Rosier got crueler and crueler, targeting their bludgers with ruthless accuracy.
       James hovered, as usual, above the game. His only movements came from dodging the occasional rogue bludger as he scanned the pitch for any sign or flash of gold.

       "Mulciber dodges past McKinnon's bludger! He shoots— He scores— Forty points to the Slytherin team!"

       "Fortescue makes an artful pass to Podmore! Can they manage to win back the momentary gap?"

       "A perfect block from the Gryffindor keeper! Well done, Longbottom!"

       "Watch out Rosier, if your moves get any worse than that you'll earn yourself a foul!"

       Sirius cleared his throat, taking a deep breath. The points were flying between them. The Slytherin and Gryffindor team lineups were both well crafted.. For all the skillful teamwork Mary and Marlene brought to their roles as beaters, Crouch and Rosier were a frightening duo. The Slytherins were fast and mean and good at what they did.
       Slytherin was ahead ten points, but Alice had the Quaffle, ready to tie them once again. She dipped underneath Mulciber, ball under her arm before she reached the Slytherin goal posts. Sirius watched as Alice shot the ball right past the Slytherin keeper's left foot and the crowd went wild with cheers.
       "Another tie! We're eighty for eighty everyone! Both teams are getting serious!"

       As Sturgis Podmore took the Quaffle, speeding again towards the Slytherin goalposts, the crowd gasped. Crouch and Rosier had both launched bludgers in his direction, hurtling towards him on either side. There were shouts in the crowd as the boy dropped the ball, dodging one, but getting a good smack with the other. Sirius sucked in a breath as he watched the ball make contact with his arm, a sickening crack audible.
       Podmore clutched his broom. He swore loudly as he veered off course. Mulciber had already grabbed the ball he'd dropped and was trying to outrun Mary and Marlene while their teammate steered himself one handed.
      Both teams were yelling and the pitch was in disarray, but Sirius stayed focused, eyes darting around.

       It was in all that commotion that his eye caught on something— Two flashes of color shot across the sky, neck and neck green and red blurs. He scrambled for the mic.

     "Potter and Avery are racing for the snitch! The score is even, everyone.. who's gonna break this tie??"

     Even as the other players continued to shoot around the pitch, all eyes were suddenly latched onto the seekers. Sirius watched Avery check James' shoulder, veering him slightly off course.. But he kept a firm grip on his handle, redirecting himself. He checked the boy right back, nearly knocking him against the stands and Sirius heard angry shouts from the Slytherins in the crowd. Avery fought to get back on track, his speed and accuracy on full display. The two of them turned a tight corner— Sirius watched hair and robes blowing every which way as the boys got closer and closer to the glittering gold prize in front of them. Sirius grinned as James put on a final burst of speed. His arm extended, leaning so far forward he was in danger of losing his balance. Somehow he kept himself steady, crossing in front of Avery a crucial fraction. Sirius watched as his gloved hand grasped the golden ball and the crowd erupted.

     "James Potter has caught the snitch! Gryffindor wins with a total of two hundred and thirty points!"


     The moment the match was over Sirius was running down the stairs of the staff box, his chest full of pride. No matter how many times he watched James catch the snitch, it always felt exciting somehow— As if they were just kids again and Sirius was watching the boy take off for the first time.
     He reached the grass, running in the direction of the locker rooms and nearly tripping over himself before he caught sight of Peter and Remus stood giggling by a corner of the stands. They turned as they heard him coming and Remus put a finger to his lips, beckoning for Sirius to come join them. Bewildered, he did, slowing to a walk as he approached.
       "Why're you guys just standing over here?" He asked softly, his eyebrow raised as Peter's shoulders shook. Remus nodded his head gently to the side and Sirius peeked over his shoulder.

        Standing outside the door of the Gryffindor locker room were James and Lily— And for the first time in weeks they were properly talking— Sirius watched, lips parting.

        "Congrats on your big win, Potter—" James grinned stupidly, eyes focused on the ground.
        "Really wasn't sure I was gonna win this one actually—" He said with a laugh. Lily put a hand on her hip.
        "I thought James Potter never lost.." James beamed, running a hand through his sweaty hair.
        "He doesn't.. But y'know— I worried that fat head of mine might throw me off balance.."
        Lily was still for a moment—She seemed to be processing the words— before snorting. They all watched as she leaned over devolving into a fit of giggles.
        "You're so full of shit—" She said through shallow breaths as James grinned widely.
        "Yeah, maybe—"

        Sirius tilted a glance up at Remus who had a serene sort of smile on his face. The boy must've felt Sirius staring because he looked down, licking his lips.
       "Took them long enough—" Sirius said with a grin. Remus nodded gently, eyes flitting back to James and Lily.
       "Sure did—"

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