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After few days ~~

Taekook were attending the class cuz today again jimin sneaked from the class's really argent work, it can't be delayed, So.....

At lunch time in cafeteria, Taekook come to have their lunch..... Jungkook have gone to take the lunch from canteen, here Taehyung was lost in his own thoughts..... actually, in thoughts of jimin, no matter what, no matter how much jimin assured, no matter how many times Taehyung have make understand himself that jimin will be alright, safe and sound....but, still in corner of his heart.....he is not assured by Jimin's assurance, still he is scared from the consequence of future.

Taehyung doesn't have any idea, what's his Best Friend is doing, where is he going, what he is hiding.......he can't do anything right now tho.... that's the main thing of he is worriedness.....they are soulmate, but they respect e/o personal space, they will not interfere in e/o personal space, if it is not dangerous and Taehyung know that jimin is not in any danger....he is perfectly fine.

It's just there is all time present a word that is........ What if.

At the mean time Jungkook come back from canteen with their lunch....both dig in. Taehyung was just chewing his meal with a plane expression..... Jungkook knitted his eyebrows in confusion and asked from Taehyung: Taehyung!!!what happened, are you okay, where are you lost??? A tones of questions Jungkook have asked...

Taehyung just shock his head mindlessly, he isn't focusing on anything right now.... After having their lunch, Jungkook again goes towards canteen and come with two milkshake, one for himself Banana flavour and another for Taehyung strawberry flavour.

Taehyung was waiting for Jungkook on cafeteria entrence to go back their classroom, Jungkook come with milkshakes and hand over taehyung's milkshake to him and hold his wrest in his hand delicately, making his way out of the way from cafeteria.

On place of going towards his classroom, Jungkook took a turn towards rooftop..... Taehyung confusely asked from Jungkook....why he is taking him on rooftop, but didn't get any answer just a sweet smile.

Taekook reached on rooftop, Jungkook took Taehyung towards a side of rooftop, in the shadow of trees.

Both stand there sometime side by side in silence, after inhaling some fresh air and drinking some fresh sweet  milkshake.... Taehyung is feeling lighter than before,  Jungkook too inhaled and finally decided to ask from Taehyung  what's the actual matter.

And Taehyung did share with jungkook his thoughts, his worriedness and all...

After thinking sometime Jungkook said: Let's spy jimin....i mean to say, let's go after jimin when next time he will sneak from class....we will not go close to him.....we will just look him from a safe distance.....we not gonna interfere in his privacy....we will just make sure that he alright, safe and sound..... that's all.

Like that, we will be assured that he is actually safe.... and you too will be peaceful..... what's say about my idea, Jungkook said wiggling his eyebrows. was you think it's that much easy to convence him.... it's not a cup of tea dude.

Taehyung just directly denied the idea of Jeon intelligent Jungkook.

For Teahyung, it was like....he doesn't believe jimin, he doesn't have left any fate in his bestie..... for him, it was still like interfering in Jimin's privacy..... following jimin secretly, it was crime in taehyung's prescription without Jimin's acknowledge.

Jungkook was alright with taehyung's decision....and actually Taehyung was right tho.......we can't just follow anyone secretly, only to satisfy our curiosity, or other matter what is the reason, we shouldn't do that.

After finishing their milkshake and discussion, taekook come back their classroom and after attending the classes..... Jungkook insisted from Taehyung to drop at his home cuz weather wasn't good.... it's not good for Taehyung to go home alone in this weather .... who knows when rain starts, when Strom one can tell that, So....

After few seconds, Taehyung agreed on jungkook dropping him home idea.... finally Jeon intelligent jungkook's one Idea get success.

On the entrance of Taehyung's home, Jungkook drop him and there, he saw taehyung's Hyungie was just going inside house.... may be after parking his car in garage cuz he was still in formal clothes.

Taehyung come out from car and saw his Hyungie at him, it's make him happy instantly.... Taehyung asked from Jungkook to meet his Hyungie, but hearing a loud thunder he got flinched badly..... Jungkook just make him go inside the house and drove back his own home saying he will meet Hyungie next time properly.....and if he didn't reached home on time.....his gorgeous lady, his Mum will be worried sick.

Taehyung bid bye to Jungkook saying drive safely and enter in his house.... waving Jungkook.


Hey!!!! My baby bunnies....

Here's the next chapter...............

Enjoy your days, happily........,...........

Always keep your smile bright 😊........

                     Borahae 💜<3

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