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        It was late on a Monday evening when Sirius made one of his biggest mistakes to date. He might not have thought much of it at the time, but he would learn to regret the conversation more than anything over the coming months.

       He was studying in the library later than usual, all the others had already retired to the dormitory ages ago.
      Actually Sirius wasn't really studying at all— He was more so thumbing through the pages of his transfiguration textbook, watching the flicker of candles absentmindedly from one of the back tables. He was the only one left besides Madam Pince whose desk was at entirely the opposite side of the room so he noticed when someone moved behind him.
         Snape stood between two bookshelves, dark and sleek hair falling around his face as he watched Sirius get up.
         "What." Sirius snapped. Snape smirked. He knew he had the upper hand and it was infuriating.
         "Seems no one ever taught you any manners, did they, Black?" Sirius clenched and unclenched his fist, foot tapping irritably against the carpet.
          "What the fuck do you want with me." Snape licked his lips, watching Sirius's eyes carefully. There was a long moment of silence and Sirius felt his heart pounding in his ears. Then Snape smiled.
          "Big brother had to step in for poor little Regulus, didn't he? Just couldn't keep himself away?" Sirius pressed Snape into the bookshelf, hand shaking as he pulled out his wand. Snape's breath came out a little shakier as he eyed the tip pointing at him. "What're you gonna do..?" He sneered. "Curse me?"
           Sirius's mouth worked as he tried to keep himself still. His body felt tense all over. He ignored Snape's question.
           "I don't give a damn what you say about me, or my friends, or my family, Snape. I couldn't give less of a shit. But you keep away from, Reg." Snape's smirk fell, eyebrows furrowing.
            "And why would I follow your orders, Black? I don't know if all the attention's gone to your head, but not everybody takes your word as law." He paused. "Regulus certainly doesn't."
             Sirius swallowed, wand pressing into Snape's neck.
             "What do you want. If you leave Regulus alone I'll—" Sirius cut himself off, as a thought occurred to him. Snape raised an eyebrow at Sirius's sudden silence, his grip loosening for a moment.
              Something he knew Snape wanted so desperately— Something he'd wanted for months now. Sirius licked his lips.

"The whomping willow." Sirius said, meeting Snape's eyes. Snape looked confused.
             "What about it—" Sirius stepped back, biting his lip.
             "You leave my little brother alone and I'll show you where me and my friends go at night—" Snape's eyebrows drew together, but he didn't say anything. Sirius could tell he was intrigued. "Do we have a deal?" He asked it sharply, body alive with nerves.
              Slowly Snape inclined his head.
              "Alright.." Sirius glanced to the side anxiously before leaning in.
             "The 27th. That's in a week. After curfew go to the whomping willow— Bring a long stick." Snape looked bewildered, no longer sporting his previous smugness.
              "Why would I need a stick—"
             "There's a big knot in the roots— If you press the stick into it, the tree will freeze."
             The other boy was still for a long moment, seemingly hesitant. He pursed his lips.
"Why should I trust you? Sounds like another deeply hilarious prank that involves me getting caught out of bed.." He said coolly, crossing his arms over his chest. Sirius paused for a moment. Then he leaned back.
"You shouldn't trust me. It's your choice really— But if you come, don't get caught."

            There was a long silence and Sirius suddenly felt worried. Had he misinterpreted how curious Snape was? Maybe he wouldn't come after all—

            But then the boy's gaze dropped.
"What time?" The tone he used told Sirius he was trying to sound bored.

"Nine thirty."
            "Aright. I'll be there."

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