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Everyone were busy in their exams, assignments, presentations.....etc. etc.

Exam become the biggest villain for our taekook, from past two months they are craving for each other very badly....Both badly wants to spend some alone peaceful time....

Enjoying their outings, walking, playing, always running after each other, teasing each other, staring each other shamelessly, little bit of flirting.....etc. literally they missed each other each and every second.

But, this distance made them realise how much they are meant to each other, how much both longing for each other, how much that warm embrace was comforting Taehyung at every moment, how much Jungkook missed that soft body and it's strawberry scent, how much Jungkook missed that incident pout, how much Taehyung missed that hopping Bunny around himself, how much they need each other........

But, one thing was discovered in that mean time by Taekook which was.....the late night calls, massages...etc.

It's become daily routine for taekook to talk till late night, it's become their energy booster, their encouragement, their excitement, their platform to clear doubts which they would have in revision, their virtual comfortable place, their best time in these hectic exam period,...... etc.

It's not like, taekook didn't meet....both meet each other every day in University, but there would be present a thing called..... pressure of exams.

But... still, one thing taekook didn't realise....the change in their behaviour, the change in mentioning/calling each other with nick names, the biggest change in their experience.... whenever Both would be together, they will be smiling, staring each other lovingly, blushing after flirting to each other, complimenting each other oftenly, sticking with each other whenever would be free in University....... there is many more changes in them....but, still unrealised.





Finally......the moment come when they would be all relaxed, enjoying their old times, sticking with each other with any seperation, outings, roaming around City, doing everything of which they have curve for whole two months.

Today was their last they would be free for two weeks university, no study, nothing.... only them Enjoying their vocation peacefully.

After giving exam Vminkook come outside from examination hall and realising their shoulders in lightness....the weightfull burden of exams which was on their shoulders finally they get rid of this.

After pursuing their phones from examination office....the trio walk off from there....(any digital equipments aren't allowed in examination hall to prevent from, everyone have to give it to examination office's officer).

Jimin excused himself from taekook....he too missed that 'important work' of his......

Jimin is still unaware of  taekook knowing his 'important work' ..... he doesn't have any idea that taekook know the 'important work' or person whom he is meeting without anyone's knowledge .

Taekook doesn't want to interfere in Jimin's person life....both are waiting impatiently to know jimin and that 'important work' aka person's intention of meeting secretly.....but otherside, both taekook sipping them secretly.

Two weeks...

Whole two weeks taekook laced with each other like leeches...

Taekook's morning start with bidding good morning each sometime through phone, sometime face to face...when they would be sleeping on others place on same bed, no couch, no separate rooms, no barrier.... cuddling each other, after eating breakfast...they would be playing video games for hour, sometime talking in middle of playing session, after lunch would be taking naps...then late afternoon would be going for amusement park or roaming on streets or long drives, in evening would looking sunset.. sometime from inside cafe, sometime from rooftop of any highest building or going on hills when would go on long drives, after watching sunset....we would found taekook in their home theatre watching different movies.... horror, comedy, romantic, emotional, adventurous, mysterious, paranormal, animated......etc. while feeding each other popcorns, chocolate, chips, other snacks and cuddling there on one couch, the day end after dinner at the time of going to bed with their bickering about full day activities till late night.... sometime face to face sometimes on  video calls.


Author's request:

Don't use your fingers only scrolling the stories line and Chapters...

Use your fingers to type something you feel while reading it, am good in writing or not, where it's lac of emotion/word, where is the mistake in story line.....and whatever you want improve in my story line...

Your few words can make me feel encourage for giving my best...

I would be honest with yourself.....

I'm happy with my few readers....I'm not after fam, I'm just writing for fun... I'm not asking for Reads, Votes, Follows....... just give me feedback of my work......

Let's meet in next chapter....

I will be waiting for your...Comments....

Till then....enjoy your day..

Be happy.....

Stay healthy and safe...

                     Borahae 💜<3

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