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        If only that could have been the end of Sirius's problems for the year. It was barely the end of his problems for the week—

       On their second Monday back from break, Sirius found himself arm in arm with James on their way out of potions. He shook his head passionately.
       "You are so full of shit, Jam! Why on earth would you want McGonnigal on the faculty Quidditch league?? The point isn't for them to be good— It's supposed to be funny, mate—" Remus snorted as James let out an exasperated breath.
       "Fine— Who would be funny then??" Sirius grinned.
      "Well Flitwick for one— He's so small I bet a light breeze might knock him off course—" James doubled over giggling and Sirius pointed for emphasis. "See! That's fucking funny, mate—" James raised his hands in surrender.
       "Alright alright—" Sirius grinned, beginning to walk again when Remus cleared his throat.
       "Pads— Did you leave your bag in the dorm today?" Sirius looked down as he realized his shoulderbag wasn't resting on his hip as usual.
       "Shit— No, I must've left it on the bench—" James shoved his hands in his pockets as Sirius turned around.
       "We'll wait—" Sirius waved a hand.
       "Don't bother— I'll catch up!" He called over his shoulder.

        He wove through students making their way down the hall. Finally getting back to Slughorn's classroom, he swung the door open.

         His and Remus's table was farther towards the back so he planned to just dip in and snag the bag, but as he made to grab it, he caught someone's eye.
         Snape was still lingering around for some reason, seemingly still packing up his own bag. His cold gaze tracked Sirius's movement from the shadowed corner of the room.
Sirius frowned, grabbing his bag by the strap and slinging it over his shoulder.
           "What're you looking at—" He called out irritably. The boy's gaze in the greenish dim lights of the dungeon was sorta giving him the creeps—
           Snape shrugged, taking a step towards him. Sirius's jaw set.
           "I can look wherever I want to." He murmured airily and Sirius felt irritation growing in him. His foot tapped against the stone floor.
"Look if you've got some shit to say to me, just spit it out, mate. Don't be a pussy." Snape raised his eyebrows, a strange sort of non-smile on his lips.
"A pussy?" He took another step forward. "Not a fan of cowards, Black?" Sirius stared at him in bewilderment, agitation pulling at the corners of his lips.
            "Not weird little greasy ones, no—" Snape licked his lips.
            "Strange.. Thought it might run in the family.."

            Sirius froze.
            He registered a faint smirk growing on the boy's face at the reaction so he tried to pull himself together.
"Dunno what the fuck you're talking about." He muttered, looking down and trying not to show how much even the mention of his family was affecting him. He didn't know what Snape was getting at, but he had a horrible feeling he knew who it involved—
            Snape gave a nonchalant sort of shrug.
"Your brother inherited it, that's for sure. I've never met such a—" Snape's taunts were cut off as Sirius strode forward. He grabbed the boy roughly by the front of his robes, breath coming unsteadily.
"Fuck did you say to me?" He spat, watching Snape's confidence falter. He felt his breathing getting heavy as he stared at him with wild eyes. The boy didn't answer so Sirius shook him, knuckles whitening. "What the fuck did you just say, freak?" Snape only stared up at him, faint satisfaction on his face mingling with the fear.
              He could've hit him right there— And he wished he had because a moment later he heard footsteps from behind the door of Slughorn's office. He forced himself to let go of the green and black fabric clenched in his hand, Snape stumbling backwards into a desk as Slughorn set eyes on them. He looked surprised to see them.
               "Oh hello, boys— I thought you'd left—" The man seemed about to say something friendly when he set eyes on the clock. "Oh dear— You'd better be off— You'll be late to your next class, won't you?" Sirius shot one last glance at Snape before swallowing.
               "Forgot my bag— See you tomorrow, professor." His voice was sharper than he'd intended and his steps echoed down an empty hall as he left.
               He heard his blood pumping in his ears, the castle halls dulled and somehow blurry as Snape's words played over and over in his brain.

               When he sat himself roughly in a seat beside James in charms, the boy eyed him, biting his lip before leaning in.
              "You alright—?" He whispered, knee bouncing under the desk. Sirius stared straight ahead.
              "Fine." He shot back. James hesitated, seemingly taken aback by his tone.
             "What kept you?" He asked softly. He sounded almost concerned. For some reason it made anger swell in Sirius's chest. His fist clenched and unclenched on the desktop.
"Slughorn wanted to talk."
            "About what—"
            "Merlin you ask a lot of questions—" he hissed louder than he'd intended. James sat back slightly in his chair and Sirius suddenly felt a pang of guilt. He bit his lip. "Sorry— I didn't mean to—" James shook his head slowly.
            "Don't worry about it—" Sirius nodded, looking down. His hair fell into his eyes, hanging around him like curtains as his chest rose and fell.
             He felt like he might throw up.

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