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A/n pov.

Time skip ~~

The trio were attending their classes, they were waiting for class to be over soon...which was like going to over after decades (only for trio). After sometime their wait finally over, they hear bell ring, don't know from when they wanted to hear that annoying bell which was like a very soothing sound ever exist in the world for trio today.

After hearing bell ring, they jump on their own sit excitedly, making their professor confused and whole class annoyed. The trio apologize for their weird action from everyone, after bowing their professor as apologize, they sit calmly on their sit...this is another thing that.... only their body was Calm, their mind was making different types of sceneries.

The moment professor exited himself from classroom, they run towards parking Lott ..... Jungkook unlocked his car, Vmin opened back sit door md sit there, Jungkook on the he driving sit.(end of a/n pov.)

Jungkook: Gyes!!!! You both ate making me feel like....I'm yours driver.... please come on front sit any one of them.

Jimin: Okay.... coming, you are not our driver (jimin Said while pushing Taehyung out side from car)

Taehyung: Chim!!! Why are you pushing me outside, you can go outside from other side door na....

Jimin: Didn't you hear, What Jungkook said... Go and accompany him.

Taehyung: were going na.... Okay.... don't push me , I'm going (Taehyung come outside and took the passenger sit beside Jungkook)

The trio drove towards their destination - Amusement Park.

After reaching amusement park, Jungkook parked his car in parking area. They were deciding, from where they should start.....ferries wheel 🎡, roller coaster 🎢, flying chair, big pendulum, bumping cars, shooting, darts, and many more rides,plays, games.........etc.

They were dividing which ride they will go first, but.... when they hear phone's beeping sound, they turned and saw was Jimin's phone from where sound was coming.... seems like someone was massaging.

Jimin hurriedly pull out his phone from his Jean pocket.... looking the screen Jimin started smiling widely..... like a two year old baby got his fav candy.

Looking Jimin's wide smile, Taehyung asked from him.

Taehyung: Chim!! What happened, whose massage it is????

But jimin was lost in his phone only....he didn't reply taehyung's any questions..... Taehyung again asked.

Taehyung: Chim!!!!! What are you doing... Here we are in Amusement park deciding the rides, which we wanna go first and you are busy in phone..... that's not fair chim..... Are you listening me.... Chim!!!

Taehyung's shout makes jimin to come out from his phone and he said

Jimin:  Tae.... I have to go somewhere bub..... it's really argent bear....i can't stay two enjoy, i will see you at home... Ok!!!

Taehyung: But...chim!!! Where are you going, atleast tell me .... isn't it any serious na....we will go with you.

Jimin: Bear ....i will tell you another day, okay!!! I have to go.....and don't worry, it's not serious..... Next time we will come together nd will have lots of fun.... I promise. Right now let me and Jungkook enjoy yourself.... Jungkook take care of Taehyung and drop him home before it become dark.... Okkk!!!!

Saying that jimin run from there cuz he know....if he stay there one more minute , Taehyung will not let him go.... it's better to run away from the spot before Taehyung start to show his puppy eyes which no one can resist in this world.

Taekook bid bye to jimin amd decide to enjoy their Amusement park's rides , plays, games.......etc.

All the time Taehyung was sulking like a kid cuz jimin, his bestie left him in middle of their plan..... Jungkook thinks to cheer him up.

Jungkook: Tea .....look there, what's it....Wow.... different types  colour of  cotton candy.... let's have it.

Jungkook and Taehyung run towards Cotton candy bar and had different colours cotton candies.


That's all for today my lovely Little Baby Bunnies.....

Today is Sunday.....nd for your Baby Tigress, Sunday is very hectic.....i barely got time....ufff

And Holi is also coming......i had to clean my house too....

Your baby tigress love their baby bunnies.

All of you stay happy, healthy and enjoy your day.

See you in next chapter Gyes........ it's gonna be full of TaeKook moments..... Yeeee

For now TATA


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