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A/n pov.

Next few months were, smoth like butter.....the trio were enjoying their university life.

Jin was very happy to see his baby brother enjoying his university life, as he wished for.

Everything was all good 👍, expect one person that is Park Jimin, he behaving different lately, always busy in his own world, spacing out sometime and bunking classes sometime too.

That's making his Best Friend Taehyung hella worried, he tried to speak out the words from Jimin's mouth.....but, only get one answer that....when the right time will come, he himself will tell Taehyung first of all.

Taehyung will be first person with whome Jimin will share this.

For Jimin, it's hard to hid things from Taehyung cuz both soulmates never ever hid anything from e/o.

Jimin asked from Taehyung to give him sometime.... feeling seriousness in Jimin's words, Taehyung agree to give him his time....and who is Taehyung to not listen jimin, they know e/o very well.

They know their value for e/o in their life.

Otherside, Jungkook and Taehyung were in good turns now, they were more comfortable with e/ there was not any hesitation in Taehyung while speaking with jungkook.

If there would something to share with jungkook, Teahyung directly will go to him and will say it out, making jimin and Jungkook happiest person.... cuz Jimin have seen his soulmate from he hid things, always being alone, very self-centred.

After Jungkook come in taehyung's life, he become less nervous, less scared, confident about himself,less uncomfortable with strangers and many more things that changed in Taehyung.

Jimin believe that, Jungkook can change his bestie.... only Jungkook can do that.

There was another reason why jimin would disappear from middle of taekook, cuz Jimin want them to have some alone time with e/o.

Jungkook's happiness have another reason that' he completed his second task too.

As usual Taehyung was getting ready for his university....but there was something else, making him more excited than everyday.

He waked up early in morning today, did his morning routine, selected dress for wear (that was really new, cuz he never give even 1percent attention to his visuals), happily come downstairs and hugged his Hyungie, mumma, good morning from everyone.

After that he come towards dining room and took his sit on chair to have his breakfast. He was waiting for breakfast..... while sitting on his chair, he called Jimin and asked him to come fast, he doesn't want to be late for university today.

When he was chatting with jimin, jin come there with breakfast....ruffling taehyung's hair....he served him and other family members and lastly himself, everyone had their breakfast.

Taehyung was filling his mouth with High speed like someone was going to snatch his plate from him, after completing his breakfast in hurry ....he run outside of his house with his bagpack after bidding goodbye to his family.

Taehyung run towards Jimin's home, he didn't think to ring the doorbell and wait for maid to open the door....he just directly enter the passcode of Jimin's house and enter inside.

Taehyung directly run towards dinning hall...  Jimin was having his breakfast, Taehyung didn't think twice before picking up one sandwich in his hand......hand over it jimin and in one hand , he picked Jimin's bagpack and with another he holds Jimin's wrist and drage him outside, bidding goodbye to Mr. and Mrs. Park..... Jimin's mouth was full with sandwich so, Taehyung himself bid goodbye from Jimin's parents from his side and run outside.(end of a/n pov.)

Jimin: Tae....bhy thath muuuch hully....leth mwe hawve my bleakfasth peacethpulyl and lett bme bid goolbhye plom mwy palenths plopellly.

Taehyung: First swallow your food inside after that speak....I'm not understanding your another world's language.

A/n pov.

Jimin had ate half of sandwich and half of feed Taehyung forcefully cuz he know.....In excitement, Taehyung wouldn't have his breakfast properly .

Otherside, Jungkook wasn't able to sleep in night, In excitement....cuz first time, the trio is going hangout outside of campus. They have planned many things to do....and left some for next time too.

Jungkook literally didn't slept all night, only tossing inthe bed....and in early morning.....he started to knock on his parents bedroom door.... disturbing their peaceful sleep.

Mr.jeon growled and tried to shu his little Devil son who is not letting them sleep...... But, question is that....did Jungkook Heard that.....not at all, he again started knocking....this time his Mum come angrily and opened the door .

Mrs. Jeon: Jungkook !!!!!! What are you doing here, this early morning, hhhhh!!!!! Look at the time.......

Jung Kook: Mum..... it's 05:30am..... wake up.....did you forget.....i have university to attend the can you forget tht.....hurry up fast- fast....make me breakfast.... otherwise i will be late

Mrs. Jeon was hearing her son's blabbering with so much done she don't that.....she have one grown ass son, who become devil,  who ruined their peaceful life,who now goes university, and she have to make breakfast for him.

Mrs. Jeon asked with fake smile: Ooooo!!!!!! I forgot that my jungkookie.....thank you my big baby to remind me that....Okk!!! Let me hurry up(Said while folding her arms and standing on door only, not moving from there)

Jung Kook: Mum.... Go hurry up....why are you standing like that.....go...go

Mrs. Jeon was so so done with her son, first he ruined their peaceful sleep, now blabbering anything coming in his mouth. She just give a slow slap on his coconut like head to remind him that....she is his mom...she have raised him with lot of struggle.... suddenly she remembered something.

Mrs. Jeon: Wait a second..... how you waked up this early today...hhhhh!!!!! Everyday i have to damage my vocal cord or have to pour a bucket full water....still you wouldn't wake come you are this early in front of our bedroom...hhhh!!!! What are you hiding from me???? What is special today that make you a morning bird suddenly.

Jungkook: Actually...Mum, me nd tae....

Mrs. Jeon: and tae..... hhhh!!!!! What in this world, you are doing on my back...hhhhh!!! I didn't even know started dating Taehyung....Ommmmoooo

Jungkook: Mum...mum!!! We aren't dating, we are just friends.... it's just, we are going outside today... I'm very excited mum...and Jimin is also coming with us.

Mrs. Jeon:  Where you all of them going???

Jungkook: Mum... We are going amusement park... We have planned many things to do.....I'm very excited..... Tea is going with me first time

Mrs. Jeon: I can see much you are excited.... it's very obviously.

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